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Re-wiring the Enterprise for UX Impact Jen Cardello | September 2022 Photo by Nicolas Thomas on Unsplash

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Jen Cardello, SVP UX Research & Insights | Fidelity Investments @jencardello

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Strategic Design Consulting TSDesign UX Leadership Gomez, Watchfire, & Keynote UX Consulting Self-employed UX Thought Leadership IA, navigation, persuasion, analytics 1995 1996 1998 2006 2008 UX Leadership Research, Design, Platforms 2014 2018 Business Leadership UX Research BFA, Architecture Jen Cardello, SVP UX Research & Insights | Fidelity Investments

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What UX leaders do Help organizations realize impact from their UX investment ü Attracting and retaining top UX talent ü Setting them up for success ü Unblocking so they can have impact What that means

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What we’re going to talk about today Organizational typology Instruments to help rewire How to determine typology

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380 B.C. – Astronomer Eudoxus 2nd century A.D. - Ptolemy

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380 B.C. – Astronomer Eudoxus 150 A.D. - Ptolemy 1543 - Copernicus 1608 - Galileo 1617 - Kepler

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Inside-out Outside-in

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Organizational Typology Inside-out Outside-in How can you determine location on the continuum? ORG-CENTRIC HUMAN-CENTRIC

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Design Framework

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We created this framework to… Avoid a ”menu of services” to pick from Categorize and measure our work Influence discovery research over “testing” We turned it into a checklist

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RIGHT PROBLEM RIGHT SOLUTION DONE RIGHT q Stakeholder articulates business problem Acquisition, Retention & Growth, and/or reducing Operational Expenses q Product team (incl. UX) articulates customer & user problems • Audit existing customer/user experience • Observe and talk with customers/users • Use jobs-to-be-done to focus opportunities q Ideate multiple solutions Facilitate sessions with internal SMEs and customers/users to generate many possible solution concepts q Test solutions Conduct qual and quant tests to narrow down possibly solutions q Run experiments q Create prototypes q Test and iterate q Launch themed releases q Measure and improve in- market q Articulate assumptions, hypotheses, and target metrics q Select one solution UX Success Checklist q Design North Star vision

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RIGHT PROBLEM RIGHT SOLUTION DONE RIGHT q Stakeholder articulates business problem Acquisition, Retention & Growth, and/or reducing Operational Expenses q Product team (incl. UX) articulates customer & user problems • Audit existing customer/user experience • Observe and talk with customers/users • Use jobs-to-be-done to focus opportunities q Ideate multiple solutions Facilitate sessions with internal SMEs and customers/users to generate many possible solution concepts q Test solutions Conduct qual and quant tests to narrow down possibly solutions q Run experiments q Create prototypes q Test and iterate q Launch themed releases q Measure and improve in- market q Articulate assumptions, hypotheses, and target metrics q Select one solution Inside-out q Design North Star vision

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Nick Finck | @nickf |

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RIGHT PROBLEM q Stakeholder articulates business problem Acquisition, Retention & Growth, and/or reducing Operational Expenses q Product team (incl. UX) articulates customer & user problems • Audit existing customer/user experience • Observe and talk with customers/users • Use jobs-to-be-done to focus opportunities q Articulate assumptions, hypotheses, and target metrics What if… 25% 50% 25% 100%

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4 Rewiring Initiatives Establish a Shared Language 1 Create a user-centric scaffolding 2 Bridge inside-out and outside-in 3 Appreciate and empower your advocates 4

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Shared Language 1 How do we consistently bring value to customers?

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Experience Platform Customer Enablers Value Delivery Model 1 1. Identify opportunities 2. Create offerings with product-market fit 3. Design journeys and pathways to, within, and between our offerings 4. Build and consume core and common capabilities to accelerate delivery

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Experience Platform Customer Segments Needs Why do they need our help? • Invest • Protect • Give • Save • Borrow • Spend • Earn • Assess • Plan • Budget L1 “NEEDS”: Who do we choose to serve? Market Segment Customer/Client Technical Capabilities Business Capabilities Capability Capability Capability Capability Capability Capability Capability Capability Journeys & Tasks Offerings Task Task Task Task Task What do we provide of value? How customers/clients with our associates experience our offerings Offerings Go to Market Value Prop Solution, Product, and/or Service Economic Model Target Market Target Needs Enablers Disciplines & Methodologies Product Management Developer Experience Business Agility Implementation Patterns APIs/Services Platforms Digital Products 1

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Segments Needs Journeys & Tasks Offerings Experience Platform Customer Something that people are looking to accomplish. Includes desired user outcomes communicated as opportunities for the firm A grouping of people based on common set of characteristics used to help predict needs & make recommendations: Customers, Clients, Advisors The products, services, and/or solutions that we promote to our segments to meet their needs. Has a value proposition, an economic model, and a go-to-market plan Technical Capabilities Business Capabilities The process a customer goes through in order to achieve an outcome. Each Journey has stated outcome, value, a set of tasks the customer experiences and backend processes & people who help execute the Journey Enablers Disciplines & Methodologies Implementation Patterns A particular ability or capacity that a business may possess or exchange to achieve a specific purpose or outcome Platforms that enable us to build and run our capabilities Elements connect and work together through various implementation patterns and technologies that are bounded by common rules, standards and practices 1

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User-centric scaffolding 2 Looking at our business from an outside-in perspective

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Journey Atlas Task Atlas Create a user-oriented view of your experiences 2

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24 Journey Atlas AMPLIFY USE & DELIGHT ACTIVATE CONNECT PHASE METRIC THEMES Acquisition Time-to-value Retention & Friction Growth JOURNEY PATTERNS 7 24 8 5 2

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25 Enterprise Task Atlas 1500 tasks • User tasks • Associate tasks • System tasks Examples: • Open a brokerage account • Link a bank account • Transfer assets from another firm • Place a trade 100 Mission-critical User Tasks 2

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Journey & Task Hierarchy Journey Patterns 26 2

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Journey Patterns Journey Phases CONNECT ACTIVATE USE & DELIGHT AMPLIFY 27 Journey & Task Hierarchy 2

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28 Become a customer Download App Register Select account Open account Add a bank Transfer $ Sign up for alerts Transfer assets Fulfill offers & bundles Configure app Critical User Tasks Journey Pattern Journey & Task Hierarchy 2

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Download App Register Select account Open account Add a bank Transfer $ Sign up for alerts Transfer assets Fulfill offers & bundles Configure app Critical User Tasks How might we identify if a journey and/or task within a journey is causing too much friction? 29 Download App Register Select account Open account Add a bank Transfer $ Sign up for alerts Transfer assets Fulfill offers & bundles Configure app Critical User Tasks Experience Measurement 2 Become a customer Journey Pattern

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Build bridges 3 Connect inside-out and inside-in

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WHAT PEOPLE NEED HOW PEOPLE EXPERIENCE US HOW WE DELIVER EXPERIENCES TO PEOPLE TOTAL EXPERIENCE MAP E2E JOURNEY LAYER ORG JOURNEY LAYER SERVICE BLUEPRINT LAYER CURRENT STATE What is involved in bringing our solutions to people, i.e., our people, processes, and technology What people (customers/ prospects/ participants/ clients) are trying to accomplish throughout their journey, and what they need along the way Where we show up within the E2E journey People’s experience with our solutions, and the extent to which our solutions help them make progress along the way Innovation Opportunities: Focus on satisfying unmet needs Growth Opportunities: Focus on expanding into E2E Journey Steps where you don’t currently play Customer Experience Improvement Opportunities: Focus on fixing existing pain points within the customer experience Process Improvement Opportunities: Focus on fixing existing pain points and inefficiencies in relation to internal people/process/technologies Marketing/Communication Opportunities: Focus communications on customer needs that you satisfy well IMPROVEMENT OPPORTUNITIES 3

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WHAT PEOPLE NEED HOW PEOPLE EXPERIENCE US HOW WE DELIVER EXPERIENCES TO PEOPLE TOTAL EXPERIENCE MAP E2E JOURNEY LAYER ORG JOURNEY LAYER SERVICE BLUEPRINT LAYER What is involved in bringing our solutions to people, i.e., our people, processes, and technology What people (customers/ prospects/ participants/ clients) are trying to accomplish throughout their journey, and what they need along the way Where we show up (within the E2E journey) People’s experience with our solutions, and the extent to which our solutions help them make progress along the way CURRENT STATE NORTH STAR What will be involved in bringing our future solutions to customers i.e., our people, processes, and technology This layer is carried over from the Current State Map, because what people are trying to accomplish, and the things they need do not change Where we want to show up across each step of the E2E Journey The desired customer experience with our solutions 3

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E2E JOURNEY LAYER Captures all steps of a person’s E2E journey (inside & outside of our walls), and the specific needs they have at each step Purpose: Determine what people are trying to accomplish along their journey Perspective: Customer E2E Journey Steps Customer Needs ORG JOURNEY LAYER Identifies the steps where we have solutions within the E2E Journey, illustrates how people experience us during each of those steps, and determines how well (or not) our solutions help them make progress Purpose: Determine where we show up and how we are doing Perspective: Customer SERVICE BLUEPRINT LAYER Captures the people, processes, and technology associated with bringing our solutions to customers Purpose: Illustrate internal workings Perspective: Org Journey Patterns & Tasks People STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 1 2 3 Customer need… Customer need… Customer need… 1 2 Customer need… Customer need… 1 2 3 Customer need… Customer need… Customer need… 1 2 3 Customer need… Customer need… Customer need… 1 2 Customer need… Customer need… Task Task Task Task Task Task Task Task Task Task Task Task Problems / Pain points Processes Technology (e.g., capabilities) Steps Where we Play CURRENT STATE Identifying Opportunities Via Mapping TOTAL EXPERIENCE MAP

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Appreciate & empower UX advocates 4

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From an advocate “Please let us know how we can help UX researchers feel better about working with our business unit. It’s an amazing organization, and perhaps we aren’t enabling people to see the value prop!” q Partner with us to discover opportunities, ideate and identify useful solutions, and ensure usable digital experiences q Enable rapid and regular access to end- users of the digital experience to support the above-mentioned q Resource UX Research at a 1:4 ratio (1 researcher for every 4 designers) q Enable a percentage of research to be proactively driven by the research team (versus fully reactive/service bureau model) Criteria for UXR Success

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Acknowledgements None of this is easy 1 It requires an extensive network of UX experts, multi- disciplinary partners, and similarly minded colleagues 2 It takes years 3 Driving change can be emotionally exhausting. Be kind to yourself: Take breaks, take breaths, and don’t take it personally 4

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Thank you! Jen Cardello Senior Vice President, Head of UX Research & Insights PS – we are hiring!