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1 Apache Kafka™'s Role in Implementing Oracle's Big Data Reference Architecture SUN6259 Oracle OpenWorld, 1 Oct 2017 Robin Moffatt, Partner Technology Evangelist, EMEA t:@rmoff

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2 What is Apache Kafka™?

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3 “Apache Kafka™ is a 
 distributed streaming platform”

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4 Sounds Fancy 4 Sounds Fancy

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5 But

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6 What is Kafka?

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7 Kafka is a Distributed Streaming Platform Publish and subscribe to streams of data similar to a message queue or enterprise messaging system. Store streams of data in a fault tolerant way. Process streams of data in real time, as they occur. 110101 010111 001101 100010 110101 010111 001101 100010 110101 010111 001101 100010

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8 Powered by Apache Kafka™

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9 $ whoami • Partner Technology Evangelist @ Confluent • Working in data & analytics since 2001 • Oracle ACE Director • Blogging : & • Twitter: @rmoff • Geek stuff • Beer & Fried Breakfasts

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10 The Reference Architecture Or “Information Management and Big Data - A Reference Architecture” for short…

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11 Information Management and Big Data Reference Architecture • Tool-agnostic logical architecture for Information Management, taking into account Big Data • Written by Oracle, with input from Mark Rittman and Stewart Bryson • Three years old, but still a good starting point for implementation design

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12 Conceptual Architecture

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13 Implementation Patterns

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14 How Do We Build For the Future?

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15 Kafka in Detail

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16 What is Kafka? • Messages are stored in Topics • Roughly analogous to a database table • Topics can be partitioned across multiple Kafka nodes for redundancy and performance
 • Not just about streaming - huge uses for data integration too

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17 What is Kafka? • Kafka makes its data available to any consumer • Security permitting
 • Consumers: - • Are independent from each other • Can be grouped and parallelised for performance and resilience • Can re-read messages as required • Can read messages stream or batch

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18 Running Kafka • Apache Kafka is open source • Includes Kafka Core, streams processing and data integration capabilities • Can be deployed standalone or as part of Confluent Platform • Also available in most Hadoop distributions, but older versions without latest functionality

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19 Confluent Platform: Enterprise Streaming based on Apache Kafka™ Database Changes Log Events loT Data Web Events … CRM Data Warehouse Database Hadoop Data
 Integration … Monitoring Analytics Custom Apps Transformations Real-time Applications … Apache Open Source Confluent Open Source Confluent Enterprise Confluent Platform Confluent Platform Apache Kafka™ Core | Connect API | Streams API Data Compatibility Schema Registry Monitoring & Administration Confluent Control Center | Security Operations Replicator | Auto Data Balancing Development and Connectivity Clients | Connectors | REST Proxy | KSQL | CLI

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20 What are the Problems that Kafka Solves?

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21 What are the Problems That Kafka Solves? Consumer A Producer Kafka

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22 Multiple Independent Customers of the Same Data Consumer A Producer Kafka Consumer B

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23 Multiple Parallel Customers of the Same Data Consumer A Producer Kafka Consumer B Consumer A

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24 Multiple Sources of the Same Type of Data Consumer A Producer Kafka Consumer B Consumer A Producer Kafka

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25 Scaling Throughput and Resilience Consumer A Producer Consumer B Consumer A Producer Kafka Kafka

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26 System Availability and Event Buffering Consumer A Producer

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27 System Availability and Event Buffering Consumer A Producer Kafka

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28 Varying Latency Requirements / Batch vs Stream Consumer A Producer 24hr batch extract

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29 Varying Latency Requirements / Batch vs Stream Consumer A Producer 24hr batch extract Consumer B Needs near-realtime / 
 streamed data

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30 Varying Latency Requirements / Batch vs Stream Consumer A Producer 24hr batch extract Consumer B Now unnecessarily coupled together Still only gets 24hr batch dump of data

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31 Varying Latency Requirements / Batch vs Stream Consumer A Producer 24hr batch extract Consumer B Hits source system twice Event stream

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32 Varying Latency Requirements / Batch vs Stream Consumer A Producer 24hr batch extract Consumer B Requires reimplementation of Consumer A Event stream

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33 Varying Latency Requirements / Batch vs Stream Consumer A Producer Kafka Consumer B Event stream Batch pull Event Stream

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34 Technology & Code Changes Consumer A (v1) Producer Kafka

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35 Technology & Code Changes Consumer A (v1) Producer Kafka Consumer A (v2)

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36 Technology & Code Changes Producer Kafka Consumer A (v2)

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37 How do I get my data into Kafka?

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38 Kafka Connect : Stream data in and out of Kafka Amazon S3

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39 But I need to join… aggregate…filter…

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40 KSQL: a Streaming SQL Engine for Apache Kafka™ from Confluent • Enables stream processing with zero coding required • The simplest way to process streams of data in real- time • Powered by Kafka: scalable, distributed, battle-tested • All you need is Kafka–No complex deployments of bespoke systems for stream processing

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41 CREATE STREAM possible_fraud AS SELECT card_number, count(*) FROM authorization_attempts WINDOW TUMBLING (SIZE 5 SECONDS) GROUP BY card_number HAVING count(*) > 3; KSQL: the Simplest Way to Do Stream Processing

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42 Streaming ETL, powered by Apache Kafka and Confluent Platform KSQL

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43 Reference Architecture - Implementation Patterns

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44 Building for the Future • Enable flexibility & agility for: • Performance / scaling / resilience • Reducing latency / moving to stream processing • Increasing number of data sources • Connecting other (as yet unknown) consuming applications • Taking advantage of improved technologies (functionality, resilience, cost, scaling, performance)

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45 Tightly-coupled = Inflexible

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46 Apache Kafka is the solid foundation upon which you build any successful data platform

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47 Conceptual Architecture

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48 Conceptual Architecture - with Kafka as the Backbone Search Replica Graph DB NoSQL

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49 It's not just about Information Management and Analytics Best Tool -> Best Job

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52 Putting it into Practice

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53 Kafka for building Streaming Data Pipelines • Source data is online ordering system running on Oracle • Requirement: • Realtime view of key customers logging onto the 
 application • Realtime view of aggregated order 
 counts and values • Long-term storage of data • Populate DW performance layer

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Streaming ETL with Apache Kafka and Confluent Platform Oracle Oracle GoldenGate for BigData Kafka Connect handler Elasticsearch Kafka Connect KSQL Schema Registry 54 Oracle Hadoop

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56 Driving Realtime Analytics with Apache Kafka Events in the source system (Oracle) are streamed in realtime through Kafka, enriched via KSQL, and streamed out through Kafka Connect into Elasticsearch.

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57 Elasticsearch Kafka Connect order_mode_by_hour TABLE ORDERS STREAM create stream orders (ORDER_DATE STRING … WITH (kafka_topic='ORDERS', value_format='JSON'); create table order_mode_by_hour as select order_mode, count(*) as order_count from orders window tumbling (size 1 hour) group by order_mode; ORDERS order_mode_by_hour TOPIC TOPIC Oracle Oracle GoldenGate for BigData Kafka Connect handler

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58 Streaming ETL with Apache Kafka and Confluent Platform Amazon S3 Kafka Connect Kafka Connect KSQL Schema Registry Kafka Streams

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62 Apache Kafka's Role in Implementing Oracle's Big Data Reference Architecture SUN6259 Oracle OpenWorld, 1 Oct 2017 Robin Moffatt, Partner Technology Evangelist, EMEA t: @rmoff e: