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sbt-ugli er Lightning Talk @ ScalaMatsuri 2018 After party

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About Me Haruki Okada twitter/github: @ocadaruma Scala/Java developer

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What is sbt-ugli er ? er ≠ sbt-uglify Ugli es Scala sources

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Use cases ?

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How does it work ? Surround each Scala source with package block Replace newline with whitespace/semicolon Concat all sources

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Example Try to uglify scala-csv addSbtPlugin("com.mayreh" % "sbt-uglifier" % "1.0") $ sbt > uglify

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Result > test [info] All tests passed. [info] Passed: Total 60, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 60

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Example Try to uglify nscala-time $ sbt > uglify > test [info] Failed: Total 21, Failed 0, Errors 18, Passed 3 Exception: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.github.nscala_time. ...

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Example Seems a bug of Scala

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Conclusion Let's write a joke plugin and report issues