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John Eckman • @jeckman • #wcus • D I S T R I B U T E D, N OT D I S C O N N E C T E D : John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf E M P LOY E E E N G AG E M E N T F O R R E M OT E WO R K

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We have over 120 full time employees who work remotely from around the globe We’re a full-service digital agency. We make a better web with finely crafted websites and tools for content creators. John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf

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“Remote” implies there is a center, to be remote from. We’ve been deliberately distributed since day one. “Virtual” implies there’s something less-than-real about the company. John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf

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John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf B AS I C R U L E S A P P LY • Employees in distributed companies seek many of the same things as employees in a non-distributed company: • Clear expectations • Mastery & autonomy • Recognition • Sense of joint purpose / mission • Pride of accomplishment

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John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf E M P LOY E E E N G AG E M E N T S TA RT S E A R LY John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf

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John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf S E T C L E A R E X P E C TAT I O N S

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John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf D O N ’ T F O R G E T T H E B AS I C S

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A D C D A D E P M U X E N G S YS S M A L L , C R O S S - F U N C T I O N A L T E A M S John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf

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John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf C O M M U N I C AT E C O N S TA N T LY John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf

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John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf

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John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf V I D E O I S M A N DATO RY John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf

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John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf S M A L L G R O U P S

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John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf M E D I U M G R O U P S

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John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf L A R G E G R O U P S

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John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf 1 0 U P I N T E R N A L

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John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf

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John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf

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John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf G E T TO G E T H E R R E G U L A R LY John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf

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John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf

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John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf

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John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf

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John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf B U I L D T E A M S John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf

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John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf R E WA R D YO U R VA LU E S John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf

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John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf T R AC K E N G AG E M E N T John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf

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H E A RT B E AT S U RV E Y 2 0 1 4 2 0 1 5 2 0 1 6 Would recommend 10up as a place to work 85% 89% 92% 10up supports employees’ efforts to find work/life balance 66% 79% 85% John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf

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John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf

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John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf D I S T R I B U T E D, N OT D I S C O N N E C T E D • Keep employees connected: to their colleagues, their managers, and their clients. • Establish clear values & vision • Pervasive communication • Reinforce in person • Track engagement • Build relationships

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John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf • Q & A John Eckman • @jeckman • #rwconf