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Introduction Docker Martina Kraus 22.03.2017 @wing121

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Agenda ● Docker Basics? ○ What is Docker? ○ Why should I docker? ○ Core concepts ○ Containers and images ● Dockerfile ● Docker-Compose Break ● Live Demo/ Hands On: Learning Docker together wit Bday #Labs 2

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What is Docker? Image: 3

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Image: 4 What is Docker?

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Docker is the world’s leading software container platform. Developers: use Docker to eliminate “works on my machine” problems when collaborating on code with co-workers. Operators: use Docker to run and manage apps side-by-side in isolated containers to get better compute density. Enterprises: use Docker to build agile software delivery pipelines to ship new features faster, more securely and with confidence for both Linux and Windows Server apps. What is Docker?

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Why should I Docker? Since (März 2013): ( ● > 40, 000 stars ● > 2000 Contributors ● > 2000 dockerized applications and images: ○ Redis, Node.js, Hadoop, MySQL, PostgreSQL ● Integration with Jenkins, Travis, Chef, Puppet, Vagrant and OpenStack ● Docker-Meetups everywhere!!!! ○ DockerCon 6

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Core concepts Image: 7

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Details ● Isolated process-memory, ● Every container has its own network, ● Container === isolated process, ● OS kernel sharing, ● Docker is written in Go, ● Native use for Mac OS, Windows and Linux 8

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• Standardized packaging for software and dependencies • Isolate apps from each other • Share the same OS kernel • Works for all major Linux distributions • Containers native to Windows Server 2016 What is a container?

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Docker-Images ● Fundament of Containers, ● Multiple containers can run using the same Docker-Image, ● Docker-Store contains some good basic images: ○ Nginx, ○ Node.JS, ○ MySQL, ● Containers are isolated from the Host and any other Containers: ○ You can decide what to share: ■ Ports, ■ Volumes (for persistent data (for database containers)), ■ networks, 10

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Let’s write our first Dockerfile 11

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Docker-Compose Define and run multi-container applications (services) with Docker ● Current Version: v1.11.2 ● Offers cli-tools for container management: ○ Start ○ Stop ○ Rebuild 12

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Let’s write our first docker-compose file 13

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15 Martina Kraus @wing121

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Further Readings ● ● ● 16