Project timeline
“Hey, is the website fast?”
“ohhhh fuck”
Slide 6
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Project timeline
“Let’s make this really great!”
When performance should happen
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State of Global Connectivity
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no internet access
internet access
Billion People
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108 million
65% of the 1.2 Billion population
no access to the internet.
new first time internet users in 2016.
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Number of hours worked
for 500mb of data
$ Brazil 13 h
% Indonesia 6 h
& India 4 h
' Germany 1 h
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1hr of work for:
• 8 songs on Spotify
• 6 minutes of Youtube
• Less than 1 hour playing online games
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1hr of work for:
• Reading an article on
with an empty cache (38 times)
Slide 13
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‘LTE’ speed
( Denmark 30.6 Mbps
' Germany 20.3 Mbps
$ Brazil 19.68 Mbps
) Sweden 15.2 Mbps
% Indonesia 8.79 Mbps
& India 6.39 Mbps
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0 Mbps 400 Mbps
7.2 Mbps
Global Average
Global Average
Connection Speed
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of mobile connections are 2G.*
*Global connectivity
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Even if LTE is ‘available’,
do not assume it will be fast.
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Hand held is majority
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Sony Ericsson
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Vendor Number of units
Samsung 78.6 Million
Apple 51.9 Million
Huawei 34.1 Million
Oppo 30.9 Million
Vivo 25.8 Million
Others 158.3 Million
Total 379.9 Million
Global smartphone sales Q1 2017
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Is there a single device that
best represents “average”?
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Moto G4
Quad-core CPU
2GB Ram
16 or 32Gb of storage
13MP Camera
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Enabling CPU Throttling in Chrome
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Two versions of the internet
The one we use daily
Large corporates
Coffee shop wifi
Conference wifi
The one we don’t
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We must stop optimising for $3000
computers with fast connections.
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We must feel what our customers are feeling,
train ourselves how to diagnose common
performance issues then fix them.
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As an industry we need to stop putting
our desires and needs in front of the
people we say we’re building for.
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The Critical Request
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A critical request is one that contains
an asset that is essential to the
content within the user’s viewport.
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No content
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Hey read this
it’s really interesting
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No content
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Hey read this
it’s really interesting
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Hey read this
it’s really interesting
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Hey read this
it’s really interesting
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Making people wait
for text to render
The Web in 2017:
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No content
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The fold is the user’s viewport.
Yes, it’s real.
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No content
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When did the fonts load?
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Fonts load when:
• The stylesheet targets an element with a font declaration
• The stylesheet has a corresponding @font-face declaration
• Fonts are not requested until there is text to render
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No content
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Critical, essential resources.
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HTML request Fonts!
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3-5 seconds
delay caused by webfonts
of sites use web fonts
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✅ Use
✅ Use font-display: swap;
✅ Have fallbacks that look similar
✅ Use woff2, woff where possible
Webfont performance checklist
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Looking beyond delivery
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Delivery Parse Runtime
+ +
Asset lifetime
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We ignore the fact that we’re
often blocking the main thread.
This matters.
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No content
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Average size script on sites
453 KB
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453 KB " 1,500 KB
Compression rate of 2–3 times
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No content
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No content
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560 Kb Compressed
2208 Kb Uncompressed
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Desktop Moto G4
Parse / Compile in the wild
2 seconds!
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Half the amount of data
Half the number of requests
1.59Mb vs 3.41Mb
61 Requests vs 115 Requests
Code splitting
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin()
Split dependencies & cache those forever.
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✅ Use code splitting
✅ Serve only what people need
✅ Test using ‘Real world’ conditions
✅ Monitor Parse & Compile time
JS Runtime checklist
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The metrics that we’re using to talk
about performance tell us nothing
about user experience.
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Speed Index
Metrics that don’t even
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First Paint
First Meaningful Paint
Visual Complete
Time to Interactive
Good metrics
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User navigates
First Paint Visually Complete
First Contentful Paint
First Meaningful Paint
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Human-centric metrics
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npm install -g lighthouse
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Run Lighthouse in Chrome
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User navigates
First Paint Visually Complete
Short Javascript task
Long Javascript task (>50ms)
5 seconds without
long tasks
Calculating Time to Interactive
Slide 71
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Time to Interactive in
less than 5 seconds
(on every device)
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“Time to first tweet”
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Performance monitoring checklist
✅ Use metrics that describe user-experience
✅ Test using ‘Real world’ conditions
✅ Monitor continuously
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Don’t try to keep people on your
site for as long as possible.
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Help people achieve their goals
and move on with their lives.
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Service worker cache
PRPL Pattern
Code splitting
Modern image formats
Reducing JS startup time with
Prepack, Rollup, etc
Use a CDN!
Set Cache headers