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nodecopter Yes, this is about JavaScript.

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@zachleat Filament Group

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First, an apology.

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Viewing this talk will probably cost you about $370.

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Cameras: Front: 720p (1280x720) 30fps, 92° view, H.264 Bottom: QVGA (320x240) 60fps for ground speed

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Linux 2.6.32 (BusyBox) 802.11B,G,N WiFi access point Gyroscope (orientation) Accelerometer Magnetometer (compass, direction) Pressure Sensor (altitude) Ultrasound Sensor (altitude up to 6m)

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Emergency Mode Flip upside down or (in extreme cases) stick something in the propeller.

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“It’s all talk until the code runs.” —Ward Cunningham

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Prerequisites Node.js NPM

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$ npm install ar-drone

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Connect to the drone

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var  arDrone  =  require(  'ar-­‐drone'  ); var  client  =  arDrone.createClient(); client.takeoff(); client.after(  4000,  function()  {   this.stop();; }); Save this in takeoff-and-land.js

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$ node takeoff-and-land.js

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//  argument:  speed  0-­‐1 client.up(  1  );  //  altitude client.down(  1  ); client.left(  1  );  //  bank  (roll) client.right(  1  );  //  bank  (roll) client.front(  1  );  //  pitch client.back(  1  );  //  pitch client.clockwise(  1  );  //  yaw  (spin) client.counterClockwise(  1  );  //  yaw  (spin) client.stop();  //  movement=0 Also

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client.animate('flipLeft',  1500); client.animate('flipRight',  1500); /* 'phiM30Deg',  'phi30Deg',  'thetaM30Deg',  'theta30Deg',  'theta20degYaw200deg', 'theta20degYawM200deg',  'turnaround',  'turnaroundGodown',  'yawShake', 'yawDance',  'phiDance',  'thetaDance',  'vzDance',  'wave',  'phiThetaMixed', 'doublePhiThetaMixed',  'flipAhead',  'flipBehind' */ Also

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var  pngStream  =  client.getPngStream(); pngStream.on('data',  console.log); var  videoStream  =  client.getVideoStream(); videoStream.on('data',  console.log); Camera

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var  arDrone  =  require(  'ar-­‐drone'  ); var  fs  =  require(  'fs'  ); var  client    =  arDrone.createClient(); var  png  =  client.getPngStream(); png.on(  'error',  function  (  error  )  {   console.error(  'error:  '  +  err  ); }); png.on(  'data',  function(  buffer  )  {   console.log(  buffer.length  );   fs.writeFile(  'camera.png',  buffer,  'binary',  function(  error  )  {     if(  error  )  {       console.log(  error  );     }  else  {       console.log(  'Success.'  );     }     process.exit(0);   }); }); Take a picture, save it to the file system

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Full API

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Bonus Round opencv

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var  cv  =  require('opencv'); cv.readImage("./hobbiton.jpg",  function(err,  im){   im.detectObject(cv.FACE_CASCADE,  {},  function(err,   faces){     for  (var  i=0;i

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Community Modules

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Control drone with a Kinect Control with Wii remote LeapMotion

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A ton more ideas and demos: