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© 2017 Continuum Analytics - Confidential & Proprietary © 2018 Quansight - Confidential & Proprietary Scaling Python Up and Out with Numba and Dask Travis E. Oliphant PyCon India Tutorial October 5, 2018

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• MS/BS degrees in Elec. Comp. Engineering • PhD from Mayo Clinic in Biomedical Engineering (Ultrasound and MRI) • Creator and Developer of SciPy (1998-2009) • Professor at BYU (2001-2007) Inverse Problems • Creator and Developer of NumPy (2005-2012) • Started Numba and Conda (2012 - ) • Founder of NumFOCUS / PyData • Python Software Foundation Director (2012) • Co-founder of Continuum Analytics => Anaconda, Inc. • CEO (2012) => Chief Data Scientist (2017) • Founder (2018) of Quansight SciPy

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Company 2012 - Created Two Orgs for Sustainable Open Source Community Enterprise software company initially built on services and supporting open-source. Became

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Data Science Workflow New Data Notebooks Understand Data Getting Data Understand World Reports Microservices Dashboards Applications Decisions and Actions Models Exploratory Data Analysis and Viz Data Products

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Quansight — continuing Continuum momentum Replaced by Spin Out Spin Out 2012 2018 ? ? Key. Members of the management team at Continuum Analytics ==> Anaconda was our first (spin-out) company. 2015 2019 and beyond…

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What We Do Connecting companies and communities We build and connect companies and open-source communities to sustainably solve problems with data.

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© 2018 Quansight - Confidential & Proprietary 7 Core Business Quansight Labs Membership Staffing / Mentoring Custom Data-Science/ML Consulting Sustainable Open Source Partnerships

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Open Source Directions Webinar series to promote and encourage open-source Roadmaps. We also help communities publicize these roadmaps.

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LABS Sustaining the Future Open-source innovation and maintenance around the entire data- science and AI workflow. • NumPy ecosystem maintenance (fund developers) • Improve connection of NumPy to ML Frameworks • GPU Support for NumPy Ecosystem • Improve foundations of Array computing • JupyterLab • Data Catalog standards • Packaging (conda-forge, PyPA, etc.) uarray — unified array interface and symbolic NumPy xnd — re-factored NumPy (low-level cross-language libraries for N-D (tensor) computing) Partnered with NumFOCUS and Ursa Labs (supporting Arrow) Bokeh Adapted from Jake Vanderplas PyCon 2017 Keynote

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1991 2018 2001 2015 2009 2012 2005 … 2001 2006 Python Data Analysis and Machine Learning Time-Line 1991 2003 2014 2011 2010 2016

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Empower domain experts with high-level tools that exploit modern hard-ware Array Oriented Computing expertise

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• Express domain knowledge directly in arrays (tensors, matrices, vectors) --- easier to teach programming in domain • Can take advantage of parallelism and accelerators • Array expressions Why Array-oriented computing Object Attr1 Attr2 Attr3 Object Attr1 Attr2 Attr3 Object Attr1 Attr2 Attr3 Attr1 Attr2 Attr3 Object1 Object2 Object3 Object4 Object5 Object6 Object Attr1 Attr2 Attr3

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• Today’s vector machines (and vector co-processors, or GPUS) were made for array- oriented computing. • The software stack has just not caught up --- unfortunate because APL came out in 1963. • There is a reason Fortran remains popular among High Performance groups. Reasons for array-oriented

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Python and in particular PyData is Growing

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Bokeh Adapted from Jake Vanderplas PyCon 2017 Keynote

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Conda Conda Forge Conda Environments A cross-platform and language agnostic package and environment manager A community-led collection of recipes, build infrastructure, and packages for conda. Custom isolated software sandboxes to allow easy reproducibility and sharing of data-science work. Web-site for freely hosting public packages and environments. Example of conda repository.

