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Michael Irwin Application Architect, Virginia Tech @mikesir87

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● Working at Virginia Tech since 2011 ○ Leading efforts to build a Common Platform ○ Adjunct Faculty with VT CS Dept since S16 ● Community Involvement ○ Docker Captain and Community Leader ○ Traefik Ambassador ● Husband and dad to four girls with a fifth kiddo on the way! About Me @mikesir87

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Introducing our Dream Team! Alice Bob @mikesir87

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Our App! (Look familiar?) @mikesir87

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TERMINAL # Build and start the app! > docker build -t my-app . > docker run --rm -tip 3000:3000 -n my-app my-app # Make some changes to app code. Rebuild image. Start up new container. > docker build -t my-app . > docker stop my-app > docker rm my-app > docker run --rm -tip 3000:3000 -n my-app my-app # Open browser to localhost:3000. Check out the changes. # Find it’s still not quite right. Make changes. Rebuild image. Start new container. And so on... Does this sound familiar? @mikesir87

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Use Docker Compose to replace run commands you’re using over and over. @mikesir87

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What actually is Docker Compose? @mikesir87

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Docker Architecture ● The Docker Daemon is responsible for: ○ Pulling images and starting containers ○ Managing volumes, networks, and DNS ● The REST API provides access to the daemon ○ Available locally at /var/run/docker.sock ● The Docker CLI is simply making API requests @mikesir87

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Docker Compose ● Higher-abstraction tool that… ○ Handles multiple containers at a time ○ Uses YAML to define an application stack (it can be version controlled!!!!!!!!) ○ Makes spinning up dev environments a piece of cake! ○ Is an open specification! @mikesir87

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Docker Compose Commands ● docker-compose ○ up - spin up all of the services! ○ down - tear it all down ○ logs - view all logs in a single stream @mikesir87

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Back to Alice and Bob... @mikesir87

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docker-compose.yml version: "3.8" Making our Compose file TERMINAL > docker build -t my-app . > docker run --rm -tip 3000:3000 -n my-app my-app Start with a version number. Typically just use the latest version @mikesir87

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docker-compose.yml version: "3.8" services: app: build: ./ Making our Compose file TERMINAL > docker build -t my-app . > docker run --rm -tip 3000:3000 -n my-app my-app Define a service (a container to run). It’s image will come from the Dockerfile in the current directory @mikesir87

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docker-compose.yml version: "3.8" services: app: build: ./ ports: - 3000:3000 Making our Compose file TERMINAL > docker build -t my-app . > docker run --rm -tip 3000:3000 -n my-app my-app Let’s define the port mapping, pulling it directly from the CLI. Compose does offer a long form that’s more descriptive. @mikesir87

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docker-compose.yml version: "3.8" services: app: build: ./ ports: - 3000:3000 Our Final Compose File TERMINAL > docker build -t my-app . > docker run --rm -tip 3000:3000 -n my-app my-app @mikesir87

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TERMINAL # Build and start the app! > docker build -t my-app . > docker run --rm -tip 3000:3000 -n my-app my-app > docker-compose up --build # Make some changes to app code. Rebuild. Start up. > docker-compose up --build # Open browser to localhost:3000. Check out the changes. # Find it’s still not quite right. Make changes. Rebuild… Updated Workflow @mikesir87

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Don’t build a container every time you make a change! Where possible, mount source code into a dev container that responds to file changes. @mikesir87

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Creating Dev Containers ● Explore what dev tooling exists for your frameworks ● Build a container image to support that dev tooling ● Mount in your source code ● Victory! @mikesir87

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docker-compose.yml version: "3.8" services: app: image: node:lts-alpine command: sh -c "npm install && npm run dev" working_dir: /app volumes: - nodemodules:/app/node_modules - ./:/app ports: - 3000:3000 volumes: nodemodules: Creating a Dev Container docker-compose.yml version: "3.8" services: app: build: ./ ports: - 3000:3000 @mikesir87

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Demo Time! (compose tag) @mikesir87

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But… now we have two locations describing our environments. Isn’t that a problem? @mikesir87

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Multi-stage Images to the Rescue! ● Multi-stage images are often used to separate build-time and runtime dependencies (copy from a previous stage) ● A stage can build on a previous stage ● Compose can build an image and specify a target stage @mikesir87

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Using Multi-Stage Dockerfile Dockerfile FROM node:lts-alpine AS base WORKDIR /app COPY package.json yarn.lock ./ RUN yarn install --production && yarn cache clean COPY src ./src CMD ["node", "/app/src/index.js"] Dockerfile FROM node:lts-alpine AS base WORKDIR /app COPY package.json yarn.lock ./ FROM base AS dev RUN yarn install && yarn cache clean CMD ["npm", "run", "dev"] FROM base AS prod RUN yarn install --production && yarn cache clean COPY src ./src CMD ["node", "/app/src/index.js"] @mikesir87

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docker-compose.yml version: "3.8" services: app: build: context: . target: dev volumes: - nodemodules:/app/node_modules - ./:/app ports: - 3000:3000 volumes: nodemodules: Using Multi-Stage in Compose docker-compose.yml version: "3.8" services: app: image: node:lts-alpine command: sh -c "npm install && npm run dev" working_dir: /app volumes: - nodemodules:/app/node_modules - ./:/app ports: - 3000:3000 volumes: nodemodules: @mikesir87

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Demo Time! (compose-multi-stage tag) @mikesir87

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Thanks! I feel much better about that now! @mikesir87

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We want to add a database to our app. How? @mikesir87

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The Twelve-Factor methodology specifies configuration should be stored in the environment around an application. @mikesir87

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Configuring Apps ● There are two main ways to configure an application ○ Environment variables - great for non-secret data ○ Files - great for any type of configuration ● Often, you see both used together ○ An env var set that points to the file location @mikesir87

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Configuring Local Dev ● Dev environments should use dummy credentials whenever possible ● If you can use dummy credentials, you can… ○ Create files for each of the configuration options ○ Mount them into the container @mikesir87

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docker-compose.yml mysql: image: mysql:5.7 volumes: - ./config:/config - mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql environment: MYSQL_USER_FILE: /config/MYSQL_USER MYSQL_PASSWORD_FILE: /config/MYSQL_PASSWORD MYSQL_DATABASE_FILE: /config/MYSQL_DB MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD: "true" volumes: nodemodules: mysql-data: Adding MySQL docker-compose.yml version: "3.8" services: app: build: context: . target: dev volumes: - nodemodules:/app/node_modules - ./:/app - ./config:/config environment: MYSQL_HOST: mysql MYSQL_USER_FILE: /config/MYSQL_USER MYSQL_PASSWORD_FILE: /config/MYSQL_PASSWORD MYSQL_DB_FILE: /config/MYSQL_DB @mikesir87

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Demo Time! (mysql tag) @mikesir87

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Great! And now everyone can run it locally without worrying too much! @mikesir87

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Hi team! I noticed our React app a single file. Can we make it a standard React app? @mikesir87

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Add other services ● Split different toolchains into separate services ○ Let the backend watch its files and restart ○ Let webpack watch and transpile the frontend ● Use proxies to handle traffic routing ○ Send API requests to the backend ○ Let the frontend handle everything else @mikesir87

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Container-Aware Proxies ● Traefik is a great reverse proxy with minimal setup ● It configures itself based on the environment ● The Docker provider uses labels to provide configuration for what services receive what traffic Frontend Backend @mikesir87

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Adding the Proxy docker-compose.yml version: "3.8" services: proxy: image: traefik:v2.2 command: --providers.docker ports: - 80:80 volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock app: ... labels: traefik.http.routers.backend.rule: Host(`localhost`) && PathPrefix(`/items`) 3000 @mikesir87

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Demo Time! (split-frontend tag) @mikesir87

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Great! This will help us build better apps and hire qualified frontend developers! @mikesir87

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While we’re at it, can we add some end-to-end tests? @mikesir87

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Running end-to-end tests ● Use the tool(s) that makes sense for your organization ○ Create container(s) that bundle those tools together ○ Selenium has images with bundled Firefox/Chrome browsers ● You can launch it all with Docker Compose ○ The --exit-code-from flag will tell Compose to watch one service, tear the stack down when it exits, and pass along the exit code (GREAT for CI builds!!!) @mikesir87

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Sample Test Architectures App Database Tests @mikesir87

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Something more sophisticated... Proxy Front End Client Selenium Container w/ Browser API Selenium Tests Database Mock CAS @mikesir87

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Demo Time! (api-tests tag) @mikesir87

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Wrapping Up ● Docker Compose can be used to simplify dev environments a. git clone b. docker-compose up c. Write code! ● With Compose, you can easily add services as needs arise ● Compose can be used for automated testing in CI pipelines @mikesir87

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Thank you! Questions? @mikesir87