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The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021

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Scene 1_A Duration 05:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 05:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 1/505

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Scene 1 Duration 05:10 Panel 1 / 8 Duration 00:22 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 2/505

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Scene 1 Duration 05:10 Panel 2 / 8 Duration 00:07 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 3/505

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Scene 1 Duration 05:10 Panel 3 / 8 Duration 00:05 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 4/505

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Scene 1 Duration 05:10 Panel 4 / 8 Duration 00:12 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 5/505

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Scene 1 Duration 05:10 Panel 5 / 8 Duration 00:15 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 6/505

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Scene 1 Duration 05:10 Panel 6 / 8 Duration 00:17 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 7/505

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Scene 1 Duration 05:10 Panel 7 / 8 Duration 00:13 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 8/505

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Scene 1 Duration 05:10 Panel 8 / 8 Duration 01:15 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 9/505

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Scene 2 Duration 07:23 Panel 1 / 12 Duration 00:13 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 10/505

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Scene 2 Duration 07:23 Panel 2 / 12 Duration 00:13 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 11/505

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Scene 2 Duration 07:23 Panel 3 / 12 Duration 00:13 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 12/505

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Scene 2 Duration 07:23 Panel 4 / 12 Duration 00:13 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 13/505

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Scene 2 Duration 07:23 Panel 5 / 12 Duration 00:13 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 14/505

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Scene 2 Duration 07:23 Panel 6 / 12 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 15/505

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Scene 2 Duration 07:23 Panel 7 / 12 Duration 00:10 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 16/505

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Scene 2 Duration 07:23 Panel 8 / 12 Duration 00:23 Dialog Kevin: Ugh, damn it! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 17/505

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Scene 2 Duration 07:23 Panel 9 / 12 Duration 01:14 Dialog Kevin: Stupid game! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 18/505

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Scene 2 Duration 07:23 Panel 10 / 12 Duration 00:03 Action Notes Kevin kicks the arcade machine. It shakes. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 19/505

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Scene 2 Duration 07:23 Panel 11 / 12 Duration 00:03 Action Notes Kevin kicks the arcade machine. It shakes. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 20/505

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Scene 2 Duration 07:23 Panel 12 / 12 Duration 01:01 Action Notes Kevin kicks the arcade machine. It shakes. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 21/505

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Scene 3 Duration 08:04 Panel 1 / 8 Duration 01:00 Dialog Kevin: I was so close that time! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 22/505

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Scene 3 Duration 08:04 Panel 2 / 8 Duration 01:02 Dialog That was completely unfair! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 23/505

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Scene 3 Duration 08:04 Panel 3 / 8 Duration 00:12 Dialog That was completely unfair! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 24/505

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Scene 3 Duration 08:04 Panel 4 / 8 Duration 00:13 Dialog That was completely unfair! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 25/505

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Scene 3 Duration 08:04 Panel 5 / 8 Duration 01:04 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 26/505

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Scene 3 Duration 08:04 Panel 6 / 8 Duration 01:06 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 27/505

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Scene 3 Duration 08:04 Panel 7 / 8 Duration 01:00 Dialog Aw, crap! I'm out of quarters! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 28/505

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Scene 3 Duration 08:04 Panel 8 / 8 Duration 01:15 Dialog Aw, crap! I'm out of quarters. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 29/505

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Scene 4 Duration 05:02 Panel 1 / 7 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 30/505

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Scene 4 Duration 05:02 Panel 2 / 7 Duration 00:11 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 31/505

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Scene 4 Duration 05:02 Panel 3 / 7 Duration 00:15 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 32/505

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Scene 4 Duration 05:02 Panel 4 / 7 Duration 00:14 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 33/505

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Scene 4 Duration 05:02 Panel 5 / 7 Duration 00:18 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 34/505

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Scene 4 Duration 05:02 Panel 6 / 7 Duration 00:16 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 35/505

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Scene 4 Duration 05:02 Panel 7 / 7 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 36/505

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Scene 5 Duration 09:19 Panel 1 / 5 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 37/505

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Scene 5 Duration 09:19 Panel 2 / 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog *Sigh.* The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 38/505

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Scene 5 Duration 09:19 Panel 3 / 5 Duration 02:09 Dialog Cindy: So, Kevin, I was wondering The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 39/505

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Scene 5 Duration 09:19 Panel 4 / 5 Duration 02:09 Dialog if you were, you know... maybe... The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 40/505

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Scene 5 Duration 09:19 Panel 5 / 5 Duration 03:01 Dialog going to be at Ben's halloween party tonight? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 41/505

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Scene 6 Duration 07:05 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 02:15 Dialog Kevin: No, sorry... I can't. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 42/505

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Scene 6 Duration 07:05 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 02:19 Dialog I want to go... but my mom's making me take my stupid little sister trick or treating. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 43/505

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Scene 6 Duration 07:05 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:19 Dialog I want to go... but my mom's making me take my stupid little sister trick or treating. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 44/505

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Scene 7 Duration 16:01 Panel 1 / 6 Duration 01:19 Dialog Cindy: Aww, that's too bad. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 45/505

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Scene 7 Duration 16:01 Panel 2 / 6 Duration 02:03 Dialog Why don't you just go when you're done? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 46/505

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Scene 7 Duration 16:01 Panel 3 / 6 Duration 04:08 Dialog Kevin: I can't... my mom works late tonight and she says Jazz can't be left alone. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 47/505

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Scene 7 Duration 16:01 Panel 4 / 6 Duration 02:18 Dialog Cindy: Da-a-arn, that sucks. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 48/505

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Scene 7 Duration 16:01 Panel 5 / 6 Duration 02:23 Dialog Well! I've gotta go home and put my costume on. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 49/505

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Scene 7 Duration 16:01 Panel 6 / 6 Duration 02:02 Dialog Cindy: I'll see you on Monday, Kev! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 50/505

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Scene 8 Duration 04:06 Panel 1 / 5 Duration 00:15 Dialog Tell your sister she looks cute for me, OK? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 51/505

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Scene 8 Duration 04:06 Panel 2 / 5 Duration 00:14 Dialog Tell your sister she looks cute for me, OK? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 52/505

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Scene 8 Duration 04:06 Panel 3 / 5 Duration 00:18 Dialog Tell your sister she looks cute for me, OK? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 53/505

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Scene 8 Duration 04:06 Panel 4 / 5 Duration 00:23 Dialog Tell your sister she looks cute for me, OK? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 54/505

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Scene 8 Duration 04:06 Panel 5 / 5 Duration 01:08 Dialog Tell your sister she looks cute for me, OK? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 55/505

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Scene 9 Duration 03:07 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 01:13 Dialog Yeah... The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 56/505

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Scene 9 Duration 03:07 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 01:18 Dialog "Cute..." The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 57/505

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Scene 9_A Duration 02:20 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 01:06 Action Notes The frame dissolves, changing from late afternoon to evening. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 58/505

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Scene 9_A Duration 02:20 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 01:14 Dialog *Distant howl* The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 59/505

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Scene 9_B Duration 03:14 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 03:14 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 60/505

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Scene 10 Duration 02:02 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 02:02 Dialog *Kids chattering* The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 61/505

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Scene 11 Duration 02:07 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 02:07 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 62/505

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Scene 12 Duration 09:02 Panel 1 / 6 Duration 02:01 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 63/505

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Scene 12 Duration 09:02 Panel 2 / 6 Duration 01:02 Action Notes Kevin's appearance in the mirror is accompanied by a dramatic horror sting. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 64/505

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Scene 12 Duration 09:02 Panel 3 / 6 Duration 00:14 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 65/505

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Scene 12 Duration 09:02 Panel 4 / 6 Duration 01:09 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 66/505

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Scene 12 Duration 09:02 Panel 5 / 6 Duration 01:17 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 67/505

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Scene 12 Duration 09:02 Panel 6 / 6 Duration 02:07 Dialog (From downstairs) Kevin! Are you ready to go? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 68/505

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Scene 13 Duration 05:22 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 01:20 Dialog Mom: Now we just need one more thing.... The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 69/505

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Scene 13 Duration 05:22 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 01:21 Dialog Mom: Now we just need one more thing.... The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 70/505

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Scene 13 Duration 05:22 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 02:05 Dialog There! Oh, aren't you just precious? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 71/505

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Scene 14 Duration 08:14 Panel 1 / 5 Duration 01:13 Dialog Are you ready to go, sweetheart? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 72/505

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Scene 14 Duration 08:14 Panel 2 / 5 Duration 01:21 Dialog Jazz: Wait! Let me get my pillowcase! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 73/505

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Scene 14 Duration 08:14 Panel 3 / 5 Duration 01:02 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 74/505

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Scene 14 Duration 08:14 Panel 4 / 5 Duration 01:02 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 75/505

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Scene 14 Duration 08:14 Panel 5 / 5 Duration 03:00 Dialog And where do you think you're going, mister? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 76/505

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Scene 15 Duration 05:12 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 02:07 Dialog Kevin: It isn't fair. I'm 13 years old. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 77/505

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Scene 15 Duration 05:12 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 03:05 Dialog I'm a teen! Teens don't go trick or treating! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 78/505

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Scene 16 Duration 08:00 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 02:08 Dialog Trick or treating is for babies! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 79/505

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Scene 16 Duration 08:00 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 02:18 Dialog Mom: You're too eager to grow up, Kev. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 80/505

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Scene 16 Duration 08:00 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 02:22 Dialog There will be plenty of parties for you to go to when you're an adult. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 81/505

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Scene 17 Duration 09:18 Panel 1 / 4 Duration 01:18 Dialog But when that time comes, you're going to think back on today The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 82/505

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Scene 17 Duration 09:18 Panel 2 / 4 Duration 01:08 Dialog But when that time comes, you're going to think back on today The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 83/505

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Scene 17 Duration 09:18 Panel 3 / 4 Duration 02:23 Dialog And wish you could go trick or treating again. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 84/505

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Scene 17 Duration 09:18 Panel 4 / 4 Duration 03:17 Dialog Kevin: Why can't I just go when she's done? I'll put her to bed! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 85/505

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Scene 18 Duration 04:01 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 04:01 Dialog She's too young to be home alone. Someone needs to be there for her. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 86/505

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Scene 19 Duration 06:23 Panel 1 / 4 Duration 02:08 Dialog You'll be a good big brother for me, right, Kev? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 87/505

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Scene 19 Duration 06:23 Panel 2 / 4 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 88/505

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Scene 19 Duration 06:23 Panel 3 / 4 Duration 02:04 Dialog Jazz (offscreen): I got my pillowcase mommy! Mom: Great job sweetheart! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 89/505

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Scene 19 Duration 06:23 Panel 4 / 4 Duration 01:11 Dialog Jazz (offscreen): I got my pillowcase mommy! Mom: Great job sweetheart! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 90/505

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Scene 20 Duration 03:10 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 01:04 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 91/505

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Scene 20 Duration 03:10 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 00:12 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 92/505

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Scene 20 Duration 03:10 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:18 Dialog Both: Trick or treat! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 93/505

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Scene 21 Duration 03:02 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 03:02 Dialog Wow, what a terrifying pair! I'm shaking! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 94/505

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Scene 21_A Duration 03:12 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 03:12 Dialog Stay right here and I'll be back with your candy, OK? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 95/505

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Scene 22 Duration 04:18 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 02:23 Dialog Just don't put a curse on me or anything while I'm gone little missy. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 96/505

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Scene 22 Duration 04:18 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 01:19 Dialog *Jazz giggles.* The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 97/505

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Scene 23 Duration 03:17 Panel 1 / 5 Duration 00:21 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 98/505

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Scene 23 Duration 03:17 Panel 2 / 5 Duration 00:13 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 99/505

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Scene 23 Duration 03:17 Panel 3 / 5 Duration 00:12 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 100/505

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Scene 23 Duration 03:17 Panel 4 / 5 Duration 00:11 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 101/505

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Scene 23 Duration 03:17 Panel 5 / 5 Duration 01:08 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 102/505

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Scene 23_A Duration 02:08 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 02:08 Action Notes Streetlamp turns on to signify that it is now late evening. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 103/505

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Scene 24 Duration 03:04 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 03:04 Dialog *Jazz babbles incoherently* The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 104/505

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Scene 25 Duration 03:04 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 01:08 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 105/505

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Scene 25 Duration 03:04 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 01:20 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 106/505

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Scene 26 Duration 07:21 Panel 1 / 5 Duration 01:12 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 107/505

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Scene 26 Duration 07:21 Panel 2 / 5 Duration 01:19 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 108/505

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Scene 26 Duration 07:21 Panel 3 / 5 Duration 01:05 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 109/505

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Scene 26 Duration 07:21 Panel 4 / 5 Duration 01:13 Dialog Jazz: Hey, Kev... do you want some of my dum-dums? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 110/505

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Scene 26 Duration 07:21 Panel 5 / 5 Duration 01:20 Dialog Jazz: Hey, Kev... do you want some of my dum-dums? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 111/505

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Scene 26_A Duration 02:21 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 01:07 Dialog Mom says I can't have suckers because I have bad teeth. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 112/505

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Scene 26_A Duration 02:21 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 01:14 Dialog Mom says I can't have suckers because I have bad teeth. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 113/505

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Scene 27_A Duration 02:00 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog I also just don't really like hard candy, so if you have any tootsie rolls or kit kats, The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 114/505

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Scene 27_A Duration 02:00 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog I also just don't really like hard candy, so if you have any tootsie rolls or kit kats, The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 115/505

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Scene 27 Duration 01:07 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:07 Dialog I also just don't really like hard candy, so if you have any tootsie rolls or kit kats, The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 116/505

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Scene 28 Duration 02:21 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 01:04 Dialog you can just give me some of those and I'll-- The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 117/505

