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GraphQL in Production Lokalleads GmbH Hackescher Markt 4 10178 Berlin Germany

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About us 16.10.17 2 Karol Wyszynski Co-Founder & CTO [email protected] LinkedIn: Bogdan Nedelcu Software-Developer [email protected]

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16.10.17 3 Lokalleads

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Lokalleads 16.10.17 4 B2B Service provider for craftsman with > 800 customers - Real-time calculator for complex quotation - Lead channel tracking(phone, email, showrooms) - Online Marketing SaaS

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Lokalleads 16.10.17 5 Founded in 2013 - 35+ employees - 8 applications - 7 developers - 4 programing languages

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The Journey to GraphQL 6 1. Why: Motivation 2. How: Transition 3. How: Challenges 4. What: Result

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7 Motivation

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Motivation – Legacy Infrastructure 16.10.17 8 Frontend Backend Frontend Backend Frontend Java Php Java Ruby Java ReactJS Frontend Frontend Frontend Backend Backend Backend

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Motivation - Legacy Application Stack 16.10.17 9 - Mostly MVC(Spring/Rails) with REST Endpoints - Server-Side rendered HTML with Ajax calls - One React JS Front End Client

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Motivation - Requirements 16.10.17 10 - Complex UI - Public API - Faster Development - Reduce integration effort - Reduce project onboarding - Performance

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Motivation - Solutions? 16.10.17 11 Complex UI - Experience with React.JS for over a year - Future Implementation in most of the clients - Developer team React knowledge

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Motivation - Solutions? 16.10.17 12 Public API - Pure REST standard is hard to implement - Unique URI´s, request methods has to have a meaning(PUT or POST?) - Need a Gateway for security and performance /product or /products PUT or POST which Content-Type ?

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Motivation - Solutions? 16.10.17 13 Integration effort - Deficient tolling: Postman - Documentation

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Motivation - Solutions? 16.10.17 14 Faster Development - Parallelize front-end and backend development - Communication and Transparency

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Motivation - Solutions? 16.10.17 15 Better Performace - Network road-trips - Reduce payload

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Motivation – Solution 16.10.17 16 Frontend Java Frontend Php Frontend Frontend Frontend Frontend Java Ruby Node GraphQL API Node

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Motivation – Technical Risk 16.10.17 17 Non industrial Standard API • Fastest growing community • Strong reference implementation by Facebook

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Motivation – Technical Risk 16.10.17 18 Lack of experience - Hired Professional Support for inital setup - Team Training

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Motivation – Technical Risk 16.10.17 19 • REST as a supplement All usecases covered?

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16.10.17 20 Transition

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Transition: Incremental Adoption 06.07.17 lokalleads 22 lokalleads Frontend Backend Frontend Backend Frontend Backend Frontend Backend Frontend Backend GraphQL Frontend Backend

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Transition: Client App Based 06.07.17 lokalleads 23 lokalleads Frontend Backend Frontend Backend Frontend Backend Frontend Backend Frontend Backend Frontend Backend GraphQL

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Transition: Client Requirements 06.07.17 lokalleads 24 lokalleads - Concurrent request - Different data sources - Reactive: On user action more requests

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Transition: Development Process Schema Design Backend && Frontend Production

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Transition: GraphQL Schema Prefer building a Graph-QL schema that describes how clients use the data, rather than mirroring the legacy database schema.

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Transition: GraphQL Schema

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Transition - Mock Data REST responses were used as mock data.

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Transition: Development Process Schema Design Production Development

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Transition: Client App Based View 1 View 1 View 1 View 1 View 1 GraphQL Server Resolver2 Resolver 2 Resolver1

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Transition - GraphiQL

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Transition - Apollo Client

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Transition - Voyager

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Transition: Development Process Schema Design Production Backend && Frontend

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Transition: Production Tips

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Transition: Production Tips

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Challenges: Thinking in Graphs 06.07.17 lokalleads 37 In the REST implementation data is modeled in terms of network services. /campaigns /campaigns_and_metrics /campaigns_and_statistics

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Challenges: Thinking in Graphs 06.07.17 lokalleads 38 With GraphQL, you model your business domain as a graph. /campaigns /campaigns_and_metrics /campaigns_and_statistics

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Challenges: Thinking in Graphs 06.07.17 lokalleads 39

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Challenges - Thinking in Graphs 06.07.17 lokalleads 40

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Challenges - Schema Agreement 06.07.17 lokalleads 41 - Development starts with the Schema - Hard types force the team to agree before hand

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06.07.17 lokalleads 42 Result

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Results - Release Speed 2Xrelease speed***. - Parallelized workflow - Better Tooling - Frontend team Autonomy

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Results: Release Speed 2Xless onboarding time. - Clean API - Tooling - Hard Typed

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Results: Release Speed 2Xless time documenting. - Code as Documentation - GraphiQL as API inspector

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Results: Release Speed 10Xdev happiness. - Tooling - YPWNT

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06.07.17 lokalleads 47 Many Thanks!