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• Language independent • Platform independent • No special privileges required • No VMs or containers • Enables: - Reproducibility - Collaboration - Scaling “conda – package everything” 17 A Python v2.7 Conda Sandboxing Technology B Python v3.4 Pandas v0.18 Jupyter C R R Essentials conda NumPy v1.11 NumPy v1.10 Pandas v0.16

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Basic Conda Usage 18 Install a package conda install sympy List all installed packages conda list Search for packages conda search llvm Create a new environment conda create -n py3k python=3 Remove a package conda remove nose Get help conda install --help

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Advanced Conda Usage 19 Install a package in an environment conda install -n py3k sympy Update all packages conda update --all Export list of packages conda list --export packages.txt Install packages from an export conda install --file packages.txt See package history conda list --revisions Revert to a revision conda install --revision 23 Remove unused packages and cached tarballs conda clean -pt

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20 Development Deployment Conda eases rapid deployment

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Without NumPy from math import sin, pi def sinc(x): if x == 0: return 1.0 else: pix = pi*x return sin(pix)/pix def step(x): if x > 0: return 1.0 elif x < 0: return 0.0 else: return 0.5 >>> import functions as f >>> xval = [x/3.0 for x in range(-10,10)] >>> yval1 = [f.sinc(x) for x in xval] >>> yval2 = [f.step(x) for x in xval] Python is a great language but needed a way to operate quickly and cleanly over multi- dimensional arrays.

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With NumPy from numpy import sin, pi from numpy import vectorize import functions as f vsinc = vectorize(f.sinc) def sinc(x): pix = pi*x val = sin(pix)/pix val[x==0] = 1.0 return val vstep = vectorize(f.step) def step(x): y = x*0.0 y[x>0] = 1 y[x==0] = 0.5 return y >>> import functions2 as f >>> from numpy import * >>> x = r_[-10:10]/3.0 >>> y1 = f.sinc(x) >>> y2 = f.step(x) Offers N-D array, element-by-element functions, and basic random numbers, linear algebra, and FFT capability for Python Fiscally sponsored by NumFOCUS

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NumPy: an Array Extension of Python • Data: the array object – slicing and shaping – data-type map to Bytes • Fast Math (ufuncs): – vectorization – broadcasting – aggregations

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shape NumPy Array Key Attributes • dtype • shape • ndim • strides • data

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NumPy Examples 2d array 3d array [439 472 477] [217 205 261 222 245 238] 9.98330639789 2.96677717122

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NumPy Slicing (Selection) >>> a[0,3:5] array([3, 4]) >>> a[4:,4:] array([[44, 45], [54, 55]]) >>> a[:,2] array([2,12,22,32,42,52]) >>> a[2::2,::2] array([[20, 22, 24], [40, 42, 44]])

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Summary • Provides foundational N-dimensional array composed of homogeneous elements of a particular “dtype” • The dtype of the elements is extensive (but difficult to extend) • Arrays can be sliced and diced with simple syntax to provide easy manipulation and selection. • Provides fast and powerful math, statistics, and linear algebra functions that operate over arrays. • Utilities for sorting, reading and writing data also provided.

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Scaling Up and Out with Numba and Dask

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Scale Up vs Scale Out Big Memory & Many Cores / GPU Box Best of Both (e.g. GPU Cluster) Many commodity nodes in a cluster Scale Up (Bigger Nodes) Scale Out (More Nodes) Numba Dask Dask with Numba

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Development Name Latest Release Number of Releases GitHub Stars Contributors numba 0.40.0 113 3476 96 dask 0.19.2 52 3507 195 dask-ml 0.10.0 15 104 23 numpy 1.15.2 144 8298 694 pandas 0.23.4 97 16,276 1285 Numba Dask Dask-ml

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• Python is one of the most popular languages for data science • Python integrates well with compiled, accelerated libraries (MKL, TensorFlow, etc) • But what about custom algorithms and data processing tasks? • Our goal was to make a compiler that: • Worked within the standard Python interpreter, not replaced it • Integrated tightly with NumPy • Compatible with both multithreaded and distributed computing paradigms A Compiler for Python? Combining Productivity and Performance

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• An open-source, function-at-a-time compiler library for Python • Compiler toolbox for different targets and execution models: • single-threaded CPU, multi-threaded CPU, GPU • regular functions, “universal functions” (array functions), etc • Speedup: 2x (compared to basic NumPy code) to 200x (compared to pure Python) • Combine ease of writing Python with speeds approaching FORTRAN • Empowers data scientists who make tools for themselves and other data scientists Numba: A JIT Compiler for Python

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7 things about Numba you may not know 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Numba is 100% Open Source Numba + Jupyter = Rapid CUDA Prototyping Numba can compile for the CPU and the GPU at the same time Numba makes array processing easy with @(gu)vectorize Numba comes with a CUDA Simulator You can send Numba functions over the network Numba developers contributing to a GPU DataFrame (pygdf)

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Numba (compile Python to CPUs and GPUs) conda install numba Intermediate Representation (IR) x86 ARM PTX Python LLVM Numba Code Generation Backend Parsing Frontend

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How does Numba work? Python Function (bytecode) Bytecode Analysis Functions Arguments Numba IR Machine Code Execute! Type Inference LLVM/NVVM JIT LLVM IR Lowering Rewrite IR Cache @jit def do_math(a, b): … >>> do_math(x, y)

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Supported Platforms and Hardware OS HW SW Windows
 (7 and later) 32 and 64-bit CPUs (Incl Xeon Phi) Python 2.7, 3.4-3.7 OS X
 (10.9 and later) CUDA & HSA GPUs NumPy 1.10 and later Linux
 (RHEL 6 and later) Some support for ARM and ROCm

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Basic Example

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Basic Example Array Allocation Looping over ndarray x as an iterator Using numpy math functions Returning a slice of the array 2.7x speedup! Numba decorator
 (nopython=True not required)

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• Detects CPU model during compilation and optimizes for that target • Automatic type inference: No need to give type signatures for functions • Dispatches to multiple type-specializations for the same function • Call out to C libraries with CFFI and types • Special "callback" mode for creating C callbacks to use with external libraries • Optional caching to disk, and ahead-of-time creation of shared libraries • Compiler is extensible with new data types and functions Numba Features

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• Three main technologies for parallelism: Parallel Computing SIMD Multi-threading Distributed Computing x0 x1 x2 x3 x0 x1 x2 x3 x0 x3 x2 x1

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• Numba's CPU detection will enable LLVM to autovectorize for appropriate SIMD instruction set: • SSE, AVX, AVX2, AVX-512 • Will become even more important as AVX-512 is now available on both Xeon Phi and Skylake Xeon processors SIMD: Single Instruction Multiple Data

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Manual Multithreading: Release the GIL Speedup Ratio 0 0.9 1.8 2.6 3.5 Number of Threads 1 2 4 Option to release the GIL Using Python concurrent.futures

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Universal Functions (Ufuncs) Ufuncs are a core concept in NumPy for array-oriented computing. ◦ A function with scalar inputs is broadcast across the elements of the input arrays: • np.add([1,2,3], 3) == [4, 5, 6] • np.add([1,2,3], [10, 20, 30]) == [11, 22, 33] ◦ Parallelism is present, by construction. Numba will generate loops and can automatically multi-thread if requested. ◦ Before Numba, creating fast ufuncs required writing C. No longer!

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Universal Functions (Ufuncs) Different decorator! 1.8x speedup!

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Multi-threaded Ufuncs Specify type signature Select parallel target Automatically uses all CPU cores!

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ParallelAccelerator • ParallelAccelerator is a special compiler pass contributed by Intel Labs • Todd A. Anderson, Ehsan Totoni, Paul Liu • Based on similar contribution to Julia • Automatically generates mulithreaded code in a Numba compiled- function: • Array expressions and reductions • Random functions • Dot products • Explicit loops indicated with prange() call

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ParallelAccelerator: Example #1 Time (ms) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 NumPy Numba Numba+PA 1.8x 3.6x 1000000x10 input, Core i7 Quad Core CPU

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ParallelAccelerator: prange() Time (ms) 0 25 50 75 100 NumPy Numba Numba+PA 4.3x 50x 1000000x10 input, Core i7 Quad Core CPU

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ParallelAccelerator: prange() Time (ms) 0 25 50 75 100 NumPy Numba Numba+PA 2x 3.6x 1000000x10 input, Core i7 Quad Core CPU

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ParallelAccelerator: Image Resampling datashader/blob/master/examples/ landsat.ipynb Interactive image resampling with Holoviews + Datashader Datashader resampling implemented with Numba + prange()

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ParallelAccelerator: Stencils 730x547 image w/ 21x21 pixel blur half the lines of code and 4x faster on a quad core CPU than equivalent non-stencil Numba code

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Distributed Computing
 Example: Dask Dask Client
 (Haswell) Dask Scheduler Dask Worker
 (Skylake) Dask Worker (Skylake) Dask Worker (Knight’s Landing) @jit def f(x): … - Serialize with pickle module - Works with Dask and Spark (and others) - Automatic recompilation for each target f(x) f(x) f(x)

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Other Numba topics CUDA Python — write general GPU kernels with Python Device Arrays — manage memory transfer from host to GPU Streaming — manage asynchronous and parallel GPU compute streams CUDA Simulator in Python — to help debug your kernels HSA Support — early support for HSA-based GPUs and APUs Pyculib — access to cuFFT, cuBLAS, cuSPARSE, cuRAND, CUDA Sorting

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• Designed to parallelize the Python ecosystem • Handles complex algorithms • Co-developed with Pandas/SKLearn/Jupyter teams • Familiar APIs for Python users • Scales • Scales from multicore to 1000-node clusters • Resilience, responsive, and real-time

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• Parallelizes NumPy, Pandas, SKLearn • Satisfies subset of these APIs • Uses these libraries internally • Co-developed with these teams • Task scheduler supports custom algorithms • Parallelize existing code • Build novel real-time systems • Arbitrary task graphs 
 with data dependencies • Same scalability

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demo video • High level: Scaling Pandas • Same Pandas look and feel • Uses Pandas under the hood • Scales nicely onto many machines • Low level: Arbitrary task scheduling • Parallelize normal Python code • Build custom algorithms • React real-time • Demo deployed with • dask-kubernetes 
 Google Compute Engine • • Youtube link • v=ods97a5Pzw0&

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Why do people choose Dask? • Familiar with Python: • Drop-in NumPy/Pandas/SKLearn APIs • Native memory environment • Easy debugging and diagnostics • Have complex problems: • Parallelize existing code without expensive rewrites • Sophisticated algorithms and systems • Real-time response to small-data • Scales up and down: • Scales to 1000-node clusters • Also runs cheaply on a laptop #import pandas as pd import dask.dataframe as dd

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Dask • Started as part of Blaze in early 2014. • General parallel programming engine • Flexible and therefore highly suited for • Commodity Clusters • Advanced Algorithms • Wide community adoption and use conda install -c conda-forge dask pip install dask[complete] distributed --upgrade

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62 Big Data Small Data Numba

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Dask: From User Interaction to Execution 63 delayed

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Dask: Parallel Data Processing Synthetic views of Numpy ndarrays Synthetic views of Pandas DataFrames with HDFS support DAG construction and workflow manager

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65 >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv('iris.csv') >>> df.head() sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width species 0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa 1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa 2 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 Iris-setosa 3 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 Iris-setosa 4 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa >>> max_sepal_length_setosa = df[df.species == 'setosa'].sepal_length.max() 5.7999999999999998 >>> import dask.dataframe as dd >>> ddf = dd.read_csv('*.csv') >>> ddf.head() sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width species 0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa 1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa 2 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 Iris-setosa 3 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 Iris-setosa 4 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa … >>> d_max_sepal_length_setosa = ddf[ddf.species == 'setosa'].sepal_length.max() >>> d_max_sepal_length_setosa.compute() 5.7999999999999998 Dask DataFrame is like Pandas

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New Spark/Hadoop clusters • Create and provision a Spark/Hadoop cluster with a few simple steps • Work on the cloud or with your existing in-house servers Dask Graphs: Example Machine Learning Pipeline 66

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Example 1: Using Dask DataFrames on a cluster with CSV data 67 • Built from Pandas DataFrames • Match Pandas interface • Access data from HDFS, S3, local, etc. • Fast, low latency • Responsive user interface

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68 >>> import numpy as np >>> np_ones = np.ones((5000, 1000)) >>> np_ones array([[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], ..., [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.]]) >>> np_y = np.log(np_ones + 1)[:5].sum(axis=1) >>> np_y array([ 693.14718056, 693.14718056, 693.14718056, 693.14718056, 693.14718056]) >>> import dask.array as da >>> da_ones = da.ones((5000000, 1000000), chunks=(1000, 1000)) >>> da_ones.compute() array([[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], ..., [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.]]) >>> da_y = da.log(da_ones + 1)[:5].sum(axis=1) >>> np_da_y = np.array(da_y) #fits in memory array([ 693.14718056, 693.14718056, 693.14718056, 693.14718056, …, 693.14718056]) # If result doesn’t fit in memory >>> da_y.to_hdf5('myfile.hdf5', 'result') Dask Array is like NumPy

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Example 3: Using Dask Arrays with global temperature data 69 • Built from NumPy
 n-dimensional arrays • Matches NumPy interface (subset) • Solve medium-large problems • Complex algorithms

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Dask Schedulers: Distributed Scheduler 70

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• Scheduling arbitrary graphs is hard. • Optimal graph scheduling is NP-hard • Scalable Scheduling requires Linear time solutions • Fortunately dask does well with a lot of heuristics • … and a lot of monitoring and data about sizes • … and how long functions take. Dask Scheduler 71

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Cluster Architecture Diagram 72 Client Machine Compute Node Compute Node Compute Node Head Node

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• Single machine with multiple threads or processes • On a cluster with SSH (dcluster) • Resource management: YARN (knit), SGE, Slurm • On the cloud with Amazon EC2 (dec2) or Google CE • On a cluster with Anaconda for cluster management • Manage multiple conda environments and packages 
 on bare-metal or cloud-based clusters Using Anaconda and Dask on your Cluster 73

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Scheduler Visualization with Bokeh 74

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What makes Dask different? Lets look at some pictures of directed graphs

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Most Parallel Framework Architectures User API High Level Representation Logical Plan Low Level Representation Physical Plan Task scheduler for execution

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SQL Database Architecture SELECT avg(value) FROM accounts INNER JOIN customers ON … WHERE name == ‘Alice’

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SQL Database Architecture SELECT avg(value) FROM accounts WHERE name == ‘Alice’ INNER JOIN customers ON … Optimize

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Spark Architecture df.join(df2, …) .select(…) .filter(…) Optimize

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Large Matrix Architecture (A’ * A) \ A’ * b Optimize

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Dask Architecture

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Dask Architecture accts=dd.read_parquet(…) accts=accts[ == ‘Alice’] df=dd.merge(accts, customers) df.value.mean().compute()

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Dask Architecture u, s, v = da.linalg.svd(X) Y = da.linalg.norm(X - y)

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Dask Architecture for i in range(256): x = dask.delayed(f)(i) y = dask.delayed(g)(x) z = dask.delayed(add)(x, y

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Dask Architecture async def func(): client = await Client() futures =…) async for f in as_completed(…): result = await f

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Dask Architecture Your own system here

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By dropping the high level representation Costs • Lose specialization • Lose opportunities for high level optimization Benefits • Become generalists • More flexibility for new domains and algorithms • Access to smarter algorithms • Better task scheduling
 Resource constraints, GPUs, multiple clients,
 async-real-time, etc..