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Scene 28 Duration 02:21 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 00:19 Dialog you can just give me some of those and I'll-- The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 118/505

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Scene 28 Duration 02:21 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 00:22 Dialog Kevin: I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR STUPID CANDY, JAZZ! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 119/505

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Scene 29 Duration 04:17 Panel 1 / 4 Duration 00:21 Dialog Kevin: I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR STUPID CANDY, JAZZ! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 120/505

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Scene 29 Duration 04:17 Panel 2 / 4 Duration 01:12 Dialog Kevin: I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR STUPID CANDY, JAZZ! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 121/505

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Scene 29 Duration 04:17 Panel 3 / 4 Duration 01:05 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 122/505

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Scene 29 Duration 04:17 Panel 4 / 4 Duration 01:03 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 123/505

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Scene 30 Duration 06:07 Panel 1 / 4 Duration 01:13 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 124/505

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Scene 30 Duration 06:07 Panel 2 / 4 Duration 01:14 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 125/505

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Scene 30 Duration 06:07 Panel 3 / 4 Duration 01:14 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 126/505

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Scene 30 Duration 06:07 Panel 4 / 4 Duration 01:14 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 127/505

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Scene 30_A Duration 03:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 03:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 128/505

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Scene 31 Duration 02:06 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 01:05 Action Notes The lights in the houses start to turn off. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 129/505

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Scene 31 Duration 02:06 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 01:01 Action Notes The lights in the houses start to turn off. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 130/505

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Scene 32 Duration 01:11 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:11 Action Notes Lights in the houses turn off one by one, from left to right. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 131/505

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Scene 33 Duration 02:05 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 02:05 Action Notes The depth of focus changes from focusing on the foreground (inside the house) to focusing on the background (outside the window). The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 132/505

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Scene 34 Duration 03:09 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 01:16 Action Notes The depth of focus shifts from the foreground, on Jazz, to the background, on the lamppost. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 133/505

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Scene 34 Duration 03:09 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 01:17 Action Notes The depth of focus shifts from the foreground, on Jazz, to the background, on the lamppost. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 134/505

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Scene 35 Duration 07:21 Panel 1 / 6 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 135/505

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Scene 35 Duration 07:21 Panel 2 / 6 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 136/505

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Scene 35 Duration 07:21 Panel 3 / 6 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 137/505

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Scene 35 Duration 07:21 Panel 4 / 6 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 138/505

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Scene 35 Duration 07:21 Panel 5 / 6 Duration 01:16 Dialog Jazz: Hey, Kevin... The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 139/505

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Scene 35 Duration 07:21 Panel 6 / 6 Duration 02:05 Dialog Kevin: What. Jazz: It's really late... The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 140/505

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Scene 36 Duration 04:20 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 01:13 Dialog and Mom said we have to be home before 10. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 141/505

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Scene 36 Duration 04:20 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 02:02 Dialog and Mom said we have to be home before 10. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 142/505

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Scene 36 Duration 04:20 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:05 Dialog Kevin: No. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 143/505

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Scene 37 Duration 02:10 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 144/505

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Scene 37 Duration 02:10 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 01:10 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 145/505

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Scene 38 Duration 01:20 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:20 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 146/505

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Scene 39 Duration 03:13 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 02:13 Dialog YOU go home, Jazz. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 147/505

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Scene 39 Duration 03:13 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog I'M going to Ben's Halloween party. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 148/505

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Scene 40 Duration 05:05 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 01:14 Dialog I'M going to Ben's Halloween party. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 149/505

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Scene 40 Duration 05:05 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 03:15 Dialog But - but Mom said after trick or treating we have to go straight home! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 150/505

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Scene 41 Duration 05:06 Panel 1 / 4 Duration 01:12 Dialog If you leave me home alone, I'm going to tell Mom - The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 151/505

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Scene 41 Duration 05:06 Panel 2 / 4 Duration 01:12 Dialog If you leave me home alone, I'm going to tell Mom - The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 152/505

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Scene 41 Duration 05:06 Panel 3 / 4 Duration 01:06 Dialog If you leave me home alone, I'm going to tell Mom - The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 153/505

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Scene 41 Duration 05:06 Panel 4 / 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog Kevin: You're not telling her anything. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 154/505

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Scene 42 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Kevin: You're not telling her anything. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 155/505

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Scene 43 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Kevin: You're not telling her anything. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 156/505

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Scene 44 Duration 03:06 Panel 1 / 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog Kevin, what are you-- The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 157/505

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Scene 44 Duration 03:06 Panel 2 / 4 Duration 00:15 Dialog WAIT! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 158/505

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Scene 44 Duration 03:06 Panel 3 / 4 Duration 00:23 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 159/505

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Scene 44 Duration 03:06 Panel 4 / 4 Duration 00:16 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 160/505

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Scene 45 Duration 01:06 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:06 Dialog KEVIN! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 161/505

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Scene 46 Duration 02:00 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 162/505

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Scene 46 Duration 02:00 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 163/505

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Scene 47 Duration 04:12 Panel 1 / 6 Duration 00:18 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 164/505

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Scene 47 Duration 04:12 Panel 2 / 6 Duration 01:01 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 165/505

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Scene 47 Duration 04:12 Panel 3 / 6 Duration 00:18 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 166/505

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Scene 47 Duration 04:12 Panel 4 / 6 Duration 00:12 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 167/505

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Scene 47 Duration 04:12 Panel 5 / 6 Duration 00:11 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 168/505

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Scene 47 Duration 04:12 Panel 6 / 6 Duration 01:00 Action Notes Kevin exits the frame so that the camera appears to be between his legs while he runs. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 169/505

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Scene 48 Duration 03:01 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 01:15 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 170/505

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Scene 48 Duration 03:01 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 01:10 Dialog Jazz: KEVIN! STOP! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 171/505

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Scene 49 Duration 05:17 Panel 1 / 5 Duration 01:02 Dialog Hah... haha... The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 172/505

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Scene 49 Duration 05:17 Panel 2 / 5 Duration 01:06 Dialog hahaha! Haha! HA! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 173/505

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Scene 49 Duration 05:17 Panel 3 / 5 Duration 01:08 Dialog HAHAHA-- The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 174/505

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Scene 49 Duration 05:17 Panel 4 / 5 Duration 00:17 Dialog HAHAHA-- The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 175/505

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Scene 49 Duration 05:17 Panel 5 / 5 Duration 01:08 Action Notes The camera continues to track/the background pans for a moment longer after Kevin falls offscreen. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 176/505

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Scene 50 Duration 04:05 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 01:23 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 177/505

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Scene 50 Duration 04:05 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 00:23 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 178/505

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Scene 50 Duration 04:05 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:07 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 179/505

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Scene 51 Duration 04:00 Panel 1 / 4 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 180/505

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Scene 51 Duration 04:00 Panel 2 / 4 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 181/505

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Scene 51 Duration 04:00 Panel 3 / 4 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 182/505

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Scene 51 Duration 04:00 Panel 4 / 4 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 183/505

