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Android Application Development: Better, Faster, Stronger!

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Filip maelbrancke TWITTER: @fmaelbrancke EMAIL: YOUR HOST EMAIL: consultant @ AppFoundry

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Why this session?

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First off... Why? What? How?

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Avoid problems

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You = McGuyver

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Deployment pipeline Commit stage Automated test/QA stage Manual QA testing UAT test Production Capacity / load testing

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Build pipeline Checkout / compile Unit tests Test coverage Code analysis Create deployable artifact Deploy for automatic QA test Trigger automated QA stage

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IDE Eclipse ! IntelliJ ! Android Studio

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Build Ant ! Maven ! Gradle

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CI Jenkins ! Atlassian Bamboo ! Travis ! Teamcity

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Testing JUnit / TestNG ! Mocking ! UI testing

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Build system

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Android project setup & build ant gradle

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Android SDK build system

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Gradle? why - goals Powerful build system declarative, flexible tooling API ! Unified across IDEs & CI servers ! Free / open source

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Basics buildscript { ! repositories { ! mavenCentral() ! } ! dependencies { ! classpath ‘’ ! }! }! ! apply plugin: ‘android’! ! android { ! compileSdkVersion 19 ! buildToolsVersion ‘19.1.0’! }! !

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Gradle tasks assemble debug / release ! check (test) check / connectedCheck ! build

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Build types build / packaging customization debuggable flag ProGuard signing configuration source / resources overlay debug and release prebuilt

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local dependencies dependencies { compile fileTree(dir: ‘libs’, include: ‘*.jar’) } android { ... }

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remote dependencies repositories { mavenCentral() } android { ... } dependencies { instrumentTestCompile ‘com.squareup:fest-android:1.0.4’ compile file(‘libs/protobuf.jar’) }

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multi-project setup MyProject/ | settings.gradle + app/ | build.gradle + libraries/ + lib1/ | build.gradle + lib2/ | build.gradle

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android library Binary Bundle (.aar) - Uploadable to repositories Support for - assets - ProGuard rules - Custom Lint Rules - ...

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build variants build variants product flavors

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Device vs emulator Genymotion

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Testing Manual testing is tedious ! Humans are not very good at testing ! But computers are...

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“Computers are designed to do simple repetitive tasks. The second you have humans doing repetitive tasks, all the computers get together late at night and laugh at you...” Neil Ford

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Manual vs Automated

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Manual vs Automated

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Early detection

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Excuses We never make mistakes! The functionality is trivial Tests slow us down Management won’t let us

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Unit test Isolated Repeatable Fast Self-documenting

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Repeatability Tests need to be run by every developer (no matter what development stack he uses) Tests must not rely on the environment in which they are being run

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Speed The shorter, the less distraction, less of an interruption to our workflow

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Self documenting Testable code is clear and easy to follow No need to explain how a certain component works, we can just look at the test No need to write documentation

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Self documenting Testable code is clear and easy to follow No need to explain how a certain component works, we can just look at the test No need to write documentation Tests = usage examples

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Testing Automated testing

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(Unit) testing in Android Android SDK (JUnit 3-based) Instrumentation tests ! Monkeyrunner The monkey UIAutomator + UIAutomatorViewer

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Android instrumentation tests JUnit 3 ! import junit.framework.*; public class MyTestClass extends TestCase { public void testMethodName() throws Exception { } }

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Android instrumentation tests Instrumentation = set of control methods or “hooks” in the Android system ! These hooks control an Android component independently of the normal lifecycle

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Android instrumentation tests Application Activity Service Content Provider

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Android instrumentation tests Isolate tests from the system: MockApplication MockContext MockResources MockContentProvider MockContentResolver MockPackageManager

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The monkey Generates pseudo-random stream of user events: clicks touches gestures system-level events ! stress test your app

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The monkey command-line tool Basic configuration options, such as setting the number of events to attempt. Operational constraints, such as restricting the test to a single package. Event types and frequencies. Debugging options. ! $ adb shell monkey -p -v 500

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UI testing UIAutomator ! ! ! ! Espresso

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Espresso Android UI test API ! © 2013 ! ! !

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Espresso Easier setup ! Fluid API ! Faster ! Extensible

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Espresso Code ! onView(withId(

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Third Party Tools Hamcrest

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Robelectric Android core libraries depend upon the actual Android operating system

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Robolectric AndroidTestCase needs an instance of the emulator to run ! Big time sink: - spin up emulator - deploy the APK - run the actual tests

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Robolectric Replaces the behavior of code that would otherwise need an emulator / device Write JUnit tests without the baggage of a device ! Does this by using Shadow Classes (mock implementations of Android core libraries)

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Roboelectric InstrumentationTestCase too slow / hard for unit testing? ! vs real device / speedy emulator

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Roboelectric advantages Unit testing fast and easy Make your own shadow objects JUnit 4 supported (Android = JUnit 3)

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Roboelectric disadvantages Does not cover all functionality (sensors, OpenGL, ...)
 → device needed Integration testing (interaction Activities - Services, camera app, ...)

