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Hi. I’m back after a break.

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A lot of you might not know me now we’re online

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So. A bit about me.

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Yeah righto. Who gives a fuck. You wanna learn stuff.

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So here we go.

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I have a formula for this stuff.

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Pop culture + something + SEO (maybe introduce quotes) = presentation

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Everyone claps. Wayne still goes home with imposter syndrome.

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So. Going against the earlier slide I may say something about me.

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Love me. Feed my ego.

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Right. 2020 was a bit of dick right?

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Break the rules. I'm not saying anything for a while

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I thought you did funny presentations Wayne.

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And shouldn’t this be about digital marketing?

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Hold your horses.

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I've not done being depressing yet.

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Remember I said that 2020 was more than just a little bit shit?

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Well I’m not one to brag but… mine was worse.

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I’m not looking for sympathy. Trust me.

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This has been shit for all of us. But I do have a reason for talking about it.

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I think.

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So this is what happened to me during lockdown.

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April 21st

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Lockdown was fun. 2 months in a hotel. 2 days in a hotel. 3 months in temporary accommodation. 2 more days in a hotel.

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We took the bullshit by the horns and packed all our shit and moved to Malaga.

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“A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance.” ― Hunter S. Thompson

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Couple of days in a hotel. Airbnb for a month. And we now have a home again.

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So. Wayne. Why are you telling me this?

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Things change. Be brave. Take the bullshit by the horns.

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“Never turn your back on fear. It should always be in front of you, like a thing that might have to be killed.” ― Hunter S. Thompson

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So. This does relate to SEO.

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Shit changes. A lot.

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Don’t rely on old SEO checklists.

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I’m not saying don’t do the basics.

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But best practice doesn’t cut it when everyone is doing it.

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Google is going to throw you curveballs.

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Take the bullshit by the horns and step out of your comfort zone. Be brave.

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Spotting changes.

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Don’t go back to your trusted checklists.

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Its about using your eyes and gathering data. Not out of date checklists.

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Don’t fear the scraper. Don’t blindly trust experts. Trust your eyes. Step away from what has come before.

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SEO isn’t just words and HTML and stuff. …It’s everything.

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Don’t fear stepping away from that checklist and process.

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Ask for forgiveness not permission.

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What do the sites that rank well actually look like?

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You now have a bank of images of the design of sites that do rank

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Not a sodding old checklist

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Lets dig deeper

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Benchmark. No old fashioned checklist

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Figure out who owns the SERPs.

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Benchmark. That’s your new checklist.

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It takes guts to step away from how you’ve always done things. Be brave. Have no fear

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It doesn’t matter how bad shit is. There’s always something that can be done. Even the worst can look beautiful.

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There’s ALWAYS light at the end of the tunnel.

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It’s not always perfect.

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But you have to make decisions for the long term. Be brave.

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Skate where the fuckin puck is going.

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That’s how you win long term.

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It will work out.

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We can win. Just be brave. Don’t follow…

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Just don’t follow….

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The fuckin sheep…

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Be brave. Don’t follow the herd.

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Bye from Malaga. See you in person soon.

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“Good people drink good beer.” ― Hunter S. Thompson