Which architecture
should I use?
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What is the
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Not only this but we also lack certain «pieces»
along this architectures
or lack a clear understanding of where things
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What DO we have ?
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What DO we have?
(some of them at least)
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The «Problem» of MVC
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Verdict: By its basic definition not good enough
for complex apps
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class ViewModelA {
private let model: Model
var formattedCurrency: String…
var formattedProperty1: Double…
var formattedProperty2: String…
init(withModel model: Model) …
func getModels(completion:([Model]) -> ()) -> Void {
API.request(.GetModels) { jsonResponse in
// Parse the JSON response here
let models = …
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…an abstraction of the view exposing public
properties and commands… In the view
model, the binder mediates communication
between the view and the data binder.
The view model has been described as a state
of the data in the model.1
1 http://wayback.archive.org/web/20080201101909/http://
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It worked
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class ViewModel {
// Hold a reference to our DataController
private let dataController: DataController
// Hold a reference to the model we will be getting
private var model: Model?
func getModel(id: Int) -> Observable {
return Observable.create { observer in
.subscribe(onNext: { [unowned self] model in
self.model = model
// If we need to format something else we should do it here
}, onError: { error in
// Maybe properly format the error to the user here as well
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class ViewController: UIViewController {
// Retain a reference to our ViewModel
private let viewModel: ViewModel
func loadData() -> Void {
.subscribe(onNext: { [unonwed self] viewModel in
// Update your `UI` accordingly
self.nameLabel.text = viewModel.formattedName
self.amountLabel.tet = viewModel.hopsAmount
}, onError: { error in … }
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So… what did we do? !
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«That was the worst idea EVER…
BUT seeing how badly they tackled that
problem gave me an idea about how to
actually make it work.»
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