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ReactiveCocoa and its Recent State @ikesyo Realm meetup #15, 2016-05-27 Fri @Sansan #realm_jp

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@ikesyo • ͍͚͠ΐʔʗ஑ా ᠳ • ͸ͯͳ@ژ౎ • •

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✨ Contributions ✨ • ReactiveCocoa • Carthage (Commandant, ReactiveTask) • Result • Himotoki • APIKit

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Recent State of ReactiveCocoa

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New Member • @RuiAAPeres Issues • Reduced from around 250 to 80+ (as of 2016-04-26) • 28 issues as of 2016-05-26

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Moving Rex to the ReactiveCocoa org #2790 1. Discoverability 2. Credibility 3. Expansion 4. Easier to manage

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Split Objective-C and Swift APIs going forward #2807 Correct me if I'm wrong, but maintaining both an Objective-C and Swift API for RAC is a bit of a burden, right? Perhaps going forward it's worth thinking about slimming ReactiveCocoa down to just support Swift. I'm sure you guys feel the pull of writing things in Swift as much as I do ! Obviously there's a lot of people reliant on the Objective-C APIs (myself included, for some rather large projects) but if there's support for this idea, splitting the language support up into separate repos/projects might be a good first step? What do you think?

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Remove Objective-C APIs #2830 As discussed in #2807, we will move the Objective-C APIs to a separate repo and also move the Obj-C/Swift bridging to a separate repo. This will need to happen as part of the 5.0 release because it is a breaking change.

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We are heading to ... • ReactiveCocoa: ReactiveSwift + UI Bindings • ReactiveSwift: Swift only • ReactiveObjC: Objective-C only • ReactiveObjCBridge: Swift <-> ObjC Bridge

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Community • Community is really important ! • • ReactiveCocoa Community Projects • Inspired by the RxSwift Community • Let's expand the ecosystem! • Slack channel: #reactivecocoa • • Contact to @ReactiveCocoa if you want to join!

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Utilities / Examples • RACurated: Curated list of ReactiveCocoa projects • Carthage/Carthage ! • MailOnline/Reactor • ... • RACCommunity/RACNest • inamiy/ReactiveCocoaCatalog

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Reactive Swift Meetup (2016-04-13) • • ReactiveCocoaೖ໳ by @Nirma • Getting Started with ReactiveCocoa v4.1.0 by @inamiy • ...

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Carthage and ReactiveCocoa

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Streams of Events over time

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• Create enclosing xcworkspace, add ReactiveCocoa by jspahrsummers · Pull Request #24 · Carthage/Carthage • Create Task module for shelling out by jspahrsummers · Pull Request #25 · Carthage/Carthage • Build project directories using xcodebuild by jspahrsummers · Pull Request #26 · Carthage/Carthage • Update to the new RAC.Swift API by jspahrsummers · Pull Request #31 · Carthage/Carthage • Upgrade dependencies by jspahrsummers · Pull Request #368 · Carthage/Carthage

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• Promise, ColdSignalͳͲࠓ͸ͳ͖ܕୡ • Signal/SignalProducer΁ͷมભ • Carthageͷ։ൃΛ௨ͯ͠RAC 3.0ͷAPIΛςετɺચ࿅ 1 1 γϯϓϧͳύοέʔδ؅ཧπʔϧ Carthage - Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for SQLite & Core Data

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ඇಉظॲཧͷఆܕԽ • APIຖʹελΠϧ͕ҟͳͬͯ໎Θͳ͍Α͏ʹ͢Δ • delegate, target-action, callback(Ҿ਺΋༷ʑ), ... • ඇಉظॲཧͷνΣʔϯ • ! Callback Hell • flatMap • flatten ίʔυϕʔεશମͰ࢖͏ͷ͕ޮՌతʢϩοΫΠϯ !ʣ

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signal.observe { event in switch event { ... } } // observeNext, observeCompleted, ... producer.start { event in switch event { ... } } // startWithNext, startWithCompleted, ... aProducer .flatMap(.Merge) { self.b($0) } .flatMap(.Concat) { self.c($0) } .start(Observer(completed: { ... }, next: { value in ... }))

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// ReactiveTask public struct Task { public var launchPath: String public var arguments: [String] public var workingDirectoryPath: String? public var environment: [String: String]? public init( _ launchPath: String, arguments: [String] = [], workingDirectoryPath: String? = nil, environment: [String: String]? = nil) { self.launchPath = launchPath self.arguments = arguments self.workingDirectoryPath = workingDirectoryPath self.environment = environment } } public func launchTask( task: Task, standardInput: SignalProducer? = nil ) -> SignalProducer, TaskError>

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// Tentacle public final class Client { public func releasesInRepository( repository: Repository, page: UInt = 1, perPage: UInt = 30 ) -> SignalProducer<(Response, [Release]), Error> public func releaseForTag( tag: String, inRepository repository: Repository ) -> SignalProducer<(Response, Release), Error> public func downloadAsset( asset: Release.Asset ) -> SignalProducer }

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ඇಉظॲཧͷఆܕԽ • ಉظతAPI • ςετɺCLIϓϩάϥϜ • RxSwift: RxBlocking // SignalProducer func first() -> Result? func single() -> Result? func last() -> Result? func wait() -> Result<(), Error>

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// Commandant public protocol CommandType { associatedtype Options: OptionsType associatedtype ClientError: ClientErrorType = Options.ClientError var verb: String { get } var function: String { get } func run(options: Options) -> Result<(), ClientError> }

