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Turbo Boosting Real-world Applications Akira Matsuda

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Turbo Boosting

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Real-world Applications

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Is Your Application Fast Enough?

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My Answer No. My app is not.

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When We Started a Project with a Simple Scaffold, It Wasn't That Slow

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But Our Production App Today Is Slow I guess this applies to any and all Rails applications

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Is That Essentially Because Ruby Is Slow? I don't think so

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Ruby Is Already Doing Very Well Even if we completely disable Ruby GC, we don't actually get that much performance gain Freezing Strings in your application code may not solve the performance problem

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The Real Problem Lies in the Framework Architecture And some very slow components inside the framework

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Typical Performance Diagram
 (taken from

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These Are All Serially Executed in the Main Thread For example, while querying to the DB, Ruby is doing nothing. Just waiting.

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In Other Words, These Are All Blocking Operations

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What If We Can Perform Them Without Blocking the Main Thread?

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In Parallel?

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Menu Turbo Boosting External API Calls Turbo Boosting DB Queries Turbo Boosting Partial Renderings Turbo Boosting Lazy Attributes Turbo Boosting Named Urls

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Turbo Boosting External API Calls

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Turbo Boosting External API Calls Let's start with the easiest one

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API Calls Typically via HTTP Actually call some outside APIs Or microservices

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"Microservices" Microservices will not solve your performance problem It can be a solution for your scalability problem It would rather add some extra network overhead on your app

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Problem Calling external APIs makes your application slow

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While Waiting for the HTTP Response The API call blocks the main thread The CPU does nothing while waiting for the response

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Can We Make This Non- blocking? By doing the work in the background thread?

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Example The client has to call a heavy API 3 times Each API call takes 1 second

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The API # Sleeps 1 second and says 'Hello' % rackup -b "run ->(e) { sleep 1; [200, {}, ['Hello']] }"

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The Client Code % ruby -rhttpclient -e "t =; 3.times { p'http://localhost: 9292/').content }; p - t"

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Result % ruby -rhttpclient -e "t =; 3.times { p'http://localhost: 9292/').content }; p - t" #=> This takes 3 seconds

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Using Threads % ruby -rhttpclient -e "t =; { {'http:// localhost:9292/') } }.each {|t| p t.value.content }; p - t"

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Using Threads % ruby -rhttpclient -e "t =; { {'http:// localhost:9292/') } }.each {|t| p t.value.content }; p - t" #=> This finishes in 1 second!

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"Future Pattern" { (do something) }.value Thread#value waits for the block to finish (internally with Thread#join) You can do anything else in the main thread while other threads are running

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"Future Pattern" Usually we wrap this Thread with a "future object"

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"Future Pattern" future = Future.execute { some_background_tasks } do_some_heavy_tasks_in_the_main_thread value = future.value # join the background thread

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Turbo Boosting External API Calls Using Threads Push an I/O blocking task to a child Thread The main thread can do some other heavy tasks I know the reality is not that simple For example, in many cases, you will be caching some results in the client side. In such case, you need to synchronize the threads before caching But anyway, think about using threads. This is the basic idea

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Turbo Boosting DB Queries

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DB Queries Are So
 Time Consuming Obviously, the most time- consuming tasks in most of the real-world Rails apps It's essentially just another kind of I/O blocking task

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While Active Record Is Waiting for the DB Server Response, the Ruby Process Is Doing Nothing!

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How AR Deals with Connections AR pools the DB connections Each HTTP request kicks one Ruby Thread (or Process) in the app server AR checks out a connection from the pool per each Thread

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So, One Request Uses Only One Connection, Although There Are So Many More Pooled Connections

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DB Query Blocks the Main Thread When you throw a query to the DB, you need to wait until you get the results back

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Querying in a Child Thread Maybe we can apply the same pattern with the API case?

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A Very Heavy Finder Query class User < ApplicationRecord def self.heavy_find(id) select('*, sleep(id)').where(id: id).first end end

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Takes 3 Seconds for heavy_finding User 1 and 2 % rails r "User.first; p Benchmark.realtime { p User.heavy_find(1).name, User.heavy_find(2).name }" "user 1" "user 2" 3.129794000182301

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We Can Do This in 2 Seconds Using Threads! % rails r "User.first; p Benchmark.realtime { t1= { User.heavy_find(1).name }; t2 = { User.heavy_find(2).name }; p t1.value, t2.value }" "user 1" "user 2" 2.0408139997161925

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This Is Great! Why Doesn't Active Record Do This by Default?