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Scene 52 Duration 03:13 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 01:10 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 184/505

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Scene 52 Duration 03:13 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 02:03 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 185/505

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Scene 52_A Duration 02:05 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 02:05 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 186/505

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Scene 53 Duration 01:19 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:19 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 187/505

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Scene 54 Duration 09:02 Panel 1 / 7 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 188/505

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Scene 54 Duration 09:02 Panel 2 / 7 Duration 01:08 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 189/505

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Scene 54 Duration 09:02 Panel 3 / 7 Duration 01:06 Dialog Jazz: KEVIN! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 190/505

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Scene 54 Duration 09:02 Panel 4 / 7 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 191/505

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Scene 54 Duration 09:02 Panel 5 / 7 Duration 01:12 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 192/505

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Scene 54 Duration 09:02 Panel 6 / 7 Duration 01:12 Dialog K-Kevin... Kev... The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 193/505

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Scene 54 Duration 09:02 Panel 7 / 7 Duration 01:12 Dialog P-please... Kev... The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 194/505

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Scene 55 Duration 02:00 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 195/505

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Scene 55 Duration 02:00 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 196/505

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Scene 55_A Duration 01:11 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:11 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 197/505

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Scene 56 Duration 06:14 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 01:12 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 198/505

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Scene 56 Duration 06:14 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 02:09 Dialog Jazz, was that sign there before? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 199/505

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Scene 56 Duration 06:14 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 02:17 Dialog KEVIN! That's the Hungry House! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 200/505

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Scene 57 Duration 03:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 03:00 Dialog That's the house that makes you disappear! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 201/505

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Scene 58 Duration 06:07 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 01:17 Dialog Everyone in the neighborhood knows that kids who go in there don't come out! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 202/505

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Scene 58 Duration 06:07 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 02:04 Dialog Everyone in the neighborhood knows that kids who go in there don't come out! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 203/505

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Scene 58 Duration 06:07 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 02:10 Dialog Come ON, Jazz. You can't seriously believe that. Only babies believe in that stuff. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 204/505

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Scene 59 Duration 01:17 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:17 Dialog Come ON, Jazz. You can't seriously believe that. Only babies believe in that stuff. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 205/505

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Scene 60 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Come ON, Jazz. You can't seriously believe that. Only babies believe in that stuff. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 206/505

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Scene 59_A Duration 15:05 Panel 1 / 8 Duration 01:16 Dialog Kevin: It's an old house in a neighborhood full of kids. It probably just belongs to some weird old dude who can't cut his lawn anymore. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 207/505

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Scene 59_A Duration 15:05 Panel 2 / 8 Duration 01:00 Dialog Kevin: It's an old house in a neighborhood full of kids. It probably just belongs to some weird old dude who can't cut his lawn anymore. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 208/505

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Scene 59_A Duration 15:05 Panel 3 / 8 Duration 00:18 Dialog Kevin: It's an old house in a neighborhood full of kids. It probably just belongs to some weird old dude who can't cut his lawn anymore. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 209/505

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Scene 59_A Duration 15:05 Panel 4 / 8 Duration 02:13 Dialog Kevin: It's an old house in a neighborhood full of kids. It probably just belongs to some weird old dude who can't cut his lawn anymore. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 210/505

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Scene 59_A Duration 15:05 Panel 5 / 8 Duration 01:20 Dialog Kids go sneaking around out here all the time. If one of them went missing, everyone would know about it. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 211/505

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Scene 59_A Duration 15:05 Panel 6 / 8 Duration 02:13 Dialog Kids go sneaking around out here all the time. If one of them went missing, everyone would know about it. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 212/505

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Scene 59_A Duration 15:05 Panel 7 / 8 Duration 01:14 Dialog I mean, for pete's sake, The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 213/505

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Scene 59_A Duration 15:05 Panel 8 / 8 Duration 03:07 Dialog What kind of scary ghost gives you FREE CANDY on Halloween? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 214/505

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Scene 59_B Duration 04:09 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 01:13 Dialog Either the old guy who lives here is really lonely, The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 215/505

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Scene 59_B Duration 04:09 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 01:09 Dialog Either the old guy who lives here is really lonely, The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 216/505

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Scene 59_B Duration 04:09 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:11 Dialog Or some teenagers are playing a stupid... The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 217/505

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Scene 59_C Duration 01:21 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:21 Dialog Or some teenagers are playing a stupid... The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 218/505

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Scene 59_D Duration 05:09 Panel 1 / 5 Duration 01:09 Dialog ...prank. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 219/505

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Scene 59_D Duration 05:09 Panel 2 / 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog ...prank. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 220/505

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Scene 59_D Duration 05:09 Panel 3 / 5 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 221/505

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Scene 59_D Duration 05:09 Panel 4 / 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog KEVIN! What are you doing?! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 222/505

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Scene 59_D Duration 05:09 Panel 5 / 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog KEVIN! What are you doing?! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 223/505

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Scene 59_E Duration 10:05 Panel 1 / 5 Duration 01:04 Dialog Kevin: I'm going inside. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 224/505

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Scene 59_E Duration 10:05 Panel 2 / 5 Duration 01:14 Dialog Jazz: WHAT?! No! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 225/505

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Scene 59_E Duration 10:05 Panel 3 / 5 Duration 02:18 Dialog Kevin: I'm going to go in and ask about the sign. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 226/505

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Scene 59_E Duration 10:05 Panel 4 / 5 Duration 02:11 Dialog If he put it there, then we get candy. If not, he'll probably want to know about it. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 227/505

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Scene 59_E Duration 10:05 Panel 5 / 5 Duration 02:06 Dialog If he put it there, then we get candy. If not, he'll probably want to know about it. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 228/505

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Scene 59_F Duration 05:03 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 02:06 Dialog Kevin, please don't go in there. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 229/505

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Scene 59_F Duration 05:03 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 01:06 Dialog Shut up, Jazz. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 230/505

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Scene 59_F Duration 05:03 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:15 Dialog Shut up, Jazz. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 231/505

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Scene 59_G Duration 02:16 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 02:16 Action Notes Kevin pushes the door open. It creaks on its hinges. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 232/505

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Scene 59_H Duration 04:01 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 04:01 Dialog Jazz: Kevin, please, let's just go home. If you take me home, I'll let you go to that party. I won't tell mom. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 233/505

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Scene 59_I Duration 03:17 Panel 1 / 4 Duration 00:22 Dialog I won't tell mom. I won't tell her about any of this-- The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 234/505

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Scene 59_I Duration 03:17 Panel 2 / 4 Duration 00:19 Dialog I won't tell mom. I won't tell her about any of this-- The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 235/505

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Scene 59_I Duration 03:17 Panel 3 / 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog I won't tell mom. I won't tell her about any of this-- The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 236/505

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Scene 59_I Duration 03:17 Panel 4 / 4 Duration 01:00 Action Notes Jazz hears an audible creaking noise that makes her go silent and turn around. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 237/505

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Scene 59_J Duration 02:17 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 238/505

