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HELLO! I 'm Michael I'm @mheap on Twitter I have a favourite Time Zone (DMT)

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APIs at Nexmo 6 REST-like

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APIs at Nexmo 7 Pragmatic REST-like

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APIs at Nexmo 8 Pragmatic REST-like Consumer Success

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API Standards 9 Status Codes

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API Standards 10 HTTP Verbs Status Codes

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API Standards 11 HTTP Verbs Status Codes Nouns, not Verbs

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What we're not going to cover ▸ Message formats ▸ Rate limiting ▸ Content negotiation ▸ HTTP headers ▸ Hypermedia ▸ Resource design ▸ Response design ▸ RPC endpoints ▸ Documentation ▸ Asynchronous actions ▸ Idempotency ▸ Caching ▸ API Gateways ▸ Security ▸ GraphQL ▸ Available RFCs 12

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1. Errors Status Codes, RFC7807 + Extensions 13

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2. Versioning Header/URL, Versioning Schemes, Deprecation 14

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3. Collection Management Sorting, Filtering, Searching, Pagination 15

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4. URI Design Subresources, Action endpoints 16

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1. Errors Status Codes, RFC7807 + Extensions 17

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“ Errors are easy! People should just use status codes

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401 Unauthorized Error Design 19

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401 Unauthorized { "error": "No credentials provided" } Error Design 20

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401 Unauthorized { "error": "Invalid credentials" } Error Design 21

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401 Unauthorized { "error": "Invalid credentials", "more_help": " auth#invalid-credentials" } Error Design 22

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401 Unauthorized { "msg": "Invalid credentials" } Error Design 23

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401 Unauthorized { "errorCode": 118118, "errorMessage": "Invalid credentials" } Error Design 24

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401 Unauthorized "Invalid credentials" Error Design 25

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RFC7807 Type A URI reference that identifies the problem type. When followed, it provides human-readable documentation for the problem type Title A short, human-readable summary of the problem type Detail A human- readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem 26 Instance A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem

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RFC7807 Type A URI reference that identifies the problem type. When followed, it provides human-readable documentation for the problem type Title A short, human-readable summary of the problem type Detail A human- readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem 27 Instance A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem Status The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.

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RFC7807 Type A URI reference that identifies the problem type. When followed, it provides human-readable documentation for the problem type Title A short, human-readable summary of the problem type Detail A human- readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem 28 Instance A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem

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{ "type": " errors#unauthorized", "title": "Invalid credentials supplied", "detail": "You did not provide correct credentials.", "instance": "797a8f199c45014ab7b08bfe9cc1c12c" } RFC7807 29

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403 Forbidden { "type": " credit", "title": "You do not have enough credit.", "detail": "Your current balance is 30, but that costs 50.", "instance": "/account/12345/msgs/abc" } Extension Members 30

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403 Forbidden { "type": "", "title": "You do not have enough credit.", "detail": "Your current balance is 30, but that costs 50.", "instance": "/account/12345/msgs/abc", "balance": 30, "accounts": ["/account/12345", "/account/67890"] } Extension Members 31

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400 Bad Request { "type": " management#validation", "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "The request failed due to validation errors", "invalid_parameters": [ { "name": "secret", "reason": "must contain 1 upper case character" } ], "instance": "797a8f199c45014ab7b08bfe9cc1c12c" } Extension Members 32

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401: No Credentials, Invalid Credentials 403: Feature disabled, Exceeded calls-per-second limit 422: Invalid product specified + more! Response Library 33

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“ As a consumer of the APIs, this has already dramatically reduced the amount of code I have to write for each endpoint, and I can't wait until all endpoints are standardised

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2. Versioning Header/URL, Versioning Schemes, Deprecation 35

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“ The reason to make a real REST API is to get evolvability … a "v1" is a middle finger to your API customers, indicating RPC/HTTP (not REST)

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“With a sufficient number of users of an interface, it doesn’t matter what you promised in the interface contracts, all observable behaviors of your class or function or whatnot will be depended upon by somebody. Hyrum's Law

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Accept: application/vnd.nexmo+json; version=3 URI vs Header 38

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Accept: application/vnd.nexmo+json; version=3 
 X-Nexmo-Version: 3 URI vs Header 39

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Accept: application/vnd.nexmo+json; version=3 
 X-Nexmo-Version: 3 URI vs Header 40

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Slide 43 text Global vs Endpoint versioning 43

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Have a deprecation policy. It doesn't matter what it is, but be consistent. Deprecation Policies 48

