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Continuous Delivery at scale Social and technical practices for fast flow Matthew Skelton, Founder at Conflux K03 Keynote at Agile Manchester | 10 May 2023

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Photo goes here Matthew Skelton Founder at Conflux Co-author of Team Topologies 2

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Team Topologies Organizing business and technology teams for fast flow Matthew Skelton & Manuel Pais IT Revolution Press, September 2019 Order via stores worldwide: 3

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5 Fast flow: multiple ongoing streams of changes to software-enriched services done safely and sustainably

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Fast flow delivers vital business outcomes 6

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7 Improved efficiency due to removed dependencies and reduced rework

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8 Shorter time from hypothesis to user value

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9 Greater transparency and traceability in service development and operation

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10 Quicker problem diagnosis and service restoration

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11 Happier teams

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12 Improved efficiency due to removed dependencies and reduced rework Shorter time from hypothesis to user value Greater transparency and traceability in service development and operation Quicker problem diagnosis and service restoration Happier teams

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What social and technical practices are needed for fast flow at scale? 13

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14 Make space for learning/sharing Define the Platform Address operability early on Good logging is foundational Empower teams to improve

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Case study: context & challenges Guiding principles for fast flow What we did to help fast flow Results and key takeaways 15

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Case study: context & challenges 16

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Case Study UK Home Office (GOV.UK) 17

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Case Study 18

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Case Study 19 700+ people in total 70+ engineering teams, 7 locations Time-critical delivery (#Brexit) Most of 2018

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Case Study 20 Increase speed & safety of delivery Multi-year programme New Brexit-related work Track & control infra costs

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Case Study 21 (Traditional DC + VMs + JVM) AWS + Kubernetes + JVM ELK for logs and transaction traces [ ]

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Case Study Scale existing approach to 7x size 22

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Case Study Spread awareness of effective practices 23

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Case Study Cross internal and external boundaries 24

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Case Study “Continuous Delivery” 25

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Case Study Avoid “one-size-fits-all” 26

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Case Study Define the Platform 27

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Case Study Improve logging quality 28

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Case Study Multi-supplier delivery model 29

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What do we aim for in the context of fast flow? 30

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31 Continuously ‘untangle’ business concepts

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32 Find and adjust team & system boundaries for flow

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33 Minimize hand-offs

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34 Avoid blocking dependencies

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35 Move some decision-making to teams

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36 ➔ Untangle business concepts ➔ Adjust boundaries for flow ➔ Minimize hand-offs ➔ Remove blocking dependencies ➔ Move decision-making to teams

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37 Example: deployment pipeline architecture

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42 The architecture of deployment pipelines is a key consideration for fast flow

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43 “Show me your deployment pipelines and I will predict your team boundaries” 💥

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Guiding principles for fast flow 45

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46 Reliable Software Releases Through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation Jez Humble & Dave Farley, 2010 Continuous Delivery

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Continuous Delivery with Windows and .NET 47 Matthew Skelton & Chris O’Dell O’Reilly, 2016 ** Now a key text for MSc in Software Engineering at UCL **

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Team Topologies Organizing business and technology teams for fast flow Matthew Skelton & Manuel Pais IT Revolution Press, September 2019 Order via stores worldwide: 48

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49 Re-aligned architecture

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50 Fast feedback via deployment pipelines

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51 Good technical practices (TDD, …)

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52 Team ownership of software & services

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53 Configuration in version control (Git)

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54 Cloud-native: transparent in operation

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55 Cloud-native: designed for automation

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56 Continuous testing performance scanning deployment monitoring right-sizing integration

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Team Topologies Organizing business and technology teams for fast flow Matthew Skelton & Manuel Pais IT Revolution Press, September 2019 Order via stores worldwide: 57

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What we did to help fast flow 58

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Case Study New flow-based operating model 59

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60 Flow of change

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Case Study Focus on the "operator experience" 61

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Case Study Define the platform 62

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Case Study Engineering Guild + Engineering Working Group 64

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Case Study Weekly lunchtime tech talks 65

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Case Study ‘Continuous Delivery for people who don’t write code’ Slides: eople-who-do-not-write-code-matthew-skelton-conflux 66

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Case Study Team-first techniques Example: Run Book Dialogue Sheet 67

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68 Run Book dialogue sheets

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Case Study Engineering Standards 69

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Engineering Standards 71 Minimal but important constraints Dynamic for reviewing and updating Emphasise team engagement

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Case Study Engineering Assessments 72

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Engineering Assessments 73 6 dimensions [in 2018]: Team Health, Deployment, Continuous Delivery, Flow, Operability, Testing

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Engineering Assessments 74 Criteria taken from existing sources: Spotify Team Health Check, DevOps for the Modern Enterprise, Continuous Delivery, Accelerate, Team Guide to Software Operability, Team Guide to Software Testability

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Engineering Assessments 78 Team self-assessment Facilitated to guide discussions “Viral” facilitation model Results collated across teams

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Many of these principles and practices appear in the Team Topologies book 💡 82

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Team Topologies Organizing business and technology teams for fast flow Matthew Skelton & Manuel Pais IT Revolution Press, September 2019 Order via stores worldwide: 83

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Results and key takeaways 84

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Case Study 85 Software releases From 2 successful release candidate builds per week to 8 builds per day Multiple, independent routes to live

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Case Study 86 Operability Ops teams love the new "operator experience" with logging & dashboards No major operational problems with new releases

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Case Study 87 Collaboration Logging beginning to be seen as a key observability tool Better cross-team awareness of how systems work through telemetry

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Case Study Moving towards Continuous Delivery at DDaT See public blog post at ards-continuous-delivery-in-ddat/ 88

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Case Study 89 (Many other people were also involved)

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Case Study 90 Ideas and patterns from Team Topologies now being used in this department

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What social and technical practices are needed for fast flow at scale? 91

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92 Make space for learning/sharing Promote good work Help to develop skills in speaking Lunchtime talks (food) Interplay of working group + guild

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93 Define the Platform Service Level Expectations Who owns what? What's missing? Use DevEx to drive improvements Thinnest Viable Platform

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94 Address operability early on Operational aspects are also features Add operational checks into the deployment pipeline Team-first:

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95 Good logging is foundational Use a well-defined event space Searchable EventIDs increase context Enables collaboration between teams Invest in logging infra (Saas/people/&c.)

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96 Empower teams to improve Co-create the engineering standards Look for organisational blockers “No-blame” is paramount

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98 The architecture of deployment pipelines is a key consideration for fast flow

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Team Topologies Organizing business and technology teams for fast flow Matthew Skelton & Manuel Pais IT Revolution Press, September 2019 Order via stores worldwide: 100

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expert-led group learning ❏ P602 - Software Delivery Assessment ❏ P616 - software reliability for product managers ❏ P630 - Find possible streams with Independent Service Heuristics ❏ P634 - Peer Learning - Writing Tech Talks ❏ P641f - Preparing to adopt Team Topologies ❏ P641i - Skills paths for fast flow - leaders and HR 101 online workshops for up to 20 people

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102 expert-led group learning for adopting fast flow and Team Topologies

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thank you Copyright (c) 2017-2023 Conflux group of companies. All Rights Reserved. The name “Conflux” and the filled C device are Registered Trademarks ® in multiple jurisdictions. 103