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Building better software through mathematics (And no, I don't mean formal verification) Greg Brockman Stripe CTO // @thegdb

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Mathematical problem-solving techniques are dual to software engineering techniques. ! Proof by example to follow.

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Mathematical low road Define “determinant” as a formula of various pieces of a matrix. ! Use symbolic manipulation to prove a bunch of interesting properties. ! It’s exhausting, but it works.

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Translated to engineering… Just bang code into your editor. ! Easy to produce but hard to maintain or extend. ! This is what programming is for many people.

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Translated to code… my_hand = ["2C", "2D", ...].shuffle your_hand = ... ! while true my_card = my_hand.shift your_card = your_hand.shift ! compare = compare_cards(my_card, your_card) if compare > 0 ...

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Mathematical middle road Define “determinant” as a function with a few specific properties. ! Oh hey, it’s easy to show existence and uniqueness. Use these properties to easily derive a formula. ! It’s a clever way to solve the problem at hand.

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Translated to engineering… Decompose your program into modules. ! The implementation of those modules should follow naturally from their interface. ! If it’s hard to implement any one piece, you haven’t decomposed enough.

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Translated to code… class Card; ...; end class Hand; ...; end ! class War def initialize @my_hand = @your_hand = end ! def start my_card = @my_hand.draw your_card = @your_hand.draw if ...

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Mathematical high road Build the theory of exterior product space. Determinant is a special case of this general theory. ! All our desired properties are obvious. ! This is the “Ender’s Game” approach to problem solving.

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Translated to engineering… Break a system into fundamental units, and design very general abstractions around them. ! This is really, really hard. ! When you get it right, everything else becomes easy. When you get it wrong, you never ship.

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Translated to code… class War < AbstractCardGame players 2 loss_condition {my_hand.length == 0} victory_condition {your_hand.length == 0} on_win “add_card_to_deck” end

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Mathematics is just software with a more expressive, more performant programming language.

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Software does have its advantages though…

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Mathematics: Software engineering:

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Can we apply learnings from mathematics (which has had thousands of years to mature) to build better software?

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Yes. (Ok, it’s not really fair to answer my own rhetorical questions.)

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Elegance through least action Mathematical elegance comes from a stubborn unwillingness to do unnecessary work — refusing to accept anything but the simplest, most compact solution. ! In software, choose the design that requires to unnecessary work for your user. Example:

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Understand how your abstractions are implemented To use a theorem, you need to understand its proof. ! In software, if you don’t understand how the abstractions you use are built, you won’t understand the resulting system.

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Design software down but build software up The concept of “brute force” as a shortcut is well-understood in math. You’ll generally brute force by hand. ! In software, your CPU can instead do the brute force. Take advantage of this to get software built faster.

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Greg Brockman Stripe CTO // @thegdb