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Build system

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Android project setup & build ant gradle

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Android build system

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Android Maven plugin android-maven-plugin 3.8.0 !

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Maven “Software project management and comprehension tool” ! Builds your software and much more ! De-facto standard for Java software builds ! Convention over configuration ! Declarative rather than procedural

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Maven and Android Android Maven Plugin – core tool ! M2Eclipse, m2e-android – for Eclipse users ! Maven Android SDK Deployer – for SDK libraries ! Maven Android Archetype – project templates

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Gradle vs Maven Gradle Maven Build variants / product flavors ✔ ✖ Android test framework ✔ ✔ Robotium ✔ ✔ Roboelectric ✔ ✔ UIAutomator / Monkey ✖ ✔ Code coverage ✖ ✔ Code quality (pmd, checkstyle, findbugs, lint) ✔ ✔ Aggregation ✔ ✔

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Mocks Easymock ! Mockito - uses DexMaker to generate mock classes

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Mocking Mocking Frameworks allow us to test the code you want, without its dependencies. Mock objects can simulate the behaviour of complex objects. Mock objects isolate the unit of code you are testing.

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Mockito Prepare the mock + behavior ! Test the method of interest ! Validate that the mock saw what we expected / didn’t see anything unexpected

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Robotium Extension of the Android testing framework Makes it easier to write UI tests Inherits from ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 Main class for testing is Solo Solo is initialized with the instrumentation of the testcase and the activity to test

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Android FEST Syntactic sugar Extension of the FEST library Fluent syntax for checking assertions Makes tests easier to read/write !

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Android FEST assertEquals(View.GONE, view.getVisibility()); assertThat(view).isGone(); expected: <8> but was: <4> Expected visibility but was .

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Android FEST assertEquals(View.GONE, view.getVisibility()); assertThat(view).isGone(); expected: <8> but was: <4> Expected visibility but was . JUNIT ANDROID FEST

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Android FEST JUNIT ANDROID FEST assertEquals(View.VISIBLE, layout.getVisibility()); assertEquals(VERTICAL, layout.getOrientation()); assertEquals(4, layout.getChildCount()); assertEquals(SHOW_DIVIDERS_MIDDLE, layout.getShowDividers()); assertThat(layout).isVisible() .isVertical() .hasChildCount(4) .hasShowDividers(SHOW_DIVIDERS_MIDDLE);

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Spoon Automate test execution across multiple devices ! Aggregate the results ! Aggregation of screenshots

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Spoon: overview

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Spoon: device view

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Spoon: test view

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Spoon: screenshots Visual inspection of tests execution Spoon.screenshot(activity, "initial_state"); /* Normal test code... */ Spoon.screenshot(activity, "after_login");

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Behavior Driven Development

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(Unit) testing in Android Android SDK (JUnit 3-based) Instrumentation tests ! !

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Third party libraries Robotium RoboElectric Mockito Fest Android Spoon

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Cloud testing

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A better Android emulator Automate testing ! Dozens of devices - different screen sizes - different Android versions

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Android Gradle integration

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Continuous integration benefits Fast feedback - fewer errors Test everything on every (nightly) build Less manual testing Regression tests without additional effort

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Repository manager

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Architecture Simple architecture ! Dependency injection

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Code quality

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Quality Tools for Android Tools-for-Android

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Quality Tools for Android

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Build pipeline tools Build (maven - gradle) Dependency repo (nexus - artifactory) Testing framework (JUnit - ...) Test coverage (Cobertura - Emma - Jacoco) Code analysis (Checkstyle, findbugs, pmd, Android Lint) Creation of deployable artifact (buildtool, artifact repo) Trigger next stage

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Better Android apps

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Suggested reading Android Application Testing Guide Diego Torres Milano (9781849513500) Robotium Automated Testing for Android 
 Hrushikesh Zadgaonkar (9781782168010) ! 

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Suggested reading Test Driven Development: By Example Beck, Kent (978-0321146533) Continuous Integration: Improving 
 Software Quality and Reducing Risk 
 Duvall, Paul M. et al. (978-0321336385) Working Effectively with Legacy Code
 Feathers, Michael (978-0131177055) 

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Suggested viewing Google IO sessions

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Q + A

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Filip maelbrancke TWITTER: @fmaelbrancke EMAIL: THANK YOU EMAIL: consultant @ AppFoundry