• 15years over freelancer
• 4years over company management
• Latest job
• Design Program Manager at
Money forward Inc.
• CEO at Miki Ishijima Inc.
Miki Ishijima
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What conditions allow you
to perform at a higher level?
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There's a deadline looming.
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If I don't do it,
I'll find myself in a tight spot.
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It's in line with
what I want to do.
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Most popular answer is …
When I felt that I wanted to be
of help to someone.
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Loving your team members is
an easy way to enhance your
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There's a deadline looming.
If I don't do it,
I'll find myself in a tight spot.
These approaches
won't hold up for long.
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The method could be difficult
for the management team to
implement or deal with.
It's in line with
what I want to do.
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No content
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This is a near-ideal teamwork culture
that I have been able to embody
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If there is a barrier, we can
overcome it with humor,
laughter, and simply expressing
our emotions.