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Ten Reasons People Choose Dask

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Scalable Pandas DataFrames • Same API
 import dask.dataframe as dd
 df = dd.read_parquet(‘s3://bucket/accounts/2017')
 df.groupby( • Efficient Timeseries Operations
 df.loc[‘2017-01-01’] # Uses the Pandas index…
 df.value.rolling(10).std() # for efficient…
 df.value.resample(‘10m’).mean() # operations. • Co-developed with Pandas
 and by the Pandas developer community

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Scalable NumPy Arrays • Same API
 import dask.array as da
 x = da.from_array(my_hdf5_file)
 y = • Applications • Atmospheric science • Satellite imagery • Biomedical imagery • Optimization algorithms
 check out dask-glm

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Parallelize Scikit-Learn/Joblib • Scikit-Learn parallelizes with Joblib
 estimator = RandomForest(…), train_labels, njobs=8) • Joblib can use Dask
 from sklearn.externals.joblib import parallel_backend
 with parallel_backend('dask', scheduler=‘…’):, train_labels) Joblib Thread pool

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Parallelize Scikit-Learn/Joblib • Scikit-Learn parallelizes with Joblib
 estimator = RandomForest(…), train_labels, njobs=8) • Joblib can use Dask
 from sklearn.externals.joblib import parallel_backend
 with parallel_backend('dask', scheduler=‘…’):, train_labels) Joblib Dask

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Many Other Libraries in Anaconda • Scikit-Image uses dask to break down images and speed up algorithms with overlapping regions • Geopandas can use Dask to partition data spatially and accelerate spatial joins

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Dask Scales Up • Thousand node clusters • Cloud computing • Super computers • Gigabyte/s bandwidth • 200 microsecond task overhead Dask Scales Down (the median cluster size is one) • Can run in a single Python thread pool • Almost no performance penalty (microseconds) • Lightweight • Few dependencies • Easy install

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Parallelize Web Backends • Web servers process thousands of small computations asynchronously
 for web pages or REST endpoints • Dask provides dynamic, heterogenous computation • Supports small data • 10ms roundtrip times • Dynamic scaling for different loads • Supports asynchronous Python (like GoLang)
 async def serve(request):
 future = dask_client.submit(process, request)
 result = await future
 return result

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Debugging support • Clean Python tracebacks when user code breaks • Connect to remote workers with IPython sessions 
 for advanced debugging

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Resource constraints • Define limited hardware resources for workers • Specify resource constraints when submitting tasks $ dask-worker … —resources GPU=2 $ dask-worker … —resources GPU=2 $ dask-worker … —resources special-db=1 future = client.submit(my_function, resources={‘GPU’: 1}) • Used for GPUs, big-memory machines, special hardware, database connections, I/O machines, etc..

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Collaboration • Many users can share the same cluster simultaneously • Define public datasets • Repeated computation and data use is shared among everyone df = dd.read_parquet(…).persist() client.publish_dataset(accounts=df) df = client.get_dataset(‘accounts’)

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Beautiful Diagnostic Dashboards • Fast responsive dashboards • Provide users performance insight • Powered by Bokeh

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Some Reasons not to Choose Dask

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• Dask is not a SQL database. 
 Does Pandas well, but won’t optimize complex queries. • Dask is not MPI
 Very fast, but does leave some performance on the table
 200us task overhead
 a couple copies in the network stack • Dask is not a JVM technology
 It’s a Python library
 (although Julia bindings available) • Dask is not always necessary 
 You may not need parallelism Dask’s limitations

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