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@addyosmani chrome

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User Experience Happening Useful Usable Delightful Is it… ?

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What does the future of performance tooling look like?

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User-centric. Actionable. Contextual.

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User-centric. Actionable. Contextual.

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A Page Load in Lighthouse

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A Page Load in DevTools

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MPA vs. SPA Back / Forward Cache Core Web Vitals Pre- fetch & Pre- render Warm cache vs. cold cache And many more. Beyond initial page-load performance

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A User Flow is a series of steps a user takes to achieve a meaningful goal.

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MPA vs. SPA Purchasing Creating things User onboarding Inviting People Upgrading Cancelling page fl

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Designing User Flows 1.Who is the user? 2.What is their goal? 3.What steps help achieve this goal? Source: fl ows Photo by Bekah Allmark from Pexels

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Designing User Flows 1.Who is the user? 2.What is their goal? 3.What steps help achieve this goal?

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Designing User Flows 1.Who is the user? 2.What is their goal? 3.What steps help achieve this goal?

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User Flow: Buying something

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Introducing User Flows for DevTools & Lighthouse

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Export and Import User Flows Chrome Canary

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Edit User Flow selectors and timeouts

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Record flows from Lighthouse in DevTools 👩🔬

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What if you could use flows with other tools?

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https: / / $ node index.js cart.json Note: Very early and experimental 👩🔬🧪

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setEventName Navigate navigate setEventName Click execAndWait document.querySelector("#__next > div > main > div.Marquee_root__jkJK1.Marquee_secondary__8dcL6.marquee-container > div:nth- child(1) > a:nth-child(3) > div.ProductCard_header__qlwPO").click(); setEventName Click execAndWait document.querySelector("#__next > div > main > div > div > div.ProductView_sidebar__pNv5P > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2) > div > button:nth-child(3)").click(); setEventName Click execAndWait document.querySelector("#__next > div > main > div > div > div.ProductView_sidebar__pNv5P > div:nth-child(4) > button").click(); setEventName Click execAndWait document.querySelector("#__next > div > div.Sidebar_root__hUV6J > div > section > div > div > div > header > button > svg").click(); setEventName Click execAndWait document.querySelector("#__next > div > div.Navbar_root__oKPSU.shadow-magical > div > div.Navbar_nav__FsbqY > div:nth-child(1) > nav > a:nth-child(2)").click(); setEventName Click execAndWait document.querySelector("#__next > div > main > div > div > div.col-span-8.order-3.lg\:order-none > div.grid.grid-\:grid-cols-2.lg\:grid-cols-3 > a:nth-child(5) > div.ProductCard_imageContainer__G6HoR > div > span > img").click(); setEventName Click execAndWait document.querySelector("#__next > div > main > div > div > div.ProductView_sidebar__pNv5P > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div > button:nth-child(3)").click(); setEventName Click execAndWait document.querySelector("#__next > div > main > div > div > div.ProductView_sidebar__pNv5P > div:nth-child(4) > button").click(); setEventName Click execAndWait document.querySelector("#__next > div > div.Sidebar_root__hUV6J > div > section > div > div > div > div > div.flex-\ > div:nth-child(3) > a").click(); Example Output

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What about cross-browser testing user flows?

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$ npm install cypress $ npx @cypress/chrome-recorder cart.json

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$ npm install cypress $ npx @cypress/chrome-recorder cart.json $ npx cypress run - - record - - key

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User-centric. Actionable. Contextual.

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I am excited to announce my new position 🎉

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Load code proportional to what's onscreen.

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Only load what you users need.

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Preload LCP image Avoid large layout shifts LCP image shouldn't be lazy- loaded Avoid long main- thread tasks Images should have dimensions specified And many more. Lighthouse Actionability for Web Vitals

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Click âž¡ Open Menu

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Click âž¡ Add to Cart

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👩🔬 A new experimental Responsiveness metric 👆 Measures Runtime Responsiveness 🕓 Full Interaction Latency ⌨ Tap, Drag, and Keyboard Interaction to Next Paint (INP)

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Total Blocking Time (TBT) - Lab metric 🤖 Automatic, out of the box 👆 Measures Long Tasks until Interactive 🔮 Best way to predict Responsiveness

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70% 100ms 2x views Share of users that experience terrible Responsiveness at least once a week. That’s measuring one whole second of interaction latency UX research on expected latency to user input. RAIL model: Many studies cite even higher expectations for speci fi c fl ows. On desktop: Users load 2x more as many pages if they experience Good Responsiveness overall.

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Debugging performance

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Could this be better? A preview.

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User-centric. Actionable. Contextual.

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A StackPack allows Lighthouse to display stack specific suggestions.

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A Treemap displays large amounts of tree-structured data.

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Webpack Bundle Analyzer

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Improving performance is a journey

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User-centric. Actionable. Contextual. The future of performance tooling is:

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Reference sheet What prior art should I be looking at? • • • • fi sh/status/1509849613473226752 • • • • •

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Demos What should I be testing? • Vercel Commerce: • - Recorder, Flows • • • Could even use Google Search • Movies: • - Stack Packs. Maybe performance?

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What Videobolts should I use? Un fi nalized Speed logo reveal maybe Car drift - good Car wheel Car electric logo Space trails Anime impact - good Nitro Lightning logo Zap Cyber city good Titles Quick titles Nice little podcast based intro edit Titles bigger font Another opener text And can use pexels for user fl ows, speed etc

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What VideoHive should I use? Un fi nalized * Spectrum computer: Car racing reveal 14676946 waiting

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Real-world / Time

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Real-world / Time

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Addy Osmani Future Of Performance Tooling DevsForUkraine

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The web is composed of layers.

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Proprietary + Confidential The Platform Foundation Applications

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Proprietary + Confidential Hardware (CPU, GPU, RAM) and Network Operating System The Platform Foundation Applications

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Proprietary + Confidential Hardware (CPU, GPU, RAM) and Network Operating System Web Browsers Polyfills / Transforms The Platform Foundation Applications

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Proprietary + Confidential Hardware (CPU, GPU, RAM) and Network Operating System JavaScript Frameworks & Tools Components The Platform Foundation Applications Infrastructure Web Browsers Polyfills / Transforms

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If you want a fast site, test on slow hardware. regularly. Hardware (CPU, GPU, RAM) and Network

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Everyone talks about how Social Media is bad for your health, but what about JavaScript?

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There is a huge gap in CPU Perf between high-end vs. low-end phones

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There is a huge gap in CPU Perf between high-end vs. low-end laptops

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Good defaults matter. JavaScript Frameworks & Tools

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Can we make faster one-click away? Infrastructure

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Experimenting with performance using Cloudflare Workers Priority Hints improving Largest Contentful Paint from 2.6 s to 1.9 s in a test of Google Flights

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PageSpeed Insights combines real-world & lab (diagnostic) data.

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