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- My English is terrible Warnings: - My first talk in English - Puedes preguntar en español

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@afonsopacifer Bienvenida CSS Lv5.

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Afonso Pacifer. Principal JS developer at @valleweb Host at @frontendbr Co-organizer at @meetupcss Former CSS evangelist @afonsopacifer

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Brazil Community.

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What? What happens To CSS4?

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Back to base

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World Wide Web Consortium

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Write Specs Implement Features

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CSS 4 ? CSS 5 ?

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Understanding the past to explain the future

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CSS short timeline

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1994 Håkon Wium Lie starts the first CSS draft. The first presentation about CSS happened in Chicago at the WWW Conference. Bert Boss interested in the idea started helping the project.

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1995 This year, In the same conference, the W3C became interested. The first e-mail list about CSS was created.

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1996 W3C released the CSS 1.0 specification. Internet Explorer 3 as the first browser to support CSS, followed by Netscape 4 and Opera 3.5.

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1997 The CSS Working Group It was officially created.

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1998 W3C released the CSS 2.0 specification. Erick Mayer release the developer suit for Opera. This project improving the browser CSS support.

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2011 W3C released the CSS 2.1.

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2014 W3C released the HTML 5 bundle. The CSS3 leaves the draft status to become a recommendation.

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1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 2011 2014 2020 CSS 2.0 CSS 2.1

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The solution?

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Much more than animations, flexbox, borders, etc…

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CSS 2.1 CSS 3 All CSS Specs Version 2.1 Flex box Selectors Grid Layout Custom properties Media queries LV 1 LV 1 LV 2 LV 4 LV 5 Modules Monolith

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A global CSS 4 or CSS 5 Don't make sense

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What happens inside a level?

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Working Draft WD Canditate Recommendation CR Proposed Recommendation PR Recommendation REC

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My Tips and Tricks

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Follow the Editors

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Help the Editors

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Study the Specs

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CSS Color Module Level 5

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Dynamically adjust color without preprocessors

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color-mix() Take two colors and mixing them

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mix-color( ) #ff0000 #00ff2f

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Browsers Support?

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Lets understand

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rgb(255, 0, 0) #ff0000 lch(54, 106, 40) lightness: 54.2917% chroma: 106.8390 hue: 40.8526

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mix-color(#ff0000 #ffff00 ) 60% 40% 60%

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How mix-color() work

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60% 40% + Mixed lightness lch(C1_L, C1_C, C1_H) lch(C2_L, C2_C, C2_H) C1_L * 60/100 + C2_L * 40/100 = X Mixed chroma C1_C * 60/100 + C2_C * 40/100 = Y Mixed hue C1_H * 60/100 + C2_H * 40/100 = z Result: lch(x, y, z)

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CSS is easy to learn But its very very hard to become an expert “

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color-contrast() Select the better contrast following the WCAG

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color-contrast( ) contrast ratio: 1.6 contrast ratio: 3.99 contrast ratio: 1.07 white #ccc, red, yellow

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Better A11y .button { color :color-contrast(var(—bg) var(--theme-a), var(—theme-b)); } Custom Design Systems Easy dark mode

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Browsers Support?

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And many others Cool functions

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CSS Colors lv5 Is the future

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The Dark Side of Polyfilling CSS

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My new side project: css-color-polyfill

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CSS Houdini

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Final tips!

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Empieza a hacer lo que no sabes, y la evolución será solo una consecuencia - Afonso Pacifer “

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@afonsopacifer Gracias.