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The App Open Source Built

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@strickland @mps

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Open source will save you time & make your Apps better.

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As an iOS Developer, you can literally change the world.

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Saudi Arabia Russia Brazil Turkey France China

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What we do is hard. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it.

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There is no need to reinvent the wheel.

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Millions of people solving problems and sharing those solutions, today.

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~= Open Source

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~= Open Source •  4.2M Users & 8.4M Repos •  21K+ Obj-C Repos •  ~7K Obj-C Repos with 10+ stars

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~= Open Source 472 Obj-C Stars solving a wide range of problems. Networking Notifications Buttons Charting Logging Layout Cells Controls Popovers Pickers

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~= Open Source •  Problems you did not have to solve •  Solutions you did not have to invent •  Time you did not have to invest

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That is a lot of wheels we did not need to reinvent.

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Let’s venture behind the curtain a bit…

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The App Open Source built.

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No content

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Gitty •  402 commits to 1.0 •  65,148 lines of code •  122 issues •  19 pull requests •  1 Developer

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How Gitty uses Open Source

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BButton NSStringEmojize

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BButton WBNoticeView MKHorizMenu TTTAttributedLabel

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MSPopover RNGridMenu

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How Gitty uses Open Source

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Where do I start? •  GitHub Account • • l=objective-c

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Don’t just be a consumer.

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Open source is at its best when there is a healthy balance of sharing & consumption .

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What are you building or what have you built that you could share today?

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Then our message changes a bit.

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Open source will save others time & make their Apps better.

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@strickland @mps