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// CopyFrameworks.swift public struct CopyFrameworksCommand: CommandType { public func run(options: NoOptions) -> Result<(), CarthageError> { return inputFiles() .flatMap(.Concat) { frameworkPath -> SignalProducer<(), CarthageError> in let frameworkName = (frameworkPath as NSString).lastPathComponent let source = Result(..) let target = frameworksFolder().map { $0.URLByAppendingPathComponent(frameworkName, isDirectory: true) } return combineLatest( SignalProducer(result: source), SignalProducer(result: target), SignalProducer(result: validArchitectures()) ) .flatMap(.Merge) { (source, target, validArchitectures) -> SignalProducer<(), CarthageError> in let copyFrameworks = copyFramework(...) let copydSYMs = copyDebugSymbolsForFramework(...) return combineLatest(copyFrameworks, copydSYMs) .then(.empty) } } .waitOnCommand() } }

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ಉظॲཧͷϥοϓ • ಉظॲཧ݁ՌͷϋϯυϦϯά΋ඇಉظॲཧͷ৔߹ͱڞ௨Խ • ಉظͱඇಉظΛҙࣝ͠ͳ͍ • ಺෦ॲཧ͕ಉظ͔ΒඇಉظʹมΘͬͯ΋ݺͼग़͠ଆʹ͸Ө ڹ͕ͳ͍ • ඇಉظॲཧͱͷ߹੒

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// Project.swift public func loadResolvedCartfile() -> SignalProducer { return SignalProducer.attempt { do { let resolvedCartfileContents = try NSString( contentsOfURL: self.resolvedCartfileURL, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding ) return ResolvedCartfile.fromString(resolvedCartfileContents as String) } catch let error as NSError { return .Failure(.ReadFailed(self.resolvedCartfileURL, error)) } } }

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// Project.swift public func updatedResolvedCartfile... { let resolver = Resolver(...) let resolvedCartfile: SignalProducer resolvedCartfile = loadResolvedCartfile() .map(Optional.init) .flatMapError { _ in .init(value: nil) } return zip(loadCombinedCartfile(), resolvedCartfile) .flatMap(.Merge) { cartfile, resolvedCartfile in return resolver.resolveDependenciesInCartfile( cartfile, lastResolved: resolvedCartfile, dependenciesToUpdate: dependenciesToUpdate ) } .collect() .map(ResolvedCartfile.init) }

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ܕ෇͚͞ΕͨΤϥʔ • Signal, SignalProducer • Result ͔Βͷੜ੒: attempt, attemptMap • throwsΛѻ͏࣌͸໌നͳܕ΁ͷΩϟετɺ΋͘͠͸NSErrorͱ ͯ͠ѻ͏ʢResultͷAPIʣ • RAC: Atomic, MutablePropertyΛআ͍ͯthrows͸࢖ΘΕ͍ͯͳ ͍ • Carthage: throws͸࢖ΘΕ͍ͯͳ͍

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// Errors.swift public enum CarthageError: ErrorType, Equatable { ... /// Failed to check out a repository. case RepositoryCheckoutFailed(workingDirectoryURL: NSURL, reason: String, underlyingError: NSError?) /// Failed to read a file or directory at the given URL. case ReadFailed(NSURL, NSError?) /// Failed to write a file or directory at the given URL. case WriteFailed(NSURL, NSError?) ... /// A request to the GitHub API failed. case GitHubAPIRequestFailed(Client.Error) /// An error occurred while shelling out. case TaskError(ReactiveTask.TaskError) }

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ܕ෇͚͞ΕͨΤϥʔ • Result.NoError: Πϯελϯεੜ੒Ͱ͖ͳ͍Τϥʔܕ • ࣦഊ͢ΔՄೳੑ͕ͳ͍͜ͱΛAPIͷγάωνϟʔͱͯ͠දݱͰ͖ Δ • <~ΦϖϨʔλʔʹΑΔMutableProperty΁ͷSignal, SignalProducerͷόΠϯσΟϯάͷͨΊʹ͸NoErrorͰͳ͚Ε ͹ͳΒͳ͍ 2 2

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// Git.swift internal func branchExistsInRepository(repositoryFileURL: NSURL, pattern: String) -> SignalProducer { return ensureDirectoryExistsAtURL(repositoryFileURL) .succeeded() .flatMap(.Concat) { exists -> SignalProducer in if !exists { return .init(value: false) } return zip( launchGitTask( [ "show-ref", pattern ], repositoryFileURL: repositoryFileURL ).succeeded(), launchGitTask( [ "show-ref", "--tags", pattern ], repositoryFileURL: repositoryFileURL ).succeeded() ) .map { branch, tag in return branch && !tag } } }

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ࢀߟURL • Visual Identity Refresh for 4.0 · Issue #2190 · ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa • ReactiveCocoa for a better world • [ON HOLD] ReactiveCocoa 3.0 by jspahrsummers · Pull Request #966 · ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa • jspahrsummers/RxSwift: Proof-of-concept for implementing Rx primitives in Swift • Release v3.0 · ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa • Release v4.0 · ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa • γϯϓϧͳύοέʔδ؅ཧπʔϧ Carthage - Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for SQLite & Core Data • The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing • ʲ຋༁ʳ͋ͳ͕ͨٻΊ͍ͯͨϦΞΫςΟϒϓϩάϥϛϯάೖ໳ • RxͷHotͱColdʹ͍ͭͯ - Qiita

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!" Happy Reactive Coding!! "!

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Thank you❗"