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Mauricio Salatino @Salaboy - Devoxx Greece - 2024 Closing the gap between Java and Cloud Native

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Mauricio Salatino @Salaboy • OSS Softw a re Engineer a t Di a grid • Working a nd contributing to CNCF projects like: • D a pr, Kn a tive, Crosspl a ne, Argo, vcluster, OpenFe a ture, Keptn 45% Discount Code ctwdevoxxgr45

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Agenda • E a rly lessons le a rned, J a v a a nd Open Source • The Cloud N a tive Sp a ce, Kubernetes a nd the CNCF • Next Steps

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Finishing university Me in 2007 • Computer Science M a ster’s Degree • I cre a ted my blog: https://s a l a • I decided to speci a lise on Middlew a re (J2EE -> J a v a EE 5) • First OSS contributions • Lessons Le a rned • Big g a p between university a nd the industry • I needed to c a tch up, I needed to be focused

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Contributing to OSS Me in 2009 • Community Contributor JBoss jBPM a nd Drools • jBPM a nd Drools Tr a iner (consult a nt) • Lessons Le a rned • The best w a y to le a rn is to te a ch • Trust yourself, even most senior developers h a ve gone through your journey • You need to le a rn to receive help, don’t be stubborn

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Life at Red Hat / JBoss Me in 2012 • Joined Red H a t a s p a rt of the jBPM a nd Drools te a m • A lot of JBoss Applic a tion Server + J a v a + J a v a EE • Lessons Le a rned • Alw a ys keep le a rning ( a nd sh a ring wh a t you le a rn) • Look for mentors • M a ke it a priority to meet people

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2015 - Containers & Kubernetes 🤯

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Demo Containers & Kubernetes Mauricio Salatino @Salaboy -

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Jumping to Cloud-Native Me in 2016 • Published my third book, but I w a nted to do cloud stu ff • This present a tion w a s the f in a l n a il in the co ff in

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The Cloud Native Space

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Joining the Spring Community Me in 2016 • Joined Alfresco / Activiti te a m to work on a Cloud N a tive version of Activiti • From J a v a EE to Spring Boot a nd Spring Cloud ☁ • Complex projects a nd rele a se pipelines (40 repositories, 10+ cont a iners) • 24/7 cont a iners a nd more Kubernetes • Lessons Le a rned • Keep a n open mind a nd try di ff erent tools • Le a rn to decipher the priorities of new communities • Follow the le a d of open source projects, don’t re-invent the wheel Mauricio Salatino @Salaboy -

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Software as a Service Me in 2018 • Joined C a mund a / Zeebe - Work f low Engine • Writing Kubernetes Controllers (in Go) • Kubernetes tools: Jenkins X, Kn a tive, Cloud Events, KEDA • Lessons Le a rned • Open Source projects/fr a meworks moving to S a a S o ff erings • Open Source becomes less relev a nt when is sold a s a service Mauricio Salatino @Salaboy -

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24/7 on Kubernetes, Full-time Go Me in 2019 • Joined VMw a re to work on the Kn a tive Project • Kn a tive is a Kubernetes Add-On, you inst a ll it on your clusters • Kn a tive is a ll a bout serverless a nd a utosc a ling • Written in Go • Kn a tive Functions • Lessons Le a rned • Helping developers in di ff erent l a ngu a ges is complex, but tot a lly worth it Mauricio Salatino @Salaboy -

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Demo Mauricio Salatino @Salaboy -

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More Kubernetes, but now closer to developers Me in 2022 • Announcements of VMw a re being a cquired by Bro a dcom • Joined Di a to work on the D a pr project • D a pr is a Kubernetes Add-On • Written in Go • Developer F a cing Applic a tion-level APIs Mauricio Salatino @Salaboy -

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Demo Mauricio Salatino @Salaboy -

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Mauricio Salatino @Salaboy -

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Dapr Mauricio Salatino @Salaboy -

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Mauricio Salatino @Salaboy -

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Let’s see some code!

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Mauricio Salatino @Salaboy -

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This is way too complicated! Mauricio Salatino @Salaboy -

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Next Steps Mauricio Salatino @Salaboy -

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To make this journey easier for developers I am on a mission • I explored two options (these a re not exclusive from e a ch other) Mauricio Salatino @Salaboy - https://testcont a https://d a

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Testcontainers and Dapr • Very strong in the J a v a community • Supports multiple l a ngu a ges but the strongest support is on J a v a • Strongly integr a ted with Spring Boot a nd Qu a rkus

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Let’s run a service without a cluster

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Dagger and Dapr • More close to CI a nd pipelines • Cross l a ngu a ge extensions a ppro a ch (Modules) • It provides a w a y to cre a te entire development experiences in di ff erent l a ngu a ges • J a v a a nd Dot Net a re currently community m a int a ined • https://betterprogr a a -j a v a -sdk- proof-of-concept-for-d a gger-io- b1067e256116

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Still this is not enough Mauricio Salatino @Salaboy -

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Building bridges Me, next Monday • Build deeper Spring Boot & Spring Cloud & Qu a rkus integr a tions • Spring Boot / Cloud Templ a tes a nd Binders for D a pr • Support more complex D a pr use c a ses for Loc a l Development • CNCF Applic a tion Development Working Group: • a g- a pp-delivery/issues/588 • Get feedb a ck from the J a v a Community Mauricio Salatino @Salaboy -

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Thanks! Do you want to work with me? Drop me a message on X -> @Salaboy Mauricio Salatino @Salaboy -