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⚠ Serious Warning™ Very dense and technical content ahead. TypeScript code examples included. It probably won't help you with your job. You might want to reconsider going to @mixonic's components talk instead.

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Godfrey Chan @chancancode

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No idea what this talk is about but it's hilarious @chancancode #EmberConf Luke Melia @lukemelia

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Did @chancancode deliberately misspell temperature as tempreature? #EmberConf Gaurav Munjal @gaurav9576

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Be ambiguous

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Please back

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You're closing

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Ember ❤ HTML+CSS

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Pure Functions

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FRP Programs

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Yehuda Katz @wycats

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interface)Reference){) ))value():)T;) }

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let)foo)=)1;) let)fooReference:)Reference)=){) ))value()){) ))))return)foo;) ))}) };) fooReference.value();)//)=>)1) foo++;) fooReference.value();)//)=>)2

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let)foo)=)1;) let)bar)=)2;) let)fooReference:)Reference)=){) ))value()){)return)foo;)}) };) let)barReference:)Reference)=){) ))value()){)return)bar;)}) };) let)fooPlusBarReference:)Reference)=){) ))value()){) ))))return)fooReference.value())+)barReference.value();) ))}) };) fooPlusBarReference.value();)//)=>)3) foo)=)2;) fooPlusBarReference.value();)//)=>)4) bar)=)3;) fooPlusBarReference.value();)//)=>)5)

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class)UppercaseReference)implements)Reference){) ))private)str:)Reference[];) ))constructor(str:)Reference)){) ))))this.str)=)str;) ))}) ))value():)string){) ))))return)this.str.value().toUpperCase();) ))}) }

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class)ConcatReference)implements)Reference){) ))private)parts:)Reference[];) ))constructor([])){) ))));) ))}) ))value():)string){) ))))return)>)reference.value()).join('');) ))}) }

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interface)EntityTag){) ))value():)T;) ))validate(ticket:)T):)boolean;) }

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interface)TaggedReference)extends)Reference){) ))tag:)EntityTag;) }

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class)UppercaseReference)implements)TaggedReference){) ))public)tag:)EntityTag;) ))private)str:)Reference[];) ))constructor(str:)Reference)){) ))))this.tag)=)str.tag;) ))))this.str)=)str;) ))}) ))value():)string){) ))))return)this.str.value().toUpperCase();) ))}) }

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class)UppercaseReference)implements)TaggedReference){) ))public)tag:)EntityTag;) ))private)str:)Reference[];) ))constructor(str:)Reference)){) ))))this.tag)=)str.tag;) ))))this.str)=)str;) ))}) ))value():)string){) ))))return)this.str.value().toUpperCase();) ))}) }

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class)ConcatReference)implements)TaggedReference){) ))public)tag:)EntityTag;) ))private)parts:)TaggedReference[];) ))constructor([])){) ))))this.tag)=)new)CompositeTag(>)reference.tag));) ))));) ))}) ))value():)string){) ))))return)>)reference.value()).join('');) ))}) }

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class)ConcatReference)implements)TaggedReference){) ))public)tag:)EntityTag;) ))private)parts:)TaggedReference[];) ))constructor([])){) ))))this.tag)=)new)CompositeTag(>)reference.tag));) ))));) ))}) ))value():)string){) ))))return)>)reference.value()).join('');) ))}) }

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class)CompositeTag)implements)EntityTag){) ))private)tags:)EntityTag[];) ))constructor(tags:)EntityTag[])){) ))))this.tags)=)tags;) ))}) ))value():)any[]){) ))))return)>)tag.value());) ))}) ))validate(tickets:)any[]):)boolean){) ))))let){)tags)})=)this;) ))))tags.forEach((tag,)i))=>){) ))))))if)(!tag.validate(tickets[i]))){) ))))))))return)false;) ))))))}) ))))});) ))))return)true;) ))}) };

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Revision Tags

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Take a deep breath.

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) {{#if)user.isAdmin}}) ))


) {{/if}}

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) {{#if)user.isAdmin}}) ))


) {{/if}}

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) {{#if)user.isAdmin}}) ))


) {{/if}}

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Const Optimization

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Adaptive Optimizations

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Inlining and Specializations

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Chunked Rendering

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interface)ElementStack){) )openElement(tag:)InternedString):)Element;) )newDestroyable(d:)Destroyable);) )newBounds(bounds:)Bounds);) )appendText(string:)string):)Text;) )appendComment(string:)string):)Comment;) )insertHTMLBefore(nextSibling:)Node,)html:)string):)Fragment;) )setAttribute(name:)InternedString,)reference:)PathReference);) )setAttributeNS(namespace:)InternedString,)name:)InternedString,)reference:)PathReference);) )setProperty(name:)InternedString,)reference:)PathReference);) )closeElement();) )appendHTML(html:)string):)Bounds;) }

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Glimmer Native

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interface)ComponentDefinition){) )name:)string;)//)for)debugging) )manager:)ComponentManager;) )ComponentClass:)ComponentClass;) )compile(builder:)ComponentLayoutBuilder);) }) export)interface)ComponentManager){) )create(definition:)ComponentDefinition,)attrs:)EvaluatedArgs,)dynamicScope:)DynamicScope):)T;) )getSelf(component:)T):)any;) )didCreateElement(component:)T,)element:)Element,)operations:)ElementOperations);) )didCreate(component:)T);) )update(component:)T,)attrs:)EvaluatedArgs,)dynamicScope:)DynamicScope);) )didUpdate(component:)T);) )getDestructor(component:)T):)Destroyable;) }

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Build your own React

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interface)Environment){) )toConditionalReference(reference:)Reference):)Reference;) )iterableFor(reference:)Reference,)args:)EvaluatedArgs):)OpaqueIterable;) )getDOM():)DOMHelper;) )getIdentity(object:)HasGuid):)InternedString;) )statement(statement:)StatementSyntax):)StatementSyntax;) )refineStatement(statement:)ParsedStatement):)StatementSyntax;) )rootReferenceFor(obj:)any):)PathReference;) )hasHelper(helperName:)InternedString[]):)boolean;) )lookupHelper(helperName:)InternedString[]):)Helper;) )hasComponentDefinition(tagName:)InternedString[]):)boolean;) )getComponentDefinition(tagName:)InternedString[]):)ComponentDefinition;) }

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It's not just us.

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But that's not it.

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Thank you for being an awesome community ♥$%&'

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One More Thing™

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