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Problem with This Approach Each Thread automatically establishes a new connection You'd better use with_connection to explicitly checkout and release a connection in a Thread User.connection.pool.with_conne ction { ... }

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So This Checks Out 3 Connections... % rails r "User.first; p Benchmark.realtime { t1= { User.connection.pool.with_connection { User.heavy_find(1).name } }; t2 = { User.connection.pool.with_connection { User.heavy_find(2).name } }; p t1.value, t2.value; p User.connection.pool.stat }" "user 1" "user 2" {:size=>5, :connections=>3, :busy=>1, :dead=>2, :idle=>0,
 :waiting=>0, :checkout_timeout=>5} 2.0807580002583563

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I Baked This into an Experimental Plugin

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With the Following
 2 APIs: # Fires the query in a background Thread. Joins at #records call AR::Relation#future # e.g. @posts = current_user.posts.future # Runs the block in a background Thread, checking out a new AR connection and releasing it. Returns a Future object FutureRecords.future(&block)

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GH/amatsuda/ future_records Very roughly implemented No tests, no documentations, no comments But it works Actually, it's already used in our production app at Money Forward Please be careful not to exhaust all the connections in the connection pool

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Future Improvements Introduce a thread pool instead of for performance and safety I'll explain this later through another example

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Two Other Possible Approaches Don't checkout a new connection per Thread. Share the main connection Use asynchronous connection

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Sharing the Main Connection Mutex.synchronize { Pass the main connection to a child thread when querying } Cannot run queries in parallel. Less performance gain Maybe we can use Thread + Fiber

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Async Connection For DB adapters that have asynchronous query API e.g. mysql2, postgres

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Async Connection Example (mysql2) client.query(some_very_heavy_query, async: true) # This method immediately returns nil # and once the query finishes, result = client.async_result # This returns a normal ResultSet

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You Need to Create a Mechanizm to Detect When the Query Is Done

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Async Connection + Active Record + EventMachine I could kind of make this work locally, but it required super crazy monkey-patches on AR::Relation, FinderMethods, connection adapters, etc. Also, maybe we need to create another connection pool instance that handles async connections There's an existing library for doing this. Check out em-synchrony project if you're interested in this approach I personally don't want my production Rails app to heavily depend on EM though

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Turbo Boosting Partial Renderings

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We Often Have Slow Partial Templates render_partial of course blocks the main thread And in most cases partials do not depend on each other So, we may be able to render them asynchronously

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With Ajax? Rails Ajax I guess everybody comes up with this idea and have implemented their own plugin

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And Here's My Implementation <%= render @users, remote: true %>

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GH/amatsuda/ ljax_rails Actually I did this 5.years.ago And realized that this is not really a good approach Because the partial needs an extra routes and a controller. It’s like creating a whole set of API for just a partial template It adds another huge overhead for Ajax roundtrip, especially on narrowband

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Instead, Let's Think About Simply Threading render_partial Future pattern again Doesn't this perfectly work if AR connections are not concerned?

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Initial Implementation module AsyncRenderer def render(context, options, block) if (options.delete(:async) || (options[:locals]&.delete(:async))) { super } else super ennnd class FuturePartial def initialize(&block) @thread = end def to_s @thread.value ennd ActionView::PartialRenderer.prepend AsyncRenderer

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Let's Measure! Adding <% sleep 1 %> in a parent template and a partial, and see how the performance was changed

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Like This # routes.rb resources :users do collection do get :a end end # show.html.erb A <%= render 'b', locals: {async: true} %> <% sleep 1 %> # _b.html.erb B <% sleep 1 %>

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The Result This kinda works! Seems like it returns a correct HTML. But, NO performance gain. AT ALL.

