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Module 5: Authorization and AJAX

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Authorization != Authentication

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We know who you are, but can you perform this action? “

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No content

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Role Based Authorization

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Authorization in Rails

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Authentication based authorization

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Role as a boolean

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User.first.admin? add_column :users, :admin, :boolean, required: true, default: false db/migrate/xxx_add_role_to_users.rb rails console

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Role as a string

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User.first.admin? add_column :users, :role, :string, required: true, default: “regular” db/migrate/xxx_add_role_to_users.rb rails console

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app/models/user.rb class User < ActiveRecord::Base USER_ROLES = [“regular”, “admin”] private_constant :USER_ROLES validates_inclusion_of :role, in: USER_ROLES def admin? role == "admin" end end

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Role as a table

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db/migrate/xxx_create_roles.rb create_table :roles do |t| t.string :name, required: true t.timestamps null: false end add_belongs_to :users, :role, index: true

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app/models/role.rb class Role < ActiveRecord::Base USER_ROLES = %w(regular admin) private_constant :USER_ROLES validates_presence_of :name validates_inclusion_of :name, in: USER_ROLES end

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Authorization Frameworks

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app/models/ability.rb class Ability include CanCan::Ability def initialize(user) @user = user if user public_send user.role else guest end end def guest can [:show, :update], Invite end ... ... def registered can :read, :all can :manage, Book do |book| book.team_id == end end def admin can :manage, :all end end

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app/controllers/restaurants_controller.rb def update @restaurant = Restaurant.find(params[:id]) authorize @restaurant if @restaurant.update(restaurant_params) redirect_to restaurants_path else render :edit end end app/policies/restaurant_policy.rb class RestaurantPolicy < ApplicationPolicy def update? user.admin? end end

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Asynchronous JavaScript And XML (AJAX)

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AJAX allows you to make requests to the server without reloading the page and receive and work with data from the server “

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AJAX with jQuery

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$.ajax({ url: "/restaurants" }) .done(function(html) { $("#results").append(html); }); $.ajax

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$.ajax({ dataType: "json", url: "/restaurants.json", success: success }); $.getJSON $.getJSON("/restaurants.json", function() { // success });

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Rails remote

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<%= link_to "Click me", restaurants_path %>

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<%= link_to "Click me", restaurants_path, remote: true %>

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<%= link_to "Click me", restaurants_path, remote: true %> Your request is now done via AJAX The request uses the JS format, and you have to handle it on the server