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My name is Lucas Mazza.

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@lucasmazza on Twitter & GitHub

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I’m from São Paulo, Brazil.

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We <3 OpenSource

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Documentation for fun and profit let’s talk about

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Documentation? seriously?

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Documentation is about communication.

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Documentation never forgets.

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Documentation helps you.

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Documentation helps your team.

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Documentation helps the new guy.

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code documentation 1

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“Just read the source” they say...

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but code can be:

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but code can be: 1. messy

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but code can be: 1. messy 2. too decoupled

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but code can be: 1. messy 2. too decoupled 3. dynamic

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but code can be: 1. messy 2. too decoupled 3. dynamic 4. all the above

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Documentation can provide a proper abstraction for your API

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And nobody gives a crap until they need it.

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def parse(header) directives = {} header.delete(' ').split(',').each do |part| next if part.empty? name, value = part.split('=', 2) directives[name.downcase] = (value || true) unless name.empty? end directives end

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def parse(header) directives = {} header.delete(' ').split(',').each do |part| next if part.empty? name, value = part.split('=', 2) directives[name.downcase] = (value || true) unless name.empty? end directives end # Internal: Parses the Cache Control string to a Hash. # Existing whitespace will be removed and the string is split on commas. # For each part everything before a '=' will be treated as the key # and the exceeding will be treated as the value. If only the key is # present then the assigned value will default to true. # # Examples: # parse("max-age=600") # # => { "max-age" => "600" } # # parse("max-age") # # => { "max-age" => true } # # Returns a Hash.

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So, document those hashes and splat arguments. # Document possible combinations def where(*every_possible_thing_ever) # ... end # What options it accepts? # What values are default? def where(stuff = {}) # ... end

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And maybe those bang methods too. # It mutates the object... def merge! # ... end # ...or raises an error? def save! # ... end

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Or suggest alternative implementations. # This is an internal method called every time Devise needs # to send a notification/mail. This can be overridden if you # need to customize the e-mail delivery logic. For instance, # if you are using a queue to deliver e-mails... def send_devise_notification(notification, opts={}) # ... end

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Choose your weapon: (but it isn’t that important) 1. RDoc 2. YARD 3. Rocco 4. Tomdoc 5. Plain text / markdown

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Not just your precious Ruby code

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Not just your precious Ruby code 1. CLIs and shell scripts

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Not just your precious Ruby code 1. CLIs and shell scripts 2. That truckload of JavaScript

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Not just your precious Ruby code 1. CLIs and shell scripts 2. That truckload of JavaScript 3. CSS modules and styleguides

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Not just your precious Ruby code 1. CLIs and shell scripts 2. That truckload of JavaScript 3. CSS modules and styleguides 4. and so on...

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Document what you think that needs documentation

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Rails has documentation for the public API

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Mongoid has docs for pretty much everything

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Bootstrap only has usage guides

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usage documentation 2

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How do I use [insert project name] on my app?

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Step 1 - start with a nice README

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Step 1.1 - maybe a website too

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Step 1.1 - maybe a website too /

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Step 2 - community guides

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Step 2 - community guides

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it should be easy to contribute to your documentation.

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otherwise nobody will contribute.

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GitHub wikis are awesome for this.

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Guides, posts and plugins

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Troubleshooting and help

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GitHub wikis might end up a mess.

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Devise wiki: 95 pages, 83 How-to’s.

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Content can get outdated easily. Isn’t easy to fix that.

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Examples with extra dependencies: HAML / Slim, RSpec, SimpleForm / Formtastic, etc.

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(btw, @dkastner is awesome) A lot of room for improvement

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By community, for the community. • Keep it simple. • Help keeping it up to date. • Spread the word.

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process documentation 3

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Companies can be creative

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Crazy setups and tools

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• SSH tunneling black magic. • Windows VMs. (yes, windows VMs) • Outdated/undocumented tools. • Permissions bureaucracy.

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Document it like it was open source. (Or enough to help new developers join the project)

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A tale of two markdowns

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Most Frequent Asked Question Ever:

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is this feature bugfix user story done?

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can I test this feature user story bugfix ?

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No one knows.

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Slide 67 text features and bugfixes that landed on the mainline

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Slide 68 text just like an open source project

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# Changelog ## Unreleased * [Bug #50] Fixed missing Devise translations ## 03-10-2013 * [User Story #200] New signup landing page * [Bug #49] Fixed broken links on 'About us' ## 03-07-2013 -2 * [User Story #199] OAuth2 support * [User Story #198] Deliver a welcome email to new users * Ruby version upgraded to 2.0.0-p1 :heart: ## 03-07-2013 * Security release, updated dependency XPTO.

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A few days and some changes later...

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No content

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1. Migrate the database

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1. Migrate the database 2. Setup a redis instance

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1. Migrate the database 2. Setup a redis instance 3. A bazillion of rake tasks

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1. Migrate the database 2. Setup a redis instance 3. A bazillion of rake tasks 4. ?????????

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1. Migrate the database 2. Setup a redis instance 3. A bazillion of rake tasks 4. ????????? 5. PROFIT

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Slide 79 text what needs to be done on the next deploy

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Slide 80 text because sometimes “cap deploy” isn’t enough

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Slide 81 text devops will love you

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# Deployment tasks ## Unreleased 1. Regenerate the app config YML with the ‘config:setup’ task 2. Run `rake data:import` to seed new data ## 01-18-2013 (v1.5.0) 1. Update API configuration for new endpoint ## 12-15-2012 (v1.4.0) 1. Install imagemagick on worker machines

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visibility and communication.

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managers, stakeholders, qa analysts, devops, newcomers...

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You can paste it anywhere and it won’t look programmer-ish.

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It helped us a LOT.

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it might help you.

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food for thought

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Documentation is about communication.

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Documentation isn’t a one man job. (Rails Guides has almost 300 contributors)

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Friends don't make friends reconstruct the entire callstack on their brains.

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Friends help friends to document the collective code.

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