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CaptionsLIVE Raw Transcript
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issues that often I see that usually gets referred to and cascade down,
maybe weeks after week, this builds up, builds up, and then people start
referring to it as politics, the first one is - lack of clarity. Like, we are not
even clear on what a goal was. We're maybe working on something, we're
maybe discussing something, but what is the goal? What is the thing that
we're actually referring to? I always find, still today, after decades of
working in this profession, that sometimes the question is, "OK, what is
the goal?" It's still one of the strongest drivers of change anywhere. But
then let's assume we have a goal but they're not aligned. Now we have
groups of people, heaps of people, teams, that they all have goals but
they're different. And so this is the second layer, right? So, are we
aligned? Are we talking the same message, thinking the same thing?
Maybe not. So, sometimes identifying that the other team, or
acknowledging that the other team is not working with you because they
just have a different goal, can be super important. And so, again, politics.
And the third level is just lack of organisation. Sometimes, you do have a
goal, you are aligned on the goal, but the organisation is poor, especially
if you're working with many teams, with many people, larger groups,
because exponentially the larger the group is, the more organisation you
need, the easiest it is to make mistakes. But sometimes it just lacks
organisation. We're working on the same thing, it's just that, "Oh, yeah,
no, I didn't communicate this clearly. Or, yeah, no, I know that this was
not quite the thing you asked for." There are a lot of things, lack of
organisation, again, can cascade down. And then you figure out three
months later that, "Oh, wait a second, I thought we were, like, we were
planning to do this, but your plan was different, even if we have the same
goal, and we didn't quite align what we were trying to do." And then we
have pure resistances. Like, these are factors that us, as humans, as
individuals, have and play all the time. The first one is inertia. So, the