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openSUSE Kubic SUSE Container as a Service Platform on openSUSE Tumbleweed Alexander Herzig – [email protected] Federica Teodori – [email protected] Thorsten Kukuk – [email protected]

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Application delivery supply chain has changed Introducing Project Kubic Why Project Kubic?

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Micro-Services are fun ● Monolithic approaches do not meet our requirements ● VMs add significant resources and management overhead ● Running apps in containers is cool, but we need new tools Introducing Project Kubic Why Project Kubic?

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Setting up a cluster should be easy So should maintaining it be, as well Introducing Project Kubic Why Project Kubic?

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● Container based architectures are growing ● Containers change IT infrastructure ● Containers speed up application delivery ● Containers provide portability across environments ● Containers make applications scale faster Introducing Project Kubic Why Project Kubic?

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● re-designing the operation system to Container needs – Kubic rethinks the OS design ● combining a powerful stack based on: – openSUSE Tumbleweed – SALTSTACK – Docker project – Kubernetes Introducing Project Kubic Why Project Kubic?

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Join Project Kubic Build the next generation Container OS with us

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8 openSUSE Kubic

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9 openSUSE Kubic • What is this? ● SUSE Container as a Service Platform based on openSUSE Tumbleweed

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10 In a Nutshell: • OS focused only on containers • Minimal images designed for one special Use Case • Transactional Updates • Focused on large deployments • Reduced end-user interactions • Ready to run • Rolling release • Based on openSUSE Tumbleweed RPMs • Own installer, different setup

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11 As Picture I get all the required support from the OS I’m small but powerful to run as many containers as needed

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12 System-Infrastructure Overview Cluster Nodes (etcd + Kubernetes Master) SCC/CDN SMT Log Server Administration Node

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13 How far are we? • SUSE MicroOS is ported (all features including Kubernetes) • Containers for Administration Dashboard are still missing • Installation images are building • Images for KVM, XEN,VMWare are still missing • Integration in openQA is missing • Documentation: Available only for SUSE CaaS Platform

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14 Design

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15 Highlights ● Ready to run out of the box ● No simple bash login prompt where admins have to configure everything! ● Btrfs with snapshots and rollback for transactional updates ● Read-only filesystem with overlayfs for /etc ● Cloud-init for initial configuration (Network, Accounts, Salt) ● SALT for full system configuration ● Administration Node with dashboard to manage cluster

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16 Delivery (planned) ● Installer for Bare Metal: ● Standard installation ISO image for Administration or Cluster Node ● RPM for automatic mass installation of Cluster Nodes (PXE, USB) ● Provides /srv/tftpboot files for PXE boot and installation ● Can be used to create bootable USB stick or DVD with syslinux ● Cloud and virtualization: Provide ready to run images ● KVM, VMWare, XEN

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17 Package Format Stay with RPM ● RPM advantages ● Well known format used by several major distributions ● Proofed working toolchain from building RPMs to customer delivery ● Lot of customers have already policies and toolchain for RPM updates ● Signed, easy to verify ● Verification of installed system possible ● Delta-RPM to save bandwidth

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18 Two Step System Configuration ● System should be pre-configured as far as possible ● Best case: no additional configuration by Sysadmin necessary ● Cloud-init to configure the Base OS ● Network ● SALT ● SSH, host key and user keys ● Password ● Timezone ● Keyboard ● NTP Can be done via SALT instead

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19 Btrfs as filesystem – Layout (1/2) ● Base OS and snapshots are read-only ● Subvolumes to store data are read-write ● Example: /var/log, /var/cache, /var/crash and similar directories ● Use overlayfs for /etc (for cloud-init and salt) ● Introduce /var/lib/overlay/{work,etc} for overlayfs ● Full stateless system: ● Remove content of /var/lib/overlay/etc/ and /var/lib/cloud => Not recommended, since even /etc/machine-id can go lost!

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20 Btrfs as filesystem – Layout (2/2) /@/ - Standard subvolumes → /cloud-init-config - Configuration files for cloud-init → /var/lib/docker - Storage for container → /var/{cache,crash,log} - Storage for system data → /var/lib/stateless/{work,etc} - Storage for overlayfs → /.snapshots/1/snapshot - Initial installation of Base OS → /.snapshots/2/snapshot - Base OS after first update → /.snapshots/3/snapshot - Base OS after second update

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21 Update ● Transactional Updates ● Automatic updates ● Can be disabled ● Maintenance Window ● Policy defined updates ● Standard RPM with zypper, snapper and btrfs progs ● Delivery in the same way as for openSUSE Tumbleweed ● Process to get updates, fixes, features is the same as for Tumbleweed ● SMT as local proxy

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22 Definition A “transactional update” is a kind of update that: ● Is atomic ● Either fully applied or not at all ● The update does not influence your running system ● Can be rolled back ● If the upgrade fails or if the update is not compatible, you can quickly restore the situation as it was before the upgrade

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23 Packages ● openSUSE Kubic contains all packages: ● Necessary to boot the system ● Necessary to configure and run the stack ● No general purpose OS ● New packages will be introduced if needed ● Packages will be removed if no longer needed ● No guarantee for a stable ABI ● Additional RPMs are installable, but can break automatic update => Customer workload has to run in containers

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24 Installer – Only for Bare Metal

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25 Different kind of Setups ● Administration Node with Dashboard ● Cluster Nodes ● No services ● Installed RPMs are always the same ● Difference are the running services and containers

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26 Installation Media ● Installation Media similar to openSUSE Tumbleweed or Leap ● Installer useable for Administration and Cluster Nodes ● RPM based ● Autoinstallation for Cluster Nodes ● Create autoyast.xml on or download from the Administration Node ● Have minimal image doing autoyast installation by ● booting from USB disk ● PXE boot

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27 One-Page Installer ● Partition harddisk ● same behavior as with SLES 12 ● Only visible if no automatic proposal is possible ● Create btrfs filesystem with subvolumes ● No other root filesystem supported ● Install Base OS into first snapshot ● Configure and install bootloader

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29 Differences compared to Tumbleweed

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30 Differences to openSUSE Tumbleweed (1/2) ● Update of packages ● Read-only root filesystem ● transactional-update [up|dup|patch] instead of zypper ● Recommended: transactional-update dup ● Additional Packages or PTFs ● transactional-update ptf [install|remove] ... ● Rollback ● transactional-update rollback [number] instead of snapper rollback [number]

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31 Differences to openSUSE Tumbleweed (2/2) ● transactional-update will generate kdump initrd ● No YaST module available, configuration during installation or manual ● AutoYaST ● Needs to run in first stage only mode ● Configure options from second stage are not available

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32 Where to get it? ISO Image: Documentation: Git: Else standard openSUSE devel projects

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33 Thank you. Questions?

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