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Scene 59_J Duration 02:17 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 01:17 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 239/505

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Scene 59_J_1 Duration 03:06 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 01:10 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 240/505

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Scene 59_J_1 Duration 03:06 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 01:20 Action Notes Jass puffs out her chest and stares ahead, facing off with the empty hallway. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 241/505

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Scene 59_J_2 Duration 02:03 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 02:03 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 242/505

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Scene 59_K Duration 02:18 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 02:18 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 243/505

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Scene 59_L Duration 04:06 Panel 1 / 6 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 244/505

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Scene 59_L Duration 04:06 Panel 2 / 6 Duration 00:15 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 245/505

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Scene 59_L Duration 04:06 Panel 3 / 6 Duration 00:10 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 246/505

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Scene 59_L Duration 04:06 Panel 4 / 6 Duration 00:11 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 247/505

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Scene 59_L Duration 04:06 Panel 5 / 6 Duration 00:14 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 248/505

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Scene 59_L Duration 04:06 Panel 6 / 6 Duration 01:04 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 249/505

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Scene 59_M Duration 04:12 Panel 1 / 4 Duration 00:23 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 250/505

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Scene 59_M Duration 04:12 Panel 2 / 4 Duration 01:06 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 251/505

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Scene 59_M Duration 04:12 Panel 3 / 4 Duration 00:23 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 252/505

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Scene 59_M Duration 04:12 Panel 4 / 4 Duration 01:08 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 253/505

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Scene 59_N Duration 05:01 Panel 1 / 6 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 254/505

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Scene 59_N Duration 05:01 Panel 2 / 6 Duration 00:17 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 255/505

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Scene 59_N Duration 05:01 Panel 3 / 6 Duration 00:18 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 256/505

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Scene 59_N Duration 05:01 Panel 4 / 6 Duration 00:11 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 257/505

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Scene 59_N Duration 05:01 Panel 5 / 6 Duration 00:18 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 258/505

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Scene 59_N Duration 05:01 Panel 6 / 6 Duration 01:09 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 259/505

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Scene 59_O Duration 06:11 Panel 1 / 8 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 260/505

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Scene 59_O Duration 06:11 Panel 2 / 8 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 261/505

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Scene 59_O Duration 06:11 Panel 3 / 8 Duration 01:18 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 262/505

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Scene 59_O Duration 06:11 Panel 4 / 8 Duration 00:08 Action Notes The missing wallpaper Kevin tore off the wall starts to grow back. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 263/505

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Scene 59_O Duration 06:11 Panel 5 / 8 Duration 00:07 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 264/505

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Scene 59_O Duration 06:11 Panel 6 / 8 Duration 00:07 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 265/505

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Scene 59_O Duration 06:11 Panel 7 / 8 Duration 00:07 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 266/505

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Scene 59_O Duration 06:11 Panel 8 / 8 Duration 01:12 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 267/505

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Scene 59_P Duration 02:09 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 02:09 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 268/505

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Scene 59_Q Duration 06:05 Panel 1 / 5 Duration 01:13 Dialog This place is a lot bigger than it looks from the outside... The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 269/505

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Scene 59_Q Duration 06:05 Panel 2 / 5 Duration 01:05 Dialog This place is a lot bigger than it looks from the outside... The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 270/505

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Scene 59_Q Duration 06:05 Panel 3 / 5 Duration 01:05 Dialog This place is a lot bigger than it looks from the outside... The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 271/505

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Scene 59_Q Duration 06:05 Panel 4 / 5 Duration 01:01 Action Notes Kevin steps on something that makes a loud CRUNCH sound. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 272/505

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Scene 59_Q Duration 06:05 Panel 5 / 5 Duration 01:05 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 273/505

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Scene 59_R Duration 01:07 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:07 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 274/505

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Scene 59_S Duration 05:00 Panel 1 / 5 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 275/505

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Scene 59_S Duration 05:00 Panel 2 / 5 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 276/505

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Scene 59_S Duration 05:00 Panel 3 / 5 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 277/505

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Scene 59_S Duration 05:00 Panel 4 / 5 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 278/505

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Scene 59_S Duration 05:00 Panel 5 / 5 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 279/505

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Scene 59_T Duration 03:10 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 280/505

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Scene 59_T Duration 03:10 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 281/505

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Scene 59_T Duration 03:10 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:10 Action Notes Kevin unwraps the paper to reveal it's a candy wrapper. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 282/505

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Scene 59_U Duration 05:11 Panel 1 / 4 Duration 01:17 Action Notes The camera spins counter-clockwise around Kevin. To achieve this, the background pans, easing in and out while Kevin turns. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 283/505

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Scene 59_U Duration 05:11 Panel 2 / 4 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 284/505

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Scene 59_U Duration 05:11 Panel 3 / 4 Duration 01:09 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 285/505

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Scene 59_U Duration 05:11 Panel 4 / 4 Duration 01:09 Dialog Old woman: Hello there, dearie. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 286/505

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Scene 59_V Duration 09:08 Panel 1 / 7 Duration 00:10 Action Notes Kevin screams. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 287/505

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Scene 59_V Duration 09:08 Panel 2 / 7 Duration 00:09 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 288/505

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Scene 59_V Duration 09:08 Panel 3 / 7 Duration 00:10 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 289/505

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Scene 59_V Duration 09:08 Panel 4 / 7 Duration 01:08 Dialog I-I'm sorry! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 290/505

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Scene 59_V Duration 09:08 Panel 5 / 7 Duration 01:08 Dialog I didn't know anyone lived here! I promise! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 291/505

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Scene 59_V Duration 09:08 Panel 6 / 7 Duration 01:20 Dialog I didn't know anyone lived here! I promise! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 292/505

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Scene 59_V Duration 09:08 Panel 7 / 7 Duration 03:15 Dialog (Off-screen): I am so happy to see you, my child. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 293/505

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Scene 59_W Duration 04:16 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 04:16 Dialog It is so rare for boys and girls like you to come here. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 294/505

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Scene 59_X Duration 06:11 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 06:11 Dialog I'm far too old to sit on the lawn anymore... but I just get so lonely. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 295/505

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Scene 59_Y Duration 03:00 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog That's why I put up that sign outside for all you children to see. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 296/505

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Scene 59_Y Duration 03:00 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog That's why I put up that sign outside for all you children to see. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 297/505

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Scene 59_Y Duration 03:00 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog That's why I put up that sign outside for all you children to see. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 298/505

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Scene 59_Z Duration 03:22 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 02:00 Dialog That's why I put up that sign outside for all you children to see. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 299/505

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Scene 59_Z Duration 03:22 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 00:13 Dialog That's why I put up that sign outside for all you children to see. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 300/505

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Scene 59_Z Duration 03:22 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:09 Dialog That's why I put up that sign outside for all you children to see. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 301/505

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Scene 59_1A Duration 02:16 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 02:16 Dialog But I guess all of that wasn't enough. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 302/505

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Scene 59_1B Duration 02:23 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 02:23 Dialog After all, I still have all this candy... and nobody to share it with. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 303/505

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Scene 59_1C Duration 08:17 Panel 1 / 5 Duration 01:08 Dialog After all, I still have all this candy... and nobody to share it with. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 304/505

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Scene 59_1C Duration 08:17 Panel 2 / 5 Duration 01:06 Dialog After all, I still have all this candy... and nobody to share it with. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 305/505

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Scene 59_1C Duration 08:17 Panel 3 / 5 Duration 02:16 Dialog Oh... I-I'm sorry about that, ma-am.. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 306/505

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Scene 59_1C Duration 08:17 Panel 4 / 5 Duration 01:13 Dialog I honestly had no idea somebody lived here. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 307/505

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Scene 59_1C Duration 08:17 Panel 5 / 5 Duration 01:22 Dialog I honestly had no idea somebody lived here. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 308/505

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Scene 59_1D Duration 03:06 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 03:06 Dialog That's quite alright dear. The only thing that matters is that you're here now. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 309/505

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Scene 59_1E Duration 03:12 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 01:05 Dialog That's quite alright dear. The only thing that matters is that you're here now. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 310/505

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Scene 59_1E Duration 03:12 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 01:03 Dialog That's quite alright dear. The only thing that matters is that you're here now. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 311/505

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Scene 59_1E Duration 03:12 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:04 Dialog Jazz: KEVIN! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 312/505

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Scene 59_1F Duration 04:08 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 00:18 Dialog Kevin! Are you okay?? I-I heard you screaming! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 313/505

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Scene 59_1F Duration 04:08 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 01:15 Dialog Kevin! Are you okay?? I-I heard you screaming! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 314/505

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Scene 59_1F Duration 04:08 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:23 Dialog Kevin! Are you okay?? I-I heard you screaming! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 315/505

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Scene 59_1G Duration 09:04 Panel 1 / 4 Duration 01:21 Dialog I was so scared... I thought... The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 316/505

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Scene 59_1G Duration 09:04 Panel 2 / 4 Duration 01:15 Dialog I was so scared... I thought... The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 317/505

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Scene 59_1G Duration 09:04 Panel 3 / 4 Duration 02:14 Dialog Kevin: L-look, Jazz! See? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 318/505

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Scene 59_1G Duration 09:04 Panel 4 / 4 Duration 03:02 Dialog I told you it was just some lonely old person! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 319/505

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Scene 59_1H Duration 04:16 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 02:06 Dialog Oh! What a treat! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 320/505

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Scene 59_1H Duration 04:16 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 01:08 Dialog Another precious youth! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 321/505

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Scene 59_1H Duration 04:16 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:02 Dialog Another precious youth! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 322/505

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Scene 59_1I Duration 04:12 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 02:04 Dialog Please: come have some candy. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 323/505

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Scene 59_1I Duration 04:12 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 01:02 Dialog Please: come have some candy. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 324/505

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Scene 59_1I Duration 04:12 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:06 Dialog Please: come have some candy. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 325/505

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Scene 59_1J Duration 07:02 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 03:09 Dialog Yeah, Jazz. See? There's nothing to be afraid of. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 326/505

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Scene 59_1J Duration 07:02 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 03:17 Dialog Now come over here and take some candy from the nice lady, yeah? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 327/505

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Scene 59_1K Duration 04:17 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 01:14 Dialog Kevin: Come on. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 328/505

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Scene 59_1K Duration 04:17 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 01:14 Dialog Kevin: Come on. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 329/505

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Scene 59_1K Duration 04:17 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:13 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 330/505

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Scene 59_1L Duration 13:13 Panel 1 / 6 Duration 01:18 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 331/505

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Scene 59_1L Duration 13:13 Panel 2 / 6 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 332/505

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Scene 59_1L Duration 13:13 Panel 3 / 6 Duration 02:20 Dialog What..? What's wrong, Jazz? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 333/505

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Scene 59_1L Duration 13:13 Panel 4 / 6 Duration 02:14 Dialog Don't you want some candy...? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 334/505

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Scene 59_1L Duration 13:13 Panel 5 / 6 Duration 03:03 Dialog Isn't that the whole reason we came out here in the first place? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 335/505

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Scene 59_1L Duration 13:13 Panel 6 / 6 Duration 02:06 Dialog Because you just couldn't live without your STUPID CANDY! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 336/505

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Scene 59_1M Duration 01:20 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:20 Dialog Because you just couldn't live without your STUPID CANDY! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 337/505

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Scene 59_1N Duration 02:00 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 338/505

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Scene 59_1N Duration 02:00 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog FINE! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 339/505

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Scene 59_1M_1 Duration 01:20 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 00:20 Dialog I'll just get some myself! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 340/505

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Scene 59_1M_1 Duration 01:20 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog I'll just get some myself! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 341/505

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Scene 59_1M_2 Duration 03:08 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 00:15 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 342/505

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Scene 59_1M_2 Duration 03:08 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 01:11 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 343/505

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Scene 59_1M_2 Duration 03:08 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:06 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 344/505

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Scene 59_1M_3 Duration 03:03 Panel 1 / 4 Duration 00:13 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 345/505

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Scene 59_1M_3 Duration 03:03 Panel 2 / 4 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 346/505

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Scene 59_1M_3 Duration 03:03 Panel 3 / 4 Duration 00:14 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 347/505

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Scene 59_1M_3 Duration 03:03 Panel 4 / 4 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 348/505

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Scene 59_1M_4 Duration 06:06 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 01:23 Dialog There! See, Jazz? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 349/505

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Scene 59_1M_4 Duration 06:06 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 01:18 Dialog I told you! It's okay! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 350/505

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Scene 59_1M_4 Duration 06:06 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 02:13 Dialog There's nothing to be afraid of. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 351/505

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Scene 59_1M_5 Duration 02:16 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 02:16 Dialog Come on! It's free candy! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 352/505

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Scene 59_1M_6 Duration 06:12 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 02:17 Dialog Come on, Jazz. Don't be rude. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 353/505

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Scene 59_1M_6 Duration 06:12 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 02:04 Dialog Get over here and have some... The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 354/505

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Scene 59_1M_6 Duration 06:12 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:15 Dialog ...some... The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 355/505

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Scene 59_1M_7 Duration 01:15 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 00:13 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 356/505

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Scene 59_1M_7 Duration 01:15 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 00:11 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 357/505

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Scene 59_1M_7 Duration 01:15 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 00:15 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 358/505

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Scene 59_1M_8 Duration 02:23 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 00:21 Dialog Wh... The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 359/505

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Scene 59_1M_8 Duration 02:23 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog Ngh! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 360/505

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Scene 59_1M_8 Duration 02:23 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:02 Dialog Wh-what the hell? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 361/505

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Scene 59_1M_9 Duration 02:18 Panel 1 / 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog I - I'm stuck! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 362/505

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Scene 59_1M_9 Duration 02:18 Panel 2 / 4 Duration 00:15 Dialog I - I'm stuck! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 363/505