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Let's See What’s Actually Executed in Ruby-level

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Action View Compiles Each Template to a Ruby Method

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Let's Check the Compiled Template Source Maybe the easiest way to show the Ruby code is to add something like puts source; puts at the bottom of the bundled actionview gem's ActionView::Template#compile

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The Source def _app_views_users_a_html_erb__247788595159253739_70287467036600(lo cal_assigns, output_buffer) _old_virtual_path, @virtual_path = @virtual_path, "users/ a";_old_output_buffer = @output_buffer;;@output_buffer = output_buffer ||;@output_buffer.safe_append='A '.freeze;@output_buffer.append=( render 'b', async: true );@output_buffer.safe_append=' '.freeze; sleep 1 @output_buffer.to_s ensure @virtual_path, @output_buffer = _old_virtual_path, _old_output_buffer end

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@output_buffer.append= @output_buffer.append=( render 'b', async: true );

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@output_buffer.append= Creates a future object via render async: true, then appends the future object to the buffer

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Implementation of @output_buffer.append= module ActionView class OutputBuffer < ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer #:nodoc: ... def <<(value) return self if value.nil? super(value.to_s) end alias :append= :<< ...

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Immediate to_s Call is Happening @output_buffer.append= calls to_s on the future object immediately after its creation Then it causes the background Thread's join

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But Why Do We Need to Call to_s There? Because ActionView::OutputBuffer < ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer < String You need to make sure that the value is_a String before <

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Like This '' << :x #=> no implicit conversion of Symbol into String
 (TypeError) '' << 10 #=> "\n"

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How Can We Make Future Partial Objects Live Longer? Immediate to_s call is inevitable so far as the buffer is_a String What if we store the view fragments in an Array, then concat them at the very last?

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The Array Buffer module ArrayBuffer def initialize(*) super @values = [] end def <<(value) @values << value unless value.nil? self end alias :append= :<< def to_s @values.join # or something like that end ... end ActionView::OutputBuffer.prepend AsyncPartial::ArrayBuffer

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Measuring Again Completed 200 OK in 1026ms (Views: 1013.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.7ms)

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Measuring Again It works perfectly! Now it returns the result in 1 second!

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BTW, If You're Looking for the Fastest Template Engine on the current String-based OutputBuffer There's an implementation that is faster than Erubi, or Haml, or any other existing template engine in the world The gems is called string_template

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GH/amatsuda/ string_template It compiles the whole template in one single String literal with interpolations Which is of course significantly faster than string << another_string << another_string...

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Anyway, Now Let's See How the Array-based Version Scales!

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Extract the Repetition in index.html.erb to a Partial # app/views/users/index.html.erb <% @users.each do |user| %> - - <%= %> - <%= link_to 'Show', user %> - <%= link_to 'Edit', edit_user_path(user) %> - <%= link_to 'Destroy', user, method: :delete, data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' } %> - + <%= render partial: 'user', object: user, locals: {async: true} %> <% end %>

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With Some Random Slowness to the Partial <% sleep(rand(3) / 100.0) %>

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Register 10 Users % rails r '(1..10).each {|i| User.create! name: "user #{i}"}'

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The Result

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Or a 500 Error ActionView::Template::Error (Target thread must not be current thread)

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What the Hell Is Happening?

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It's Called
 Race Condition

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Why Does This Code Cause Race Condition? def _app_views_users__user_html_erb___590070358791478326_70218505010200(local_assigns, output_buffer) _old_virtual_path, @virtual_path = @virtual_path, "users/_user";_old_output_buffe = @output_buffer;user = local_assigns[:user]; user = user;;@output_buffer = output_buffer ||;@output_buffer.safe_append=' '.freeze;@output_buffer.append=( );@output_buffer.safe_append=' '.freeze;@output_buffer.append=( link_to 'Show', user );@output_buffer.safe_append=' '.freeze;@output_buffer.append=( link_to 'Edit', edit_user_path(user) );@output_buffer.safe_append=' '.freeze;@output_buffer.append=( link_to 'Destroy', user, method: :delete, data { confirm: 'Are you sure?' } );@output_buffer.safe_append=' '.freeze; sleep(rand(3) / 100.0) @output_buffer.to_s ensure @virtual_path, @output_buffer = _old_virtual_path, _old_output_buffer end

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Because It Shares an Instance Variable @output_buffer Between Threads!

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We Need to Change the Buffer Object to Be a Local Variable or a Thread Local Variable

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And in Order to Achieve This, We Need to Monkey-patch the Erubi Template Handler

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I'm Not Gonna Paste the Whole Patch Here, But It's Been Done Like This properties[:bufvar] = "output_buffer" # and so on...

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And So It Works Now!

