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Swift ఔࣜখ೤਎ XMLElement John Lin

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XMLElement • XML จ݅ཫతҰݸ Node, Լ໘ՄҎ༗ߋଟత Node

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XML • ௕త኷૾ HTML ɼෆաੋ፤ိଘࢿྉత • ࠷ۙᔒॄኄਓ༻ • େՈ౎վ༻ json ྃ

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XML ߏ଄ • 

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XMLNode • ॴ༗ XML ૬᮫త݁ߏ౎ੋṜݸ class త subclass • ՄҎ㗞ੜ֤छ subclass • ༗ Document, element, attribute, text, comment, namespace, dtd ౳౳

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Nodes • Document: ୅ද੔ݸจ݅ɼ။༗Ұݸ root element • Text: Ұஈจࣈ • attribute: Element తಛੑ • comment: Ḽղ • ଖଞɿ࿨ᱛᨽ༗᮫(DTD)

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㗞ੜXML • 
 var aaa = XMLElement(name: "aaa") var bbb = XMLElement(name: "bbb", stringValue: "ccc") aaa.addChild(bbb) bbb.setAttributesWith(["xxx": "yyy"])

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ኺXML Ꮣ੒ String • ୞ཁݺڣ String(describing:) print(String(describing: aaa)) ccc

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XMLParser • Delegate based streaming parser. • Delegate based => ෆ။௚઀ࠂૌ㟬݁Ռɼ୞။ࠂૌ 㟬ଞ۰౸ྃॄኄ • streaming parser => ෆधཁᩇ౸࠷ޙҰݸࣈ࠽။༗ ݁Ռ • ؆ᄸိ㘸बੋ኷೉༻

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ࢼ༻ XMLParser let xmlText = """ the best """ let data = .utf8) let parser = XMLParser(data: data!)

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ࢼ༻ XMLParser @objc class Reader : NSObject, XMLParserDelegate { func parserDidStartDocument(_ parser: XMLParser) { print("doc started") } func parser(_ parser: XMLParser, didStartElement elementName: String, namespaceURI: String?, qualifiedName qName: String?, attributes attributeDict: [String : String] = [:]) { print("got elem \(elementName) with attr \ (attributeDict)") } func parser(_ parser: XMLParser, foundCharacters string: String) { print("got value \(string)") } }

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ࢼ༻ XMLParser let delegate = Reader() parser.delegate = delegate parser.parse() output: doc started got elem swift with attr [:] got value got elem is with attr ["cool": "true"] got value the best got value

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Plist • Plist ༗ࡾछ ASCII, XML, Binary • Plist ࢧԉ Codable !!

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PropertyListEncoder PropertyListDecoder • ࢧԉ Encode & Decode • ՄҎ༻ Codable

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᫚ग़XML Plist struct People : Codable { let name : String let foods : [String] } let john = People(name: "john", foods: ["pudin", "cake"]) let encoder = PropertyListEncoder() encoder.outputFormat = .xml let encoded = try? encoder.encode(john) print(String(data: encoded!, encoding: .utf8)!) •

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᫚ग़XML Plist foods pudin cake name john •

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ࣗగ᫚ग़త Key struct People : Codable { let name : String let foods : [String] enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { case name = "full_name" case foods } }

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ࣗగ᫚ग़త Key foods pudin cake full_name john

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ኺ Plist ᫚ճ object let decoder = PropertyListDecoder() let another_john = try? decoder.decode(People.self, from: encoded!) • ။ࣗಈ൑Ꮧ plist ֨ࣜɼ࠶᫚੒ data

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݁࿦ • XMLElement ᕝ೉༻త • ཁଘ䈕త࿩ؐੋ༻ Codable ഑ JSON/Plist 㠧

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፮ᐔػ •