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Feature Flags Simon Willison, @simonw ! PyCon 2014

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“Release early, release often”

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A way of exposing features to a sub-set of your userbase

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Decouple deployment from release

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(+ risk-free instant rollback)

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FEATURE_FLAGS = {! 'mapbox': 'Uses MapBox maps rather than Google Maps',! }!

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class FeatureFlag(Model):! slug = SlugField(unique = True)! description = CharField(max_length = 140)! enabled_for_all = BooleanField(default = False)

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class FeatureFlag(Model):! slug = SlugField(unique = True)! description = CharField(max_length = 140)! enabled_for_all = BooleanField(default = False)! users = ManyToManyField(User)!

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class FeatureFlag(Model):! slug = SlugField(unique = True)! description = CharField(max_length = 140)! enabled_for_all = BooleanField(default = False)! users = ManyToManyField(User)! groups = ManyToManyField(Group)

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def is_enabled(self, user):! return (! self.enabled_for_all or! self.users.filter(pk = or! self.groups.filter(users__pk =! )!

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@flag_required('topic_tracking')! def topic_track(request, slug):! # ... view code ... !

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if user.has_flag('topic_tracking'):! # ...!

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{% flag new_eventbrite %}!

Lanyrd is an Eventbrite company

! {% endflag %}!

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{% flagactive login_facebook %}(alpha-only){% endflagactive %}

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In read_only_mode • Prevent logged-in user actions • Auth middleware ignores user cookie • Mobile app APIs ignore user token • Shows the banner and hide the “sign in” link

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MySQL on EC2 PostgreSQL on SoftLayer with no downtime

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Feature flags at Eventbrite

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• User / Staff • Event • Organizer • API key • Country • IP address (or range) • v.s. .de v.s. .fr

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class RequestCountry(ConditionSet):! country = String(label='Country')! def can_execute(self, instance):! return isinstance(instance, (HttpRequest,))! ! def get_field_value(self, request, field_name):! if field_name == 'country':! return getattr(request, 'country')! ! gargoyle.register(RequestCountry())

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Gotchas • Unexpected flag combinations • Old feature flag code • Performance!

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Gargoyle performance • Switch = DB row with JSON blob of conditions • Caches switches in local memory AND remote cache • At Eventbrite, we run memcached on every frontend server to reduce network traffic

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Meanwhile, at Facebook…

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Meanwhile, at Facebook… 500M+ gatekeeper checks/second - back in 2012!

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• Use feature flags, not long-lived branches! • The ROI on feature flags is ridiculous • Try Gargoyle (or Gutter), or roll your own