Slide 16
Slide 16 text
Test Cases: Surface scenarios/events
• From Europa lander report
• “Tal” used to represent orbital period of the carrier/relayer spacecraft (24 Earth hours)
• 5 sampling tals planned over a 20 day mission
• Sample acquisition ~5 hours
• Sample cycle is expected to be fully autonomous sequence - how might this be autonomously
adjusted if the lander has to account for an “unknown event” (e.g., intense quakes or plume)
• Will testbeds simulate deorbit, descent, and landing (DDL)?
• If so, it’s possible that the hydrazine exhaust could deposit material on the surface near the
landing site
• How to implement this into testbed, if applicable?
• How would instruments differentiate between Europa-native species or hydrazine-native
species of nitrogen, ammonia, hydrogen, water, carbon dioxide, chloride, for example?
• Europa lander mission has plans to reduce amount of exhaust contamination on surface