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Product Annjana Ramesh Inclusion Great idea! On it! Sounds like a plan Let's get started as a

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I do not agree with that statement about our workplace That’s fair. What do you think?

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No content

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Helped scale teams from 0 to > 100 Failed at creating an inclusive workplace Learnt from my mistakes Fostered an inclusive workplace 30% women, All ethnicities, 10% people with disability Experienced discrimination at the workplace Revamped interview and performance processes Making it work for everyone - a work in progress why am I here?

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Examples and Learnings what's in it for you Improve the experience of your product Take action! Build your product of Inclusion

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What comes first?

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Attracting talent Fair and Equitable Policies Performance and Career Growth Training Community Metrics & Feedback Leaders & Sponsorship Building blocks { { Building the product Scale and Improve Product Experience Attracting talent Fair and Equitable Policies Performance and Career Growth Training Community Metrics & Feedback Leaders & Sponsorship

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Building the product Value Proposition

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Early Stage Constraints What is the culture you want to have? Opportunities Statutory Minimum Shared parental leave Accommodations for people with a disability Anti-Discrimination Policies First few hires matter Flexibility in hiring process, focus on interview process Spend most of your time sourcing and pitching the role and company Build a good reputation in the market Hiring Decision Maker

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Mid - Size Constraints How can you scale sustainably? Opportunities Hiring a people team Expanding to more policies - (example: leave of absence) Policies Metrics and stats* Acknowledgement of current state Focus on calibration of interviewers Hire a strong, diverse, leadership team Hiring manager and Interviewer training Hiring

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Enterprise Constraints How can you make decisions faster? Opportunities Committee Measure fairness and time to resolution Policies Hiring sourcers Metrics and stats Focus on hiring experienced and diverse leaders that can scale processes Hiring committee or external observer during debriefs Sustaining reputation in the market Refresher training courses Hiring

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the inclusion product experience Bolstering the experience

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Bolstering the experience Onboarding Support Development Metrics and Feedback

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What to measure? Where do you begin? Metrics & Feedback Loop What gets measured gets managed Commitment to action Pulse Surveys Quarterly 1:1s Share results and action plans Qualitative forums What are the problems you are trying to solve? Why do you want to measure that? What is the culture you want to have?

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Let’s Wrap it Up Mindset + Commitment Acknowledgement + Accountability Proactive in seeking feedback Bias to action

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What is one thing you are going to action? Let’s kick that off Today @annjanar