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Now Let's Try to Render _form.html.erb Asynchronously # new.html.erb <%= render partial: 'form', locals: {user: @user, async: true} %>

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Then, It Renders Something Broken

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This Happens Because of Action View's capture Helper Which is used to render the block content inside <%= ... do %> capture creates a new buffer, swaps @output_buffer ivar, then swaps it back at the end It's impossible to do such thing for a lvar

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But I Could Emulate the Behavior in Another Way Somehow

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With This Patch, Rails Would Run Hundreads or Thousands of Threads at Once Which would make the whole response time rather slower

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We Need to Control the Number of Running Threads

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Introducing a Thread Pool in Ruby is not cheap Running too many Threads at once costs unignorable Thread switching cost

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Thread Pool Implementation We can create our own Or concurrent-ruby ships with a good one concurrent-ruby should be already bundled on your app through Active Support

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So, I Finally Finished Implementing an Async Partial Renderer! With a lot of monkey-patches But, this works only with Erubi so far We have so many other template engines, such as Erubis, Haml, Slim, etc. Especially, monkey-patching Haml is so tough (Even for the main maintainer of Haml...!)

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The Code

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GH/amatsuda/ async_partial

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And, These Are All Template Engines for Rendering HTML Files What about .json renderers?

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Jbuilder The Default JSON Renderer Completely not working Because Jbuilder is implemented very differently from other orthodox template engines

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I Suppose Many of You May Have Already Switched to a Fast and Elegant Alternative

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Called Jb

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Jb of Course Works Perfectly with This Array Buffer and Threaded Partials

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Turbo Boosting Lazy Attributes

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So, Let's Move on to The View Code, and Find What's Slow There

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Now Let's Try to Make Something Heavy and Realistic

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Scaffolding % rails g scaffold post col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 col6 col7 col8 col9 col10 col11 col12 col13 col14 col15 col16 col17 col18 col19 col20 col21 col22 col23 col24 col25 col26 col27 col28 col29 col30 col31 col32 col33 col34 col35 col36 col37 col38 col39 col40 col41 col42 col43 col44 col45 col46 col47 col48 col49 col50 col51 col52 col53 col54 col55 col56 col57 col58 col59 col60 col61 col62 col63 col64 col65 col66 col67 col68 col69 col70 col71 col72 col73 col74 col75 col76 col77 col78 col79 col80 col81 col82 col83 col84 col85 col86 col87 col88 col89 col90 col91 col92 col93 col94 col95 col96 col97

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With the Data % rails r '(1..1000).each {|i| Post.create! col1: i, col2: i, col3: i, col4: i, col5: i, col6: i, col7: i, col8: i, col9: i, col10: i, col11: i, col12: i, col13: i, col14: i, col15: i, col16: i, col17: i, col18: i, col19: i, col20: i, col21: i, col22: i, col23: i, col24: i, col25: i, col26: i, col27: i, col28: i, col29: i, col30: i, col31: i, col32: i, col33: i, col34: i, col35: i, col36: i, col37: i, col38: i, col39: i, col40: i, col41: i, col42: i, col43: i, col44: i, col45: i, col46: i, col47: i, col48: i, col49: i, col50: i, col51: i, col52: i, col53: i, col54: i, col55: i, col56: i, col57: i, col58: i, col59: i, col60: i, col61: i, col62: i, col63: i, col64: i, col65: i, col66: i, col67: i, col68: i, col69: i, col70: i, col71: i, col72: i, col73: i, col74: i, col75: i, col76: i, col77: i, col78: i, col79: i, col80: i, col81: i, col82: i, col83: i, col84: i, col85: i, col86: i, col87: i, col88: i, col89: i, col90: i, col91: i, col92: i, col93: i, col94: i, col95: i, col96: i, col97: i }'

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Benchmark % curl http:/ /localhost:3000/ posts Run this several times, abandon the fastest and slowest results

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Results Completed 200 OK in 1610ms (Views: 1568.9ms | ActiveRecord: 40.4ms) Completed 200 OK in 1693ms (Views: 1511.1ms | ActiveRecord: 43.3ms) Completed 200 OK in 1555ms (Views: 1484.5ms | ActiveRecord: 69.9ms) Completed 200 OK in 1668ms (Views: 1626.1ms | ActiveRecord: 41.9ms) Completed 200 OK in 1791ms (Views: 1737.3ms | ActiveRecord: 53.1ms)

