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NodeJS for Architects PART 1 By Allan Chua

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Agenda How NodeJS works Tooling Building scripts like a boss Pre-requisites

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Series of topics NodeJS Scripting 1 Frontend Engineering React 2 API Development 3 Hosting static frontends in AWS 4 hosting APIs in AWS 5 Containers in AWS 6 Serverless APIs for AWS 7 Storing data in AWS 8

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Goal of Training Convert you to Solution Architects With skills in nodejs and AWS

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Pre-requisites Things that you need before you can work like a ninja in NodeJS

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Linux is recommended Any linux distro is fine But ubuntu is highly recommended because of its compatibility with major Ides If you are in windows, There’s a solution for that and it’s called windows subsystems for linux Macbook pro is the most loved machine by developers but its very expensive.

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Shell skill is a must Its almost impossible to Create automation pipelines and deploy NodeJS without having a decent shell skill.

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You’ll need a code editor and a browser of course IDE & Browser

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How node JS works

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JavaScript Originally Written for the Browsers But now works everywhere

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NODE JS Is a runtime responsible for executing JS outside a browser

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But how? If JS was made for browsers, how was it able to execute js everywhere?

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Thanks to v8 V8 is google chrome’s javascript engine

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How v8 works It is used by nodejs to take javascript and execute it outside a browser. machine executable code V8 translates takes js as input

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Server and client delta But there’s a difference between server and browser code • DOM • Cookies • Document • Window • APIs related to browser window • File system • EXECUTE Shell • Web servers and clis Browser Node JS

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Why NodeJS

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Asynchronous = Efficiency NodeJS is awesome because it enables superior use of compute resources in a server READ THIS GUYS:

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Single Language means happy owners - Less cognitive switch - Faster onboarding of developers - Faster engineering

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Could be used to make And many more Web ApiS websites Artificial Intelligence

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Largest programming ecosystem The large ecosystem of nodejs applications can easily result to reduction of engineering cost Stackoverflow Sample Projects Youtube Videos Medium Articles

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Core Tools NVM NPM NPX We’ll view tackle this on frontend and api development portions

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NVM Stands for NODE VERSION MANAGER. Installation Script

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NVM It’s shell-based cli tool used for managing the active version of nodeJs installed in your machine.

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NVM View all available versions download versions Switch Between versions

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NVM View all available versions

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NVM List versions with long term support

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NVM Use a Specific Version

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NPM Stands for NODE package MANAGER.

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NPM – Package Manager Open source Repository of packages Configuration like version, and type Package management Run and Manage Scripts

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Installed together with NodeJS

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NPM - Verify Verify NPM’s existence

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NPM Can also refer to: The open source repository of javascript packages

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The nodejs developer workflow

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The nodejs development workflow Install dependencies Initialize your project Write your code Execute application entry point

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Let’s rock and roll

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Let’s build an avatar generator in 5 minutes

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If you want to try it out later after the session

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Let’s setup a project

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Type all this code guys GENERATE-AVATAR.JS

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Run the code

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Let’s beautify our output Install colors package using the code above

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Update our javascript logging code Let’s utilize colors to sprinkle creativity on our logs

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Results Before change and after ^_^

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Let’s go crazier and make graffiti out of the text

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Update our Code again

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Sweet graffiti in your logs

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Challenge for this week

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Homework - I would strongly suggest using dual boot and have ubuntu as the 2nd boot system of your pCs - If you are in windows and you love it, setup WSL - Install Node JS - Install NVM

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Homework 1 Create a NODE JS script that can convert EXCEL files to JSON and save it on the disk

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Homework 2 Create a NODE JS script that can convert JSON files to EXCEL and save it on the disk

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Homework 3 Create a NODE JS script that can add a background image to a transparent PNG file and save it on the disk

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Homework 4 Create a NODE JS script that generates a QR code for a website and save it on the disk

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Homework 5 Create a NODE JS script that generates a barcode based on the provided product ID and save it on the disk

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Homework 6 Create a NODE JS script that retrieves data from movie list API and generate an excel file from it. Use this package:

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Next Week We will take a look at each of your outputs and

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Next Session We will look into frontend development using React JS