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Scene 59_1M_9 Duration 02:18 Panel 3 / 4 Duration 00:15 Dialog I - I'm stuck! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 364/505

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Scene 59_1M_9 Duration 02:18 Panel 4 / 4 Duration 00:12 Dialog I - I'm stuck! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 365/505

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Scene 59_1M_9_A Duration 03:00 Panel 1 / 6 Duration 00:14 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 366/505

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Scene 59_1M_9_A Duration 03:00 Panel 2 / 6 Duration 00:14 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 367/505

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Scene 59_1M_9_A Duration 03:00 Panel 3 / 6 Duration 00:09 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 368/505

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Scene 59_1M_9_A Duration 03:00 Panel 4 / 6 Duration 00:09 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 369/505

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Scene 59_1M_9_A Duration 03:00 Panel 5 / 6 Duration 00:07 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 370/505

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Scene 59_1M_9_A Duration 03:00 Panel 6 / 6 Duration 00:19 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 371/505

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Scene 59_1M_10 Duration 03:04 Panel 1 / 4 Duration 00:17 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 372/505

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Scene 59_1M_10 Duration 03:04 Panel 2 / 4 Duration 00:23 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 373/505

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Scene 59_1M_10 Duration 03:04 Panel 3 / 4 Duration 00:17 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 374/505

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Scene 59_1M_10 Duration 03:04 Panel 4 / 4 Duration 00:19 Dialog JAZZ! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 375/505

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Scene 59_1M_11 Duration 01:18 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 00:18 Dialog I CAN'T GET OUT! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 376/505

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Scene 59_1M_11 Duration 01:18 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 377/505

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Scene 59_1M_12 Duration 01:16 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 00:23 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 378/505

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Scene 59_1M_12 Duration 01:16 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 00:06 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 379/505

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Scene 59_1M_12 Duration 01:16 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 00:11 Action Notes The wall starts to ripple, like something underneath is slithering. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 380/505

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Scene 59_1M_13 Duration 01:05 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 00:09 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 381/505

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Scene 59_1M_13 Duration 01:05 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 00:09 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 382/505

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Scene 59_1M_13 Duration 01:05 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 00:11 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 383/505

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Scene 59_1M_14 Duration 01:09 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 00:18 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 384/505

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Scene 59_1M_14 Duration 01:09 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 00:15 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 385/505

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Scene 59_1M_15 Duration 01:05 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 00:13 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 386/505

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Scene 59_1M_15 Duration 01:05 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 00:16 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 387/505

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Scene 59_1M_16 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 00:11 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 388/505

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Scene 59_1M_16 Duration 01:00 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 00:13 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 389/505

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Scene 59_1M_17 Duration 02:13 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 00:17 Dialog JAZZ! HELP ME! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 390/505

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Scene 59_1M_17 Duration 02:13 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 00:17 Dialog JAZZ! HELP ME! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 391/505

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Scene 59_1M_17 Duration 02:13 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:03 Dialog Woman (Off-screen): It's so nice... The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 392/505

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Scene 59_1M_18 Duration 01:19 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 00:13 Dialog finally have... The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 393/505

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Scene 59_1M_18 Duration 01:19 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 00:15 Dialog finally have... The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 394/505

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Scene 59_1M_18 Duration 01:19 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 00:15 Dialog finally have... The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 395/505

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Scene 59_1M_19 Duration 02:08 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 00:16 Dialog ...some company... The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 396/505

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Scene 59_1M_19 Duration 02:08 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 00:16 Dialog ...some company... The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 397/505

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Scene 59_1M_19 Duration 02:08 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog ...some company... The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 398/505

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Scene 59_1M_20 Duration 02:00 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 399/505

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Scene 59_1M_20 Duration 02:00 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 400/505

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Scene 59_1M_21 Duration 02:11 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 00:18 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 401/505

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Scene 59_1M_21 Duration 02:11 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 00:17 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 402/505