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Let's See What Takes Time in Views

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What If We Changed the Attribute Accesses to Literals? - <%= post.col1 %> - ... - <%= post.col97 %> + <%= 'post.col1' %> + ... + <%= 'post.col97' %>

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Results Completed 200 OK in 803ms (Views: 747.5ms | ActiveRecord: 55.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 827ms (Views: 782.5ms | ActiveRecord: 44.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 820ms (Views: 775.9ms | ActiveRecord: 43.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 833ms (Views: 721.8ms | ActiveRecord: 110.3ms) Completed 200 OK in 834ms (Views: 781.1ms | ActiveRecord: 52.6ms)

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This Means,

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Half of the Response Time Was Spent on Reading Values from Already Selected AR Model Instance

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Why Does Just Accessing Attributes Take That Much Time? It should be just a method call, right?

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Let's Count The Number of Method Calls % rails r 'p = Post.first; (trace = {|t| p "#{t.defined_class}##{t.method_id}"}).enable; p.col1; trace.disable' "##__temp__36f6c613" "ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods::Read#_read_attribute" "ActiveModel::AttributeSet#fetch_value" "ActiveModel::AttributeSet#[]" "ActiveModel::LazyAttributeHash#[]" "ActiveModel::LazyAttributeHash#assign_default_value" "##from_database" "ActiveModel::Attribute#initialize" "ActiveModel::Attribute#value" "ActiveModel::Attribute::FromDatabase#type_cast" "ActiveModel::Type::Value#deserialize" "ActiveModel::Type::Value#cast" "ActiveModel::Type::String#cast_value"

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13 Method Calls per 1 String Attribute Access!

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And 30 Method Calls per 1 Timestamp Attribute Access! % rails r 'p = Post.first; (trace = {|t| p "#{t.defined_class}##{t.method_id}"}).enable; p.created_at; trace.disable' "##__temp__36275616475646f51647" "ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods::Read#_read_attribute" "ActiveModel::AttributeSet#fetch_value" "ActiveModel::AttributeSet#[]" "ActiveModel::LazyAttributeHash#[]" "ActiveModel::LazyAttributeHash#assign_default_value" "##from_database" "ActiveModel::Attribute#initialize" "ActiveModel::Attribute#value" "ActiveModel::Attribute::FromDatabase#type_cast" "ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods::TimeZoneConversion::TimeZoneConverter#deserialize" "##deserialize" "##__getobj__" "ActiveModel::Type::Value#deserialize" "##cast" "ActiveModel::Type::Value#cast" "ActiveModel::Type::DateTime#cast_value" "ActiveModel::Type::Helpers::TimeValue#fast_string_to_time" "ActiveModel::Type::Helpers::TimeValue#new_time" "ActiveRecord::Type::Internal::Timezone#default_timezone" "##default_timezone" "ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods::TimeZoneConversion::TimeZoneConverter#convert_time_to_time_zone" "Object#acts_like?" "##zone" "DateAndTime::Zones#in_time_zone" "##find_zone!" "Object#acts_like?" "DateAndTime::Zones#time_with_zone" "ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone#initialize" "ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone#transfer_time_values_to_utc_constructor"

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So, for Looping 1000 Records and Accesing 100 Columns... Does Ruby make 13 * 100 * 1000 = 130,0000 method calls?

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Yes, It Really Does % rails r 'calls = 0; trace = {|t| calls += 1 }; Post.all.each {|p| trace.enable;; p.col1; p.col2; p.col3; p.col4; p.col5; p.col6; p.col7; p.col8; p.col9; p.col10; p.col11; p.col12; p.col13; p.col14; p.col15; p.col16; p.col17; p.col18; p.col19; p.col20; p.col21; p.col22; p.col23; p.col24; p.col25; p.col26; p.col27; p.col28; p.col29; p.col30; p.col31; p.col32; p.col33; p.col34; p.col35; p.col36; p.col37; p.col38; p.col39; p.col40; p.col41; p.col42; p.col43; p.col44; p.col45; p.col46; p.col47; p.col48; p.col49; p.col50; p.col51; p.col52; p.col53; p.col54; p.col55; p.col56; p.col57; p.col58; p.col59; p.col60; p.col61; p.col62; p.col63; p.col64; p.col65; p.col66; p.col67; p.col68; p.col69; p.col70; p.col71; p.col72; p.col73; p.col74; p.col75; p.col76; p.col77; p.col78; p.col79; p.col80; p.col81; p.col82; p.col83; p.col84; p.col85; p.col86; p.col87; p.col88; p.col89; p.col90; p.col91; p.col92; p.col93; p.col94; p.col95; p.col96; p.col97; p.created_at; p.updated_at; trace.disable }; p calls' 1335000

