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Mackerel Meetup #4 26 May 2015 Hatena Co., Ltd. @stanaka

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1 A quick overview of Mackerel

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Mackerel • Server monitoring tool SaaS • May 2014 beta、Sept. 2014 release

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Mackerel’s features • simple to set up • useful for just 1 host or 100 • view and monitor data in various time series • strong connection to various tools

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Service Metrics graphs

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Alert channel expansion

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Dashboard on Qiita::Team

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Autoscale functionality • graphs remain even when servers degrade

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2 Mackerel by the numbers

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7,600+ active agents

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3,400+ Mackerel organizations

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Mackerel users

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3 Recent updates since 2015.1

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Weekly releases

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agent stabilization • latest ver: 0.16.0 • Windows compatible • ARM/Darwin compatible (not covered by customer support) • get AWS EC2 information • stability improvements

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substantial agent-plugins • latest ver: 0.9.0 • apache2, aws-ec2-cpucredit, aws-elb, aws- rds, elastic search, haproxy, jvm, memcached, mongodb, munin, mysql, nginx, php-apc, plack, postgres, redis, snmp, squid, varnish mackerelio/mackerel-agent-plugins

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mackerel-agent for Windows

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multi-column graph display

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share graphs as images

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graphs shown within alerts • for Slack, HipChat, and TypeTalk

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optimized for smart phones

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AWS EC2 instance details mackerel-agent 0.14.3 and newer

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“hacker mode”

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Monitoring by script • alive monitoring any process • monitor keywords in log file • Nagios (Sensu) script compatible

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Other improvements • improvements to API key mgmt. • host display names

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4 Mackerel, not just for server monitoring.

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Graphing w/ Google Analytics • in Google Apps Script • get PV from GA • post to Mackerel

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Monitor office environment

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temp, humidity, discomfort index

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5 Coming soon to Mackerel

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plugins for script monitoring • implementation with Go • easier setup with minimal dependencies mackerelio/go-check-plugins

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External URL monitoring • monitoring according to URL • visualize response time from the outside • alerts by status code, response time Web Service URL now 7 hosts!

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Notification groups • establish notification channels for each monitoring rule • each service to a different channel • Important metrics’ alerts by the fastest route now 8 hosts!

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Full documentation • easier installation • minimize setbacks • improve UI/UX while increasing performance

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6 give Mackerel a try

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Recommended usage #1 • install in a nearby server (VPS, etc.) • Free plan (up to 5 hosts) • start graphing and monitoring resources

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Recommended usage #2 • setup middleware plugins • nginx, apache, mysql • connect to Slack • graphs displayed with alerts

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7 in conclusion

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Developer tools for the cloud • developer tools to the cloud • svn/git → GitHub (GitHub Enterprise) • Jenkins → TravisCI, CircleCI • production environment also to the cloud • on-premises → AWS/GCE/IaaS

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trends point to Mackerel • the tools we use are also in the cloud • Zabbix, Nagios → Cloudwatch, NewRelic and Mackerel!!

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