Slide 62
Slide 62 text
A pragmatic approach to Decision Management with DMN
Decision Management is an important pillar of
Business Automation and a key aspect of all
Digital Transformation initiatives. DMN as an
open standard is a very effective enabler of
decision management both from a
methodological but also pragmatic perspective,
since the execution semantic is defined in the
specification itself. We will delve into some key
aspects of DMN in order to understand their
characteristics, their advantages and
limitations, and their best application in a
cloud-native context too. This session is
intended to provide interesting insights both to
Business Analysts and Developers/Coders.
Speaker: Matteo Mortari
I contribute to the DMN execution engine
used in Drools, Kogito and Red Hat
Process Automation suite. I believe there is
a whole new range of unexplored
applications for Expert Systems (AI) within
the Corporate business; additionally, I
believe defining the Business Rules on the
BRMS system not only enables knowledge
inference from raw data but, most
importantly, helps to shorten the distance
between experts and analysts, between
developers and end-users, business