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So, Active Record Is Slow Not because Ruby is slow But because the code is written to be slow

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Of Course, the Example I Showed Here Is a Silly UI We won't usually render 1,000 records in a single page In such case, we would use pagination

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kaminari/kaminari With this plugin

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But There Are Some Use Cases
 That We Deal with Thousands of
 AR Model Instances, e.g. APIs Batches Fintech apps

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In Fact, We Actually Hit This Problem at Money Forward We had to render 2,500 models in one page, which was unbearably slow

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IMO Active Record Model is Designed to Do Too Much Work What we really need here in this situation is just a value object (something like "entity bean" in the Java world) AR model is apparently an overkill for this usage AR object has too many features such as type casting, dirty tracking, serialization, validation, etcetc.

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AR Implements Two Different Roles in One Class Data transfer object that transfers readonly data between MVC layers Form object that accepts user inputs and safely saves them to the DB

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And What We Need in This Scenario Is Just a Lightweight Readonly Object

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Probably We Can Transfer the ResultSet into Some Kind of DTO (Data Transfer Object)? Which is simply based on Ruby Struct?

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It Should Kinda Work for a Simple Use Case Like the Example in This Slides But we don't want to do that in Ruby. Ruby is not Java. And we want to use associations, some other methods defined on the model class, etc. And it won't play nice with our favorite decorator plugin

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GH/amatsuda/ active_decorator

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Instead, Why Don't We Just Store the Attributes as a Hash Instance? And just delegate the attribute accessors to the Hash instance? (Actually, AR used to be designed that way)

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Problem AR attribute reader method is slow

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Let’s Solve This Problem Not by Adding More Complexity but Retrieving Back the Simplicity

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Good Old Hash-based Attributes We need to monkey-patch AR internals

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Recent Versions of Active Record Implements the "Attribute API"

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Attribute API Highly extensible, elegantly customizable It's a great feature, indeed But... who actually uses this feature in production?

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Attribute API Implementation In order to implement this feature, AR holds an instance of LazyAttribute per each column per each model instance

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Can’t We Opt-out This Rarely Used Feature? And let AR objects work speedily by default? It's great that AR has a lot of elegant features, but we want the model instances to perform as fast as possible by default

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If The Model Declares No Custom Attribute, Return a Good Old Simple Hash Based Model Instance I suppose this would speed up 99.8% of AR models in the world

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An AttributeSet Alternative That Simply Delegates to a Given Hash Attributes module LightweightAttributes class AttributeSet delegate :each_value, :fetch, :except, :[], : []=, :key?, :keys, to: :attributes def initialize(attributes) @attributes = attributes end def fetch_value(name) self[name] end ... ennd

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An AttributeSet Builder that Builds the Lightweight AttributeSet when Building an Instance from DB Query Result module LightweightAttributes class AttributeSet class Builder ... def build_from_database(values = {}, _additional_types = {}) values ennnnd

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Overriding AR::Base.attributes_builder to Return the Lightweight AttributeSet Builder module ARBaseClassMethods def attributes_builder # If the model has no custom attribute if attributes_to_define_after_schema_loads.empty? else super ennnd

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Results (Before) Completed 200 OK in 1610ms (Views: 1568.9ms | ActiveRecord: 40.4ms) Completed 200 OK in 1693ms (Views: 1511.1ms | ActiveRecord: 43.3ms) Completed 200 OK in 1555ms (Views: 1484.5ms | ActiveRecord: 69.9ms) Completed 200 OK in 1668ms (Views: 1626.1ms | ActiveRecord: 41.9ms) Completed 200 OK in 1791ms (Views: 1737.3ms | ActiveRecord: 53.1ms)

