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Clearing cache in the browser Pushing cache invalidations shouldn’t be this hard Andrew Betts, Fastly @triblondon

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Event driven content User Event: Comment posted Fastly Server Uncached, fetch from origin PURGE Cannot cache in the browser!

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Event driven content User Event: Comment posted Fastly Server Uncached, fetch from origin PURGE CDN PURGE BROWSER

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Requirements for client-side event driven caching 1 Push a server-initiated purge signal to the browser. 2 Programmatically evict an object from the browser cache.

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● Event driven content ● Updating third party script libraries (Google analytics, Sentry, ● Recovering from mistakes and bad deployments Use cases for client-side cache invalidation

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const ifr = document.createElement('iframe'); ifr.src = "/forcereload?path=/thing/stuck/in/cache"; ifr.classList.add("hidden-iframe"); document.body.appendChild(ifr);

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if (!location.hash) { location.hash = "#reloading"; location.reload(true); } else { location.hash = "#reloaded"; }

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reload(true) reload() Depends on Cache-Control: immutable

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fetch(url, {cache: reload})

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await fetch( '/thing/stuck/in/cache', {cache: 'reload', credentials: 'include'} );

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Same origin Foreign origin

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Split caches in fetch navigate fetch(‘/thing’); location.href = ‘/thing’;

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fetch() with Vary

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await fetch("/thing/stuck/in/cache", { headers: { "Force-Reload": 1 }, credentials: "include" }); Vary: Force-Reload

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Different variations User Vary: Force-Reload Server Navigate Fetch Force-Reload: 1 Vary: Force-Reload Navigate Vary: Force-Reload

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Same origin Foreign origin

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fetch() via POST

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await fetch( '/thing/stuck/in/cache', {method:'POST', credentials:'include'} );

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Same origin Foreign origin

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const ifr = document.createElement('iframe'); = = 'ifr_' +; document.body.appendChild(ifr); const form = document.createElement('form'); form.method = "POST"; =; form.action = '/thing/stuck/in/cache'; document.body.appendChild(form); form.submit();

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Same origin Foreign origin

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• Firefox doesn’t clear fetch cache for cross-origin] • Requires two fetches • Creates a browser history entry POST/IFRAME Gotchas

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Clear-Site-Data: "cache"

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Alternative caches Browser tab Image cache Fastly Origin server Preload cache Service worker HTTP cache HTTP/2 push cache

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cache.delete(request,{options}).then(function(true) { //your cache entry has been deleted });

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Requirements for client-side event driven caching 1 Push a server-initiated purge signal to the browser. 2 Programmatically evict an object from the browser cache.

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No content

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No content

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Purging when things happen (+ silent push) User Event: Comment posted Fastly Server Uncached, fetch from origin PURGE SILENT WEB PUSH

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“This site has been updated in the background”

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No content

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No content

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● Clearing the browser cache is hard ● Clear-Site-Data and cache:reload are the ‘proper’ solutions ● Until then, POST in an IFRAME is the most effective solution if you want to or need to use the HTTP cache ● Service worker cache API is much more straightforward if you are caching there ● Web Push allows proactive notification of invalidations, but still requires a visible notification Summary

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Thanks for listening I am Get the slides: Andrew Betts @triblondon [email protected]

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presents Altitude London 22 May, 2018 | Studio Spaces