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Oren Ellenbogen How to keep solid engineering skills as an Engineering Manager?

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My name is Oren Ellenbogen 👋 aka Ear Elbow Like you, I’m an Engineering Manager

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You’re exhausted (FOMO is real) … and looking for an answer This talk is applicable to all levels of Engineering Management

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Where should we start? With the devil we know

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While (?) { Write code }

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While (?) { Write code } “Invest X% of your time writing code”

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While (?) { Write code } Wrong assumption: All features are of equal value to you

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While (?) { Write code } Only write code that produces meaningful insights Investments: Expertise, Tools, Dependencies, etc. Never in the critical path.

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While (?) { Write code } Only write code that produces meaningful insights Investments: Expertise, Tools, Dependencies, etc. Never in the critical path.

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While (?) { Complete IC tasks } Only complete IC tasks that produces meaningful insights Also: OnCall, Observability, Docs, etc.

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Trigger: “I don’t have enough time to learn by writing code” What now?

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Invest your time elsewhere 80% in How X works (+Why) 20% in How to do X

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Look at your team’s stack, e.g. - Nodejs - Vue - Elastic Search - MySQL - Kafka - GraphQL - … - [CI, CD, Monitoring, Alerts, etc.]

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How to do X < How X works (and why was it invented) Seek to understand how things work Invest in fundamentals

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How X works (+why is it needed) e.g. - How event-loop works? What not to do with it? - What append-only data structures good for? - Why Virtual DOM was invented? - How ACID works? When is it good? When to avoid?

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Source: Be an archaeologist Tell a story

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“Sure! But when?”

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You’re always Free in 2 weeks

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Future Thinking Explicit investments

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Invest your time to fight inertia 70% in the present 30% in the future

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Present 1. Design requirements, trade-offs, risks, know-how 2. Operate sustainability, quality of service, focus Future 3. Hire puzzle, pitch & close 4. Envision alignment (tech/biz), roadmap, growth

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70% in the present: Practice in areas you’ll gain insights and feel pains → Level up your Design & Operate

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70% in the present: Level up Design & Operate - Execute insightful IC tasks ✅ - Take Design Reviews by other teams and do your own - Analyze operational burden (e.g. tickets, alerts, etc.)

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30% in the future: Research what knowledge your team is lacking → Level up Envision & Hire

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30% in the future: Level up Envision & Hire - Research the competition - Analyze & present missing expertise in the team - Write a doc: “Why should you join us? Why now?”

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Seek deeper knowledge & inspiration by building your library, e.g. → 30% in the future

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No content

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70% in the present 30% in the future Hours will fluctuate, keep the ratios consistent over time

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“How do I know that it’s good enough”?

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To continuously improve you need to be consistently calm & optimistic * 90% of the time, we’re human

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The EM’s technical skills time The team’s technical skills Common result Desired result

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“I have good ENOUGH engineering skills to:” ❏ Entice experienced engineers to join my team to raise the bar

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“I have good ENOUGH engineering skills to:” ❏ Entice experienced engineers to join my team to raise the bar ❏ Notice bottlenecks in my team’s Products/Systems (tech or socio-tech)

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“I have good ENOUGH engineering skills to:” ❏ Entice experienced engineers to join my team to raise the bar ❏ Notice bottlenecks in my team’s Products/Systems (tech or socio-tech) ❏ Offer alternatives to product requirements & technical design decisions

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“I have good ENOUGH engineering skills to:” ❏ Entice experienced engineers to join my team to raise the bar ❏ Notice bottlenecks in my team’s Products/Systems (tech or socio-tech) ❏ Offer alternatives to product requirements & technical design decisions ❏ Unblock Technical Roadmap creation for my team’s systems

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“I have good ENOUGH engineering skills to:” ❏ Entice experienced engineers to join my team to raise the bar ❏ Notice bottlenecks in my team’s Products/Systems (tech or socio-tech) ❏ Offer alternatives to product requirements & technical design decisions ❏ Unblock Technical Roadmap creation for my team’s systems ❏ Grow, challenge and inspire my teammates to retain them

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“I have good ENOUGH engineering skills to:” ❏ Entice experienced engineers to join my team to raise the bar ❏ Notice bottlenecks in my team’s Products/Systems (tech or socio-tech) ❏ Offer alternatives to product requirements & technical design decisions ❏ Unblock Technical Roadmap creation for my team’s systems ❏ Grow, challenge and inspire my teammates to retain them ❏ Harvest context to connect technical needs to product & business needs

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“I have good ENOUGH engineering skills to:” ❏ Entice experienced engineers to join my team to raise the bar ❏ Notice bottlenecks in my team’s Products/Systems (tech or socio-tech) ❏ Offer alternatives to product requirements & technical design decisions ❏ Unblock Technical Roadmap creation for my team’s systems ❏ Grow, challenge and inspire my teammates to retain them ❏ Harvest context to connect technical needs to product & business needs Feel good enough to ✔ the above?

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Execute insightful IC Tasks I’m good enough to improve present future

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Got anything to share? I’m all ears or We’re hiring, come say hello 👋

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Design Great talks & posts: - Replicated Data Consistency Explained Through Baseball - Silence is Golden: Coordination-Avoiding Systems Design - The Log: What every software engineer should know about real-time data's unifying abstraction - Dan North - Decisions, Decisions - How to Outperform a 10x Developer - Turning the database inside out

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Operate Great talks & posts: - How to Write Documentation for People that Don't Read - Practicalities of Productionizing Distributed Systems - How NOT to Measure Latency - Stability Patterns & Antipatterns

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Hire Great talks, posts & websites: - There is no talent shortage - The Accidental Diminisher -

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Envision Great talks, posts and websites: - How to Move Beyond Gamification - -

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Share fears, tactics, resources, failures, and success stories with other humans Get out of your head