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Including people

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Including people !"#$%&

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André Arko @indirect

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The Ruby Way

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including people in projects & communities

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experiences and suggestions some

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“diversity” let’s talk about

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bias & exclusion we have a problem

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is a lie told by meritocracy rich white men

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the economic argument for diversity is diversionary bullshit

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including people is an attitude and a philosophy of interaction

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projects need to include their teams

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projects need to include contributors

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projects need to include users

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users pay more attention than you think they do

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code of conduct makes it clear your project will not tolerate harassment

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documentation first point of contact with your project for most people

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write tutorials topic guides an API reference troubleshooting docs

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accept issue reports gracefully

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listen and speak respectfully

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contributors are like users, but more helpful

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ask for help people like helping

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write docs just for potential or current contributors

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pull requests are just issues with work done for you

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your team is people

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respect and empathy

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are why you’re here respect & empathy

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are all that matters. respect & empathy