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Integration and end-to-end testing with TestСontainers Nikolay Kuznetsov @nikolayk812 31 October 2019

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About me ● Go developer at Zalando Helsinki ● Java developer at Infobip, DevExperts ● C developer at Samsung, Motorola

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Why integration testing?

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Trade-offs Test Runtime

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Basic integration test

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Integration testing evolution ● In-memory mocking ● Local DBs ● Vagrant ● Docker, Docker Compose ● Docker API

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Docker advantages ● 100% compatible database ● Same version as production ● Empty or known state

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Start Docker containers for integration test ● Shell scripts ● Maven plugin ● Docker Compose ● Docker API ● MiniKube, Kubernetes

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Shell scripts

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Maven plugins

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Docker Compose

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Docker API

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TestContainers ● ● Wraps docker-java library ● Docker environment discovery ● Host port randomization ● Containers clean up on JVM shutdown ● Readiness waiting strategies

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As simple as static GenericContainer redis = new GenericContainer("redis:5.0.6") .withExposedPorts(6379); static PostgreSQLContainer postgres = new PostgreSQLContainer();

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Docker environment discovery

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Host port randomization ● To prevent port conflicts ● Enables parallel builds ● API to get a host port

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Containers cleanup

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Waiting strategies ● Host port ● HTTP ● Log message ● Docker healthcheck ● Custom

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Host port waiting strategy ● Default: at first exposed port with timeout of 60s ● Implementation checks both from outside and inside container

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HTTP waiting strategy ● Status & response body predicate

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Demo I User Service

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Demo recap ● JUnit 5 integration via Extension API @TestContainers / @Container annotations ● Modules ○ wrappers on top of GenericContainer ○ setters translated to containers environment variables

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JUnit 5 extensions ● Test execution lifecycle phases = extension points ● Extension logic ○ Implement interface(s) from o.j.j.api.extension.* ○ Register with @ExtendsWith annotation

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Modules ● 14 database modules ● MockServer ● LocalStack = mocked AWS by Atlassian ● Kafka, Pulsar, RabbitMQ ● Toxiproxy

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Demo II Extensions Modules

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Demo III User Service Item Service

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Why end-to-end testing? ● Test business flows across multiple services ● Regression when ○ a new service introduced ○ a legacy service removed

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Testing environment cluster Spring Cloud Kubernetes

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Test cluster for automated E2E tests ● Unexpected versions of dependencies ○ Teammates deploy from a development branch ○ Pinging other teams to stabilize their test environment ● Unexpected database states ○ Care to clear data generated by a test run?

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On-demand cluster for E2E tests ● Locally and at CI machines ● Needs time to spin up a new cluster ● Resources: memory and CPU ● How actually to do it?

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Kubernetes for E2E tests

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Non-Kubernetes for E2E tests ● YAGNI = You aren’t gonna need it (Kubernetes for end-to-end tests) ● Unless, you really want to test specific Kubernetes features or manifests ● So, start services in containers within the same Docker network! (with TestContainers)

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E2E setup Item Service User Service Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka

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Docker network aliases item-alias :8084 user-alias :8083 postgres-alias :5432 redis-alias :6379 eureka-alias :8761

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Spring Cloud Eureka service names item-eureka user-eureka eureka

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Demo IV

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E2E approach ● Implement JUnit 5 extension for each service/database

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E2E approach (2) ● An extension implements BeforeAllCallback interface ● Starts a corresponding container via TestContainers API ● Configures it, provides a shared a network ● Perform tests by calling endpoints via host ports

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Demo V

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Hints ● Host port forwarding Testcontainers.exposeHostPorts() ● Fixed host port for remote debug GenericContainer.addFixedExposedPort() ●

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Takeaways ● ● Balance between flexibility, speed and features ● Works on Mac, Linux, Windows ● Great for integration tests ● Possible to use for end-to-end tests

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Mulțumesc! @nikolayk812 nikolayk812