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Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 1
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! Nacho Anaya @ianaya89 • Full Stack Developer, Tech Trainer & Speaker • Embajador @Auth0 • Organizador @Vuenos_Aires Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 2
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! Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 3
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! Historia Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 4
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Server Side Scrip*ng !""# Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 5
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XmlHttpRequest !""# Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 6
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AJAX !""# Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 7
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SPA !"#" Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 8
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! Problemas Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 9
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Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 10
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Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 11
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Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 12
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Server Side Scrip*ng Rendering !"#! Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 13
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Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 14
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! Que es S.S.R.? Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 15
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! Ventajas • SEO • Menor Tiempo de Carga • Contenido Más Rapido • Mejor Cacheo • Mas control sobre UX Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 16
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! Desventajas • Deploy mas complejo • Algunas restricciones • Mas carga en el servidor Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 17
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! SSR en Vue.js > Na%vo > Nuxt.js Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 18
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Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 19
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! Numeros 1.0.0-rc11 • ✨ ~8.5K • " 14 Repos • # Coverage • ⬇ ~85k Descargas Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 20
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! Dependencia package.json { "name": "ssr-app", "version": "1.0.0", "scripts": { "dev": "nuxt", "build": "nuxt build", "start": "nuxt start" }, "dependencies": { "nuxt": "^1.0.0-rc11" } } Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 21
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!" Op$mización Gzip - Code Spli-ng - Preload - HTTP2 Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 22
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! Estructura Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 23
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Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 24
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! Vue Components *.vue Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 25
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! vue-loader Transpilacion - Bundling - HMR - Preprocesadores - Linter Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 26
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! vue-router pages/*.vue Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 27
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! vue-router Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 28
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! " " Rutas Está)cas pages/ --| user/ -----| index.vue -----| one.vue --| index.vue Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 29
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! " # Rutas Dinámicas pages/ --| _slug/ -----| comments.vue -----| index.vue --| users/ -----| _id.vue --| index.vue Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 30
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! " Async Data asyncData(context) Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 31
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! Layouts layouts/default.vue Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 32
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! Layouts layouts/desktop.vue Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 33
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! Store store/index.js Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 34
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! Store pages/index.vue Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 35
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! Middleware middleware/auth.js Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 36
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! Middleware pages/secret-page.vue Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 37
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♻ Flujo Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 38
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! Head head() Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 39
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⚙ Configuracion nuxt.config.js Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 40
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! Plugins Liberias - Codigo Isomorfico - Plugins - Filters - Mixins - Components Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 41
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! Components components/*.vue Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 42
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! Deploy npm run build Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 43
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! Sta%c Deploy npm run generate Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 44
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! Starters Basic - Express - Koa - Adonis - TS - PWA Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 45
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! Starters Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 46
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! Demo Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 47
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! Mas! • Nuxt API • next-cli ! • Modulos • Express Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 48
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! Take Away • ! Aplicaciones Universales • " "Sin" Configuracion • # SEO • ⏱ Performance • % Ecosistema Completo Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 49
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! Gracias! @ianaya89 Back in the S.S.R - @ianaya89 50