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Scene 59_1M_21 Duration 02:11 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog I-I'll go get help, Kevin! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 403/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_A Duration 00:22 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 00:11 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 404/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_A Duration 00:22 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 00:11 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 405/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_B Duration 03:00 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog JAZZ! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 406/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_B Duration 03:00 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog HELP ME! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 407/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_B Duration 03:00 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:00 Action Notes Kevin's arm gets pulled back. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 408/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_C Duration 02:06 Panel 1 / 4 Duration 00:14 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 409/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_C Duration 02:06 Panel 2 / 4 Duration 00:13 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 410/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_C Duration 02:06 Panel 3 / 4 Duration 00:11 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 411/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_C Duration 02:06 Panel 4 / 4 Duration 00:16 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 412/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_D Duration 02:06 Panel 1 / 4 Duration 00:14 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 413/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_D Duration 02:06 Panel 2 / 4 Duration 00:14 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 414/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_D Duration 02:06 Panel 3 / 4 Duration 00:14 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 415/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_D Duration 02:06 Panel 4 / 4 Duration 00:12 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 416/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_E Duration 02:07 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 00:15 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 417/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_E Duration 02:07 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 00:16 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 418/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_E Duration 02:07 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 419/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_F Duration 01:07 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:07 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 420/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_G Duration 01:09 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 00:12 Action Notes POV shot of Jazz which bobs up and down as she runs, avoiding spikes. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 421/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_G Duration 01:09 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 00:10 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 422/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_G Duration 01:09 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 00:11 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 423/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_H Duration 03:10 Panel 1 / 10 Duration 00:09 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 424/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_H Duration 03:10 Panel 2 / 10 Duration 00:11 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 425/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_H Duration 03:10 Panel 3 / 10 Duration 00:07 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 426/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_H Duration 03:10 Panel 4 / 10 Duration 00:09 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 427/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_H Duration 03:10 Panel 5 / 10 Duration 00:08 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 428/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_H Duration 03:10 Panel 6 / 10 Duration 00:06 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 429/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_H Duration 03:10 Panel 7 / 10 Duration 00:08 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 430/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_H Duration 03:10 Panel 8 / 10 Duration 00:08 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 431/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_H Duration 03:10 Panel 9 / 10 Duration 00:08 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 432/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_H Duration 03:10 Panel 10 / 10 Duration 00:08 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 433/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I Duration 01:10 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 00:12 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 434/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I Duration 01:10 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 00:22 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 435/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_J Duration 02:00 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 436/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_J Duration 02:00 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 437/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_K Duration 04:04 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 01:15 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 438/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_K Duration 04:04 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 00:04 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 439/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_K Duration 04:04 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 02:09 Action Notes The door slams shut and the screen goes black. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 440/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_1 Duration 03:22 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 03:22 Action Notes The scene opens on a shot of the house from a very distant future. It is midday, and the house is surrounded by construction vehicles. It is clear from the state of the lawn that the crew is here to tear down the house. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 441/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_2 Duration 04:09 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 04:09 Dialog Ben: Damn. What a wreck. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 442/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_3 Duration 10:02 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 03:21 Dialog Man, I never thought I'd see the day this dump was torn down. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 443/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_3 Duration 10:02 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 03:07 Dialog Let alone be the one doing it. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 444/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_3 Duration 10:02 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 02:22 Dialog You know about this place? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 445/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_4 Duration 09:02 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 09:02 Dialog Ben: Oh yeah. Have I never told you? I grew up in this neighborhood. Ryan: Wow. I had no idea [...] . The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 446/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_5 Duration 07:07 Panel 1 / 8 Duration 00:11 Dialog We used to come over here to explore all the time. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 447/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_5 Duration 07:07 Panel 2 / 8 Duration 00:10 Dialog We used to come over here to explore all the time. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 448/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_5 Duration 07:07 Panel 3 / 8 Duration 00:11 Dialog We used to come over here to explore all the time. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 449/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_5 Duration 07:07 Panel 4 / 8 Duration 00:23 Dialog We used to come over here to explore all the time. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 450/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_5 Duration 07:07 Panel 5 / 8 Duration 00:07 Dialog We used to come over here to explore all the time. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 451/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_5 Duration 07:07 Panel 6 / 8 Duration 00:12 Dialog We used to come over here to explore all the time. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 452/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_5 Duration 07:07 Panel 7 / 8 Duration 02:11 Dialog Before... well. You know. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 453/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_5 Duration 07:07 Panel 8 / 8 Duration 01:18 Dialog Before what? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 454/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_6 Duration 19:04 Panel 1 / 4 Duration 02:13 Dialog Some kid in our neighborhood went missing when we were 12. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 455/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_6 Duration 19:04 Panel 2 / 4 Duration 03:19 Dialog It was on Halloween, too. Apparently this was the last place he and his sister went. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 456/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_6 Duration 19:04 Panel 3 / 4 Duration 06:10 Dialog Ryan: Oh geez, man. That's horrible. Ben: Yeah. They never even found a body or anything. Crazy shit. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 457/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_6 Duration 19:04 Panel 4 / 4 Duration 06:10 Dialog Ryan: So they don't know anything? Ben: Nope. The police think he either tripped and fell in the woods somewhere or got abducted. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 458/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_7 Duration 02:17 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 02:17 Dialog That's not what his kid sister said happened, though. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 459/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_8 Duration 03:04 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 00:17 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 460/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_8 Duration 03:04 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 00:19 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 461/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_8 Duration 03:04 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:16 Dialog What did she say? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 462/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_9 Duration 05:08 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 01:11 Dialog The sister was the one who broke the news. She said her brother was in trouble, and that this was the last place she'd left him. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 463/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_9 Duration 05:08 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 03:21 Dialog The sister was the one who broke the news. She said her brother was in trouble, and that this was the last place she'd left him. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 464/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_10 Duration 01:14 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 00:19 Dialog She said that the house The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 465/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_10 Duration 01:14 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 00:19 Dialog She said that the house The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 466/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_11 Duration 01:16 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:16 Dialog ate him alive. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 467/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_12 Duration 02:08 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 02:08 Dialog Jesus. What the hell does that mean? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 468/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_13 Duration 07:15 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 07:15 Dialog Ben: Who knows? She was just a little kid at the time. Probably got spooked and made up some weird story to cope with it. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 469/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_14 Duration 03:18 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 03:18 Dialog Either way, we weren't allowed to come around here after that. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 470/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_15 Duration 02:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 02:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 471/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_16 Duration 02:22 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 02:22 Action Notes The camera pans over pictures on the wall. Strangely, all of them are scenery. There isn't a single portrait or image of a person. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 472/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_17 Duration 05:01 Panel 1 / 4 Duration 02:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 473/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_17 Duration 05:01 Panel 2 / 4 Duration 00:05 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 474/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_17 Duration 05:01 Panel 3 / 4 Duration 00:11 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 475/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_17 Duration 05:01 Panel 4 / 4 Duration 02:09 Dialog BEN! What the hell, dude?! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 476/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_18 Duration 02:10 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 00:20 Dialog What? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 477/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_18 Duration 02:10 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 01:14 Dialog The whole place is coming down anyway. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 478/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_19 Duration 03:22 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog Jesus. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 479/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_19 Duration 03:22 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 01:13 Dialog I think I'm just going to... The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 480/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_19 Duration 03:22 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:09 Dialog ...look around. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 481/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_20 Duration 01:12 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:12 Dialog Suit yourself. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 482/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_21 Duration 05:09 Panel 1 / 5 Duration 01:09 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 483/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_21 Duration 05:09 Panel 2 / 5 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 484/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_21 Duration 05:09 Panel 3 / 5 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 485/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_21 Duration 05:09 Panel 4 / 5 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 486/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_21 Duration 05:09 Panel 5 / 5 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 487/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_22 Duration 02:00 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 488/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_22 Duration 02:00 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 489/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_23 Duration 07:08 Panel 1 / 7 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 490/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_23 Duration 07:08 Panel 2 / 7 Duration 01:08 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 491/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_23 Duration 07:08 Panel 3 / 7 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 492/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_23 Duration 07:08 Panel 4 / 7 Duration 01:00 Action Notes Before he can grab what he's reaching for, a bunch of moths fly in from off-screen and into Ryan's face. They then scatter off-screen, The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 493/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_23 Duration 07:08 Panel 5 / 7 Duration 01:00 Action Notes Before he can grab what he's reaching for, a bunch of moths fly in from off-screen and into Ryan's face. They then scatter off-screen, The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 494/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_23 Duration 07:08 Panel 6 / 7 Duration 01:00 Action Notes Before he can grab what he's reaching for, a bunch of moths fly in from off-screen and into Ryan's face. They then scatter off-screen, The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 495/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_23 Duration 07:08 Panel 7 / 7 Duration 01:00 The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 496/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_24 Duration 01:23 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:23 Action Notes Ryan stands, lifting Jazz's old, decomposed hat on-screen. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 497/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_25 Duration 06:12 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 01:09 Dialog Weird. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 498/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_25 Duration 06:12 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 03:06 Dialog What is this? Some kind of costume..? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 499/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_25 Duration 06:12 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:21 Action Notes BEN'S scream is heard off-screen. It's a guttural, terrified yelp. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 500/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_26 Duration 07:03 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 01:20 Dialog Ryan: What's wrong? What happened?? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 501/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_26 Duration 07:03 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 02:11 Dialog Ryan: What's wrong? What happened?? The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 502/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_26 Duration 07:03 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 02:20 Dialog I found him... I found Kevin! The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 503/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_27 Duration 02:13 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 02:13 Action Notes The shot cuts to reveal the wall torn away from where Ben smashed it. Inside, Kevin's mummified body is literally in the walls, with the beams and drywall curving around him. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 504/505

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Scene 59_1M_16_I_27_A Duration 02:13 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 02:13 Action Notes The shot cuts to reveal the wall torn away from where Ben smashed it. Inside, Kevin's mummified body is literally in the walls, with the beams and drywall curving around him. The House at the End of the Block Happy Halloween! 2021 Page 505/505