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WHAT • Docker is a lightweight virtualization platform. • It simplifies deploying applications and services to any platform that supports Docker. • Think of it as a cargo container for your service. • Pack, ship and run your service in a completely isolated environment easily.

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WHAT • Docker service written in Golang. • Uses libcontainer and a union filesystem for Linux to virtualize applications. • Virtualization overhead is very low; effectively zero memory/CPU cost above native service. • Completely isolated environment.

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WHY • Think of it as git for filesystems (push and pull primitives) • Makes deploying services to {your own | cloud | PaaS } servers easy and repeatable • Completely isolates your application environment • Faithfully replicates your environment for dev and testing • It's fun!

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THE NEW HOTNESS • libswarm - a toolkit for building network services • libchan - go style communication over IPC and/or network • libcontainer - A container library (ultimately platform independent)

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• CoreOS (etcd) • SkyDock • Deis • Flynn • Dokku • Consul (serf)

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HOW 1. Create a Dockerfile in your source code root

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HOW 1. After installing docker and its base image, 2. git clone! 3. docker build -t dice-service .! 4. docker run -t dice-service! 5. curl -X POST -d'roll=3d6' localhost:!

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