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Drupal’s WHY
Now that you've started to think about your why, let's come back to Drupal and our change
management challenge.
Modular & extensible; quality coding; standards-based; low resource demands; open source;
ease of use; collaboration.
“Come for the software, stay for the community.”
If I were to create a Golden Circle for Drupal the community, it might look like this:
**Why** => ???
In Drupal 7, I'd say the "why" had to do with the community and participation; but in Drupal
8, I feel like the modernization of the infrastructure came before the community...and the
community pushed back.
To grow the capacity of web developers.
My **why** is to understand, transform, and remove obstacles to achieve a state of flow.
**How** => Drupal attracts new developers and users by providing modern web developers
with an open, easy-to-use, scaleable framework.
**What** =>
mobile-first, standards-compliant, programming best practices
If we cannot define the why, how can we effectively create a vision for the future, and a