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ASP.NET Core 1.0 ASP.NET Core 1.0 MVC What's new in Security? Dominick Baier [email protected] @leastprivilege

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2 @leastprivilege Dominick Baier • Independent Consultant – Specializing in Identity & Access Control – Working with Software Development Teams (ISVs and in-house) • Creator and Maintainer of IdentityServer OSS Project – OpenID Connect & OAuth 2.0 Implementation ASP.NET – [email protected] slides:

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3 @leastprivilege Where are we? ASP.NET <= 4.5 ASP.NET 4.5 + Katana ASP.NET Core 1.0 System.Web.dll Modules & Handlers ASP.NET WebForms ASP.NET MVC ASP.NET Web API ASP.NET SignalR (Simple) Membership

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4 @leastprivilege Where are we? ASP.NET =< 4.5 ASP.NET 4.5 + Katana ASP.NET Core 1.0 "System.Web.dll" Modules & Handlers ASP.NET WebForms ASP.NET MVC (Simple) Membership "System.Web.dll" Modules & Handlers ASP.NET WebForms ASP.NET MVC OWIN & Katana ASP.NET Web API ASP.NET SignalR ASP.NET Identity 1/2

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5 @leastprivilege Middleware Architecture • Middleware are linked components that process requests • Application code targeting a framework (e.g. Web API) Host OWIN Server Some Middleware Some Other Middleware User Agent Application

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6 @leastprivilege Where are we? ASP.NET =< 4.5 ASP.NET 4.5 + Katana ASP.NET Core 1.0 "System.Web.dll" Modules & Handlers ASP.NET WebForms ASP.NET MVC (Simple) Membership "System.Web.dll" Modules & Handlers ASP.NET WebForms ASP.NET MVC OWIN & Katana ASP.NET Web API ASP.NET SignalR ASP.NET Identity 1/2 .NET Core Re-design X-Plat Inspired by OWIN MVC + Web APIs ASP.NET Identity 3

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7 @leastprivilege Host ASP.NET Core Architecture • ASP.NET Core is the runtime (hosted by .NET Core) • MVC is Microsoft's primary application framework – combines web UI & API .NET Core ASP.NET Core Middleware Middleware User Agent MVC DI

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8 @leastprivilege Security Architecture in ASP.NET Core • Everything is based on ClaimsPrincipal – no more custom IPrincipal • Authentication is implemented as middleware – cookies – external authentication • Other security related services – CORS, logging, encoding, anti-forgery • New data protection API • New authorization API

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9 @leastprivilege Identity & Authentication APIs • The new HttpContext – /Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions/HttpContext.cs • AuthenticationManager – /Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions/Authentication/ AuthenticationManager.cs

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10 @leastprivilege Cookie Authentication Middleware • Triggered with HttpContext.Authentication.SignInAsync app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions { AuthenticationScheme = "Cookies", AutomaticAuthenticate = true, AutomaticChallenge = true, LoginPath = new PathString("/account/login"), AccessDeniedPath = new PathString("/account/forbidden") });

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11 @leastprivilege Claims Transformation • Per-request manipulation of principal & claims app.UseClaimsTransformation(context => { if (context.Principal.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { CreateApplicationPrincipal(context); } return Task.FromResult(context.Principal); });

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12 @leastprivilege External Authentication • Triggered with HttpContext.Authentication.ChallengeAsync app.UseGoogleAuthentication(new GoogleOptions { AuthenticationScheme = "Google", SignInScheme = "Cookies", ClientId = "43…43", ClientSecret = "3g…Wo" }); * turns external identity automatically into a trusted application cookie

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13 @leastprivilege External Authentication w/ Callback • HttpContext.Authentication.ChallengeAsync • HttpContext.Authentication.AuthenticateAsync app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions { AuthenticationScheme = "Temp", AutomaticAuthenticate = false }); app.UseGoogleAuthentication(new GoogleOptions { AuthenticationScheme = "Google", SignInScheme = "Temp" });

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14 @leastprivilege Generic OAuth 2.0 Middleware • Many "social" providers abuse OAuth 2.0 for login – many incompatible dialects (but similar) • New generic OAuth 2.0 base-middleware makes implementation easier – contrib/AspNet.Security.OAuth.Providers • Community provided middleware – LinkedIn, Slack, Spotify, WordPress, Yahoo, Github, Instragram, BattleNet, Dropbox, Paypal, Vimeo…

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15 @leastprivilege The way forward… Browser Native App Server App "Thing" Web App Web API Web API Web API Security Token Service Authentication, SSO, account linking, federation, social logins…

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16 @leastprivilege Security Protocols Browser Native App Server App "Thing" Web App Web API Web API Web API OpenID Connect* OAuth 2.0 OAuth 2.0 OAuth 2.0 OAuth 2.0 OAuth 2.0 OAuth 2.0 Security Token Service * *

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17 @leastprivilege OpenID Connect Middleware • Much improved – support for implicit, code and hybrid flow – support for userinfo endpoint & better token management app.UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication(new OpenIdConnectOptions { AuthenticationScheme = "OIDC", SignInScheme = "Cookies", Authority = "", ClientId = "mvc", ClientSecret = "secret" ResponseType = "code id_token", SaveTokens = true });

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18 @leastprivilege Web API Authentication • Middleware for JWT access tokens built-in – cookies not recommended app.UseOAuthBearerAuthentication(new JwtBearerOptions { Authority = "https://localhost:44300", Audience = "my.api", options.AutomaticAuthenticate = true; });

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19 @leastprivilege Issuing Tokens • No built-in token issuance middleware anymore • Microsoft recommends IdentityServer (me too) – OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 token service*

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20 @leastprivilege Data Protection • Who thought this would be a good idea?? For giggles: "

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21 @leastprivilege Key Container Locations • On Azure Web Apps (no encryption) – %HOME%\ASP.NET\DataProtection-Keys • If user profile is loaded (encrypted) – %LOCALAPPDATA%\ASP.NET\DataProtection-Keys • IIS / no profile (encrypted) – Registry HKLM • In-Memory • Manual configuration 2015-05-02T08:20:38.6577127Z 2015-05-02T08:20:38.6424674Z 2015-07-31T08:20:38.6424674Z AQ...g==

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22 @leastprivilege Authorization • Complete re-write – support for unauthorized vs forbidden – better separation of business code and authorization logic – re-usable policies – resource/action based authorization – DI enabled

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23 @leastprivilege [Authorize] • Similar syntax – roles still supported* [Authorize] public class HomeController : Controller { [AllowAnonymous] public IActionResult Index() { return View(); } [Authorize(Roles = "Sales")] public IActionResult About() { return View(User); } } * …and who thought that would be a good idea?

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24 @leastprivilege Authorization policies services.AddAuthorization(options => { options.AddPolicy("SalesSenior", policy => { policy.RequireAuthenticatedUser(); policy.RequireClaim("department", "sales"); policy.RequireClaim("status", "senior"); }); }; [Authorize("SalesSenior")] public IActionResult Manage() { // stuff } Startup Controller