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When the decision has been taken to deprecate an API: • For beta products the deprecation period must be at least 30 days (60 days recommended) • For GA products the deprecation period must be at least 1 year • Warning emails will be sent to the API at regular intervals before the deprecation time • A guide will be supplied to customers explaining how to migrate to the replacement API with the initial deprecation notice. Deprecation Policies: Nexmo 49

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Use the Sunset Header Sunset: Sat, 31 Dec 2018 23:59:59 GMT Sunset Header 50

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Use the Link Header Link: rel="sunset" Link Header 51

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3. Collection Management Sorting, Filtering, Searching, Pagination 52

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Sorting 53

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GET /users? sort_by=email&order_by=asc Sorting 54

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GET /users?sort_by=email.asc Sorting 55

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GET /users?sort_by=email.asc &sort_by=status.desc Sorting 56

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GET /users? sort_by=email.asc,status.desc Sorting 57

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GET /users?sort_by=+email,-status Sorting 58

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GET /users?sort_by=+email,-status GET /users? sort_by=email.asc,status.desc Sorting 59

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Filtering 60

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Filtering 61 Discrete data e.g. user role Continuous data e.g. subscription expiry time

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Discrete Data 62 /users?role=admin /orders?shipped=true /calls?status=active

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Discrete Data 63 /users?role=admin /orders?shipped=true /calls?status=active 403 Forbidden /users?is_fbi_informant=true

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Discrete Data: JSON API 64 GET /employees? filter[role]=internal&filter[title]= senior

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Discrete Data: JSON API 65 GET /employees? filter[role]=internal&filter[title]= senior GET /employees? role=internal&title=senior

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Continuous Data 66

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Continuous Data 67 GET /orders? start_date=2018-01-01&end- date=2018=01-31

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Continuous Data 68 GET /orders? start_date=2018-01-01&end- date=2018=01-31 GET /orders? date[gte]=2018-01-01&date[lte]=2018= 01-31

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Industry Standards 69

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Industry Standards: SCIM 70 filter=userName eq "bjensen" filter=name.familyName co "O'Malley" filter=userName sw "J" filter=urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core: 2.0:User:userName sw "J" filter=title pr filter=meta.lastModified gt "2011-05-13T04:42:34Z"

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Searching 71

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Searching 72 GET /items?q=title:red chair AND price:[10 TO 100]

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Pagination 73 Offset based Cursor based

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Pagination: Offset 74 GET /calls?page=3&page_size=100

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Pagination: Cursor 75 GET /calls GET /calls? cursor=2018-01-19T12:33:51 GET /calls? cursor=2018-01-18T03:00:18

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Pagination: Links 76 { "_links": { "next": { "href": "/calls?cursor=9274" } } } Link: ; rel="next",

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4. URI Design Subresources, Action endpoints 77

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GET /users/1 Subresources 78

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GET /users/1 GET /users/1/calls Subresources 79

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GET /users/1 GET /users/1/calls GET /users/1/calls/JSDB-1837A Subresources 80

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GET /users/1 GET /users/1/calls GET /users/1/calls/JSDB-1837A GET /calls/JSDB-1837A Subresources 81

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GET /users/1 GET /users/1/calls Subresources 82

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GET /users/1 GET /users/1/calls GET /calls?user=1 Subresources 83

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GET /users/1 GET /addresses/33-90210 GET /users/1/addresses/33-90210 Subresources 84

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GET /users/1 GET /addresses/33-90210 GET /users/1/addresses/33-90210 GET /user_addresses/1-33-90210 Subresources 85

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POST /machines/1/shutdown Actions 86

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POST /machines/1/shutdown POST /machines/1/actions/shutdown Actions 87

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POST /machines/1/shutdown POST /machines/1/actions/shutdown POST /machines/1/action:shutdown Actions 88

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POST /machines/1/shutdown POST /machines/1/actions/shutdown POST /machines/1/action:shutdown POST /machines/1/actions {"type": "shutdown"} Actions 89

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POST /machine-shutdown Actions as Resources 90

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POST /machine-shutdown PUT /article-locks/{article-id} DELETE /article-locks/{article-id} POST /balance-transfer Actions as Resources 91

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What we didn't cover ▸ Message formats ▸ Rate limiting ▸ Content negotiation ▸ HTTP headers ▸ Hypermedia ▸ Resource design ▸ Response design ▸ RPC endpoints ▸ Documentation ▸ Asynchronous actions ▸ Idempotency ▸ Caching ▸ API Gateways ▸ Security ▸ GraphQL ▸ Available RFCs 93

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