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Introducing Web Components #FELOneDay 09/13

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Peter Gasston @stopsatgreen

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Creative Technologist / Front-end lead

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1. Subject to change 2. There will be code

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Web Components

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The secret of Ultimate Power!

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What The FrontEndLondon?

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No content

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Shadow DOM

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Rendered but invisible in the DOM.

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No content

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Make your own Shadow DOM

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Shadow Root DOM Host Cat Wars

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Shadow root var newRoot = $(foo).createShadowRoot(), newEl = '

Shadow world!

'; newRoot.innerHTML = newEl;

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Hello world!

Shadow root

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Hello world!

Shadow world!

Shadow root

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Shadow DOM

Real DOM Shadow DOM Shadow Host

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A DOM hidden inside the DOM.

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Ultimate Power!

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A problem Shadow DOM

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No content

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.foo { color: #00f; } The problem { color: #f00; }

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The Solution Encapsulation

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Encapsulation 1. It has all it needs. 2. Nothing gets in, nothing gets out.

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Encapsulation 1. We run things, things don’t run we. 2. Don’t take nothing from nobody.

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● Extra network requests ● Multiple rendering contexts ● CORS conflicts ● Generally a bit shit Encapsulation

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Web Components Better encapsulation

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a set of emerging standards aimed at making reusable widgets. Web Components:

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the biggest change to web dev since XMLHttpRequest. Web Components:

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Shadow DOM Templates Custom elements

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Shadow DOM Templates Custom elements

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Shadow DOM Templates Custom elements

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Mustache, etc. <h2>Hello world!</h2>

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The template element

Hello world!

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The markup is inert.

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The template element

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The template element

Hello world!


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The content object var clone = $(foo).content.cloneNode(true), bar = document.getElementById('bar'); bar.appendChild(clone);

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Hello world!

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The markup is active.

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Templates + Shadow DOM var newRoot = $(foo).createShadowRoot(), clone = $(bar).content.cloneNode(true), newRoot.innerHTML = clone;

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The content element

Hello world!

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Good afternoon, London!

The content element

Hello world!

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Templates + Shadow DOM var newRoot = $(foo).createShadowRoot(), el = document.createElement('content'); newRoot.innerHTML = el;

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HTML Imports

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HTML Imports var lnk = 'link[rel="import"]', impt = document.querySelector(lnk), tpl = lnk.import.getElementById('foo'), clone = tpl.content.cloneNode(true);

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HTML Imports

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Shadow DOM Templates Custom elements

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Custom elements

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Custom elements document.register('front-end');

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Custom elements + shadow DOM + templates

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Custom elements document.register('front-end', { extends: 'button' }); Go

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Custom element API var fe = Object.create( HTMLElement.prototype ); = function() { // Something }; document.register('front-end', { prototype: fe });

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The element element … #document-fragment

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Fully encapsulated & reusable

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Encapsulation Reusability Portability Shadow DOM Templates Custom elements

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That’s basically it.

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No content

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Appendix A: More about Encapsulation

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The shadow boundary

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The shadow boundary CSS & JS

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The shadow boundary CSS & JS

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Shadow root var shad = newRoot.shadowRoot; shad.querySelector('h2');

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The shadow boundary CSS

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.applyAuthorStyles newRoot = foo.createShadowRoot(); newRoot.applyAuthorStyles = true;

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The shadow boundary CSS

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The part attribute var newRoot = el.createShadowRoot(), newEl = '

'; newRoot.appendChild(newEl);

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Show me your parts

Shadow world!

.foo::part(apes) { color: red; }

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Appendix B: Scope

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p { color: #f00; }



Scoped styles

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p { color: #f00; }



Scoped styles

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css = 'p { color: #f00; }'; newRoot.appendChild(css); Shadow scope

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Custom properties

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(don’t call them variables)

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body { var-highlight: #f00; } Custom properties h1 { color: var(highlight); }

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Custom properties .foo { var-highlight: #00f; } body { var-highlight: #f00; }

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Custom properties
#document-fragment h1 { color: var(highlight); }
body { var-highlight: #f00; }

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Almost done

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Shadow DOM Shadow DOM API Templates HTML imports Custom elements Scoped styles Custom properties Browser support

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87 Polymer project Polymer project

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Useful links

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Peter Gasston @stopsatgreen