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Dealing with surprising human emotions Lara Hogan

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Ground Rules

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Stay curious! 1

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No open phones/laptops. 2

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Vegas rules for participants’ stories. 3

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What was a recent ‘Hulk’ moment?

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Find a partner! What was that Hulk moment? What made it so triggering? (2 minutes)

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Brain Chemistry

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No content

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No content

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Don’t worry, I got this!

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Core Needs 6

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Belonging Community, connection 1

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Flickr: whisperwolf

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Improvement/ Progress Progress towards purpose, improving the lives of others 2

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Choice Flexibility, autonomy, decision-making 3

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Equality/Fairness Access to resources & info, equal reciprocity 4

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Predictability Resources, time, direction, future challenges 5

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Significance Status, visibility, recognition 6

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Belonging Improvement/Progress Choice Equality/Fairness Predictability Significance

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With that same partner: Guess what BICEPS was triggered for your partner in their Hulk story Confirm if that was what they wrote down or not! (3 minutes)

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“Why is my teammate reacting so strongly?”

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Desk Moves #WOCinTech Chat

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Belonging Community, connection 1

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Improvement/ Progress Progress towards purpose, improving the lives of others 2

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Choice Flexibility, autonomy, decision-making 3

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Equality/Fairness Access to resources & info, equal reciprocity 4

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Predictability Resources, time, direction, future challenges 5

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Significance Status, visibility, recognition 6

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Yo, what’s up?

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Resistance → Data

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Most common responses when a threat is detected

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1. Doubt

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1. Doubt 2. Avoid

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1. Doubt 2. Avoid 3. Fight

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1. Doubt 2. Avoid 3. Fight 4. Bond

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1. Doubt 2. Avoid 3. Fight 4. Bond 5. Escape-route

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1. Doubt 2. Avoid 3. Fight 4. Bond 5. Escape-route }Data

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Ask open questions! Spot some resistance ...

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Ask open questions! Spot some resistance Map to core need(s) Address core need(s)

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Worksheet Think of a situation recently where you felt very triggered by someone’s behavior (90 seconds)

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Circle 2-4 questions you would have appreciated before or after they triggered you (3 minutes)

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Find a new partner!

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Share with your partner just 2 questions you chose, and what made you choose them (3 minutes each)

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How do we recover when we trigger someone?

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“What we learned…” “What we’ll do…”

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“I see now that when ______ happened, we messed with ______. What if next time, we instead try ___________?”

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Caveat The goal is not 100% consensus 100% of the time

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Homework What’s one thing you want to take back to work and use right away?