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PRESENTED BY Matt Stauffer @stauffermatt IN THE LARAVEL

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Laravel and the Enterprise Laravel Live UK 2018

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Laravel in the Enterprise Laravel US 2023

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“Type a quote here.”

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Why this talk?

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en•ter•prise [en-tər-prīz ] 
 noun 🤷

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Started with Wikipedia…

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“[Enterprise software…] is computer software used to satisfy the needs of an organization rather than individual users.” WIKIPEDIA

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“[Enterprise software is…] a collection of computer programs with common business applications, tools for modeling how the entire organization works, and development tools for building applications unique to the organization” WIKIPEDIA

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“According to Martin Fowler, ‘[a]bout the display, manipulation, and storage of large amounts of often complex data and the support or automation of business processes with that data.’” WIKIPEDIA

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Then asked on Twitter…

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J.T. GRIMES I don't think you can find consensus on what "enterprise" means, which means your audience will spend an hour arguing "but that's not enterprise!" instead of learning. 
 Here there be elephpant-shaped dragons. @JT_GRIMES

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JOHN CORRY [You know it’s enterprise if] we spend more time in meetings than we do building things. @JPCORRY

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MATT JOHNSON “Enterprise” is just code for “I have no idea what I’m doing on a project this big, please take this money and give me a 1-800 number to call when $#!7 goes south”. @MATTJOHNSONSTL

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• What is enterprise? • Aside: Is Laravel enterprise-ready? • Key considerations for enterprise: • Code • Process • Summary Agenda

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What is enterprise, really?

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Factors in enterprise projects/teams Team size Customer base size Legal and compliance constraints Dev team size

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Factors in enterprise projects/teams Complication of operations / deployments Distance to other teams (legal, QA, product, etc.) Length of projects Pain if of fl ine

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Factors in enterprise projects/teams Legal and compliance constraints Customer base size Dev team size Team size LARGE LARGE LOTS LARGE

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Complication of operations / deployments Factors in enterprise projects/teams Length of projects Distance to other teams (legal, QA, product, etc.) Pain if of fl ine LOTS GREAT LOTS LONG

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Is Laravel enterprise-ready? 1

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Yep. laravel-and-the-enterprise

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Moving on…

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Code considerations for the enterprise 2

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The biggest threat to enterprise Laravel apps is leadership who thinks all enterprise apps need {{ BUZZWORD }} 
 without knowing why.

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CODE CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE ENTERPRISE 2 • You’ve probably heard me talk about YAGNI before: You Aren’t Gonna Need It • Enterprise means more need for structure… 
 therefore more risk of over-engineering • Enterprise means more people who know what you “should” do but don’t actually know why. 
 As always, don’t do anything unless it’s actually clear why you’re doing it. YAGNI

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ANTHONY CLARK “It’s a lot easier to make simple things complex than it is to make complex things simple." DEVELOPER AT TIGHTEN CODE CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE ENTERPRISE 2

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CODE CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE ENTERPRISE 2 • YAGNI doesn’t mean “don’t plan”… • Rather, invest your time and e ff ort wisely. • Focus on e ff ort that keeps your developers productive and fl exible YAGNI (CONTINUED)

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KENT BECK “Software design is not about minimizing design complexity, but rather spending our complexity budget where it can do the most good.” CODE CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE ENTERPRISE 2

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CODE CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE ENTERPRISE 2 • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing Page Title

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CODE CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE ENTERPRISE 2 YAGNI: Scale edition • There’s no one magical tool for scaling! • Match the needs as they arise; extract DB, add caching, etc. • Use all the caches (CDN, Varnish/HTTP cache, database caches, etc.) and have smart caching/key/rotation strategies • Make it *very* easy to spin up a new instance of your app

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A few other tips…

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CODE CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE ENTERPRISE 2 • Lean on Laravel’s established conventions • Bene fi t: • Requires less decisions • Plays nicer with future tools • Allows you to onboard new devs more easily • Requires less documentation Stick to conventions

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CODE CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE ENTERPRISE 2 • Decide your conventions • Automate linting and fi xing • Document everything (especially startup) Set a standard

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CODE CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE ENTERPRISE 2 • Test that your code works • Test that your code works with the other systems it touches Test more than just your code

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CODE CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE ENTERPRISE 2 • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing Page Title

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CODE CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE ENTERPRISE 2 • Run those tests often • Run those tests automatically Test more than just your code

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CODE CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE ENTERPRISE 2 • Make the time between “I wrote the code” and “the code is in production” as short as possible • If possible, deploy on every push (CD) • The less frequently you ship code, the more traumatic it will be each time • should-not-be-scary/ Deploy often

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CODE CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE ENTERPRISE 2 • Bugs and performance issues aren’t bad; they’re signs from the app that we can now have a guided refactor • Plenty of tools to identify (debug bar, bug tracking services, etc.) • Plenty of solutions to consider (cache, queued jobs, microservices, etc. • “Fail fast, fi x fast” When things go wrong…

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CODE CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE ENTERPRISE 2 • Build your own thin abstraction in front of any external services (*even if* they have an SDK) • Abstractions we own are: • easier to standardize • easier to test • easier to swap depending on the environment • easier to update to use a di ff erent backing service Working with external services

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CODE CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE ENTERPRISE 2 • Build local seeders! Preferably in di ff erent states • “Take good care of your local seeds.” 
 - Tony Messias • At very least, build a local database state and load that .SQL fi le in your seeders Local seeds

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CODE CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE ENTERPRISE 2 • Microservices and APIs should meet real needs. • You build bad microservices if you don’t need them yet, bad APIs if you don’t need them yet. • can-become-the-citadel/ • API- fi rst is overrated 🔥 Microservices and API-first

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Process considerations for the enterprise 3

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PROCESS CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE ENTERPRISE 3 Why? • More developers; more new developers; more developers from other stacks; more junior developers How? • Conventions, documentation, IDE-friendliness • Bin scripts for setup; pre-packaged local dev environments • Good tests and seeds Make onboarding easy

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PROCESS CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE ENTERPRISE 3 Sprint cycles and lower-case “a” agile ⚙

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Enterprise apps are just apps 
 where everything that can be hard is hard.

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The best practices for writing Laravel in the enterprise Are the same as the best practices for writing Laravel anywhere else.

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