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Results (After) Completed 200 OK in 971ms (Views: 926.5ms | ActiveRecord: 44.4ms) Completed 200 OK in 998ms (Views: 950.3ms | ActiveRecord: 46.8ms) Completed 200 OK in 1128ms (Views: 1073.2ms | ActiveRecord: 54.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 927ms (Views: 876.1ms | ActiveRecord: 50.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 963ms (Views: 919.3ms | ActiveRecord: 42.9ms)

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Results The whole scaffold app became 40% faster!!! Because of less method invocations and less object creations

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It's Still Not Production Ready Though % rails r 'p [(c = Post.first.created_at), c.class]' ["2018-04-16 21:13:21.667499", String]

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Other Possible APIs Add a new method on AR::Relation that returns a lightweight Model collection, and don't change the default behavior Change Relation#readonly method to return a lightweight Model collection

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But I Basically Prefer Automagic APIs over Too explicit APIs

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The Code

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GH/amatsuda/ lightweight_attributes

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Turbo Boosting Named Urls

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Now the AR Attributes Became Fast Enough, What in the View Is Slow Next?

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What Is the Slowest Thing in the Scaffold View?

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The Answer Is, the Links

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If We Remove these 3 Links from posts#index View # app/views/posts/index.html.erb <%= post.col95 %> <%= post.col96 %> <%= post.col97 %> - <%= link_to 'Show', post %> - <%= link_to 'Edit', edit_post_path(post) %> td> - <%= link_to 'Destroy', post, method: :delete, data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' } %> <% end %>

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Results (Before) Completed 200 OK in 971ms (Views: 926.5ms | ActiveRecord: 44.4ms) Completed 200 OK in 998ms (Views: 950.3ms | ActiveRecord: 46.8ms) Completed 200 OK in 1128ms (Views: 1073.2ms | ActiveRecord: 54.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 927ms (Views: 876.1ms | ActiveRecord: 50.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 963ms (Views: 919.3ms | ActiveRecord: 42.9ms)

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Results (After) Completed 200 OK in 661ms (Views: 608.2ms | ActiveRecord: 51.8ms) Completed 200 OK in 604ms (Views: 563.4ms | ActiveRecord: 40.0ms) Completed 200 OK in 574ms (Views: 533.2ms | ActiveRecord: 39.8ms) Completed 200 OK in 735ms (Views: 695.3ms | ActiveRecord: 38.9ms) Completed 200 OK in 698ms (Views: 657.7ms | ActiveRecord: 39.3ms)

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Results 35% performance gain even with the 100 columns view! For a typical models like with 10-ish columns, it changes more, like 70%

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Problem named_url Is Slow

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Solution If the OutputBuffer is already Array based, there's a very simple solution We can futurize it

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Rendering the Links Asynchronously module FutureUrlHelper def link_to(name = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block) if ((Hash === options) && options.delete(:async)) || ((Hash === html_options) && html_options.delete(:async)) { super } else super ennnd

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In This Particular Example, It Won't Be That Effective Because the Links Are Already at the Very Bottom of the Page

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Another Possible Solution Cache url_for results in memory

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I Created This 2.years.ago It may be helpful if your app heavily uses named urls

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GH/amatsuda/ turbo_urls

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What We Learned

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What We Learned (1) If you have external API calls in your app, consider doing them in child threads You can run AR queries in Threads, but be careful not to use up all pooled connections ActionView::OutputBuffer can be Array based, for some future extensions Monkey-patching Haml is hard LazyAttribute is so lazy, and opting this out may drastically boost the performance url_for is slow, and we need to fix it

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What We Learned (2) You can find what’s slow in your app And YOU can fix it If the problem lies inside the framework, just hack the framework It should be fun!

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What We Learned (3) Performance is not for free There are certain trade offs In Rails' case, we need to craft so many evil monkey-patches Maybe because the framework is not flexible enough

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What We Learned (4) Thread programming, especially debugging is hard I don’t wanna do this anymore I'm really looking forward for the new Thread model planned to be introduced in Ruby 3

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Future Plans Finish implementing the plugins that I introduced today All these plugins are experimental. They basically have no tests, no documentations, no comments at the moment Put them in actual production apps I'm sorry but the title of this talk was probably a little bit misleading Introduce more extensibility to the framework I realized some things that should better be changed in the framework side rather than in monkey-patch plugins

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end name: Akira Matsuda GitHub: @amatsuda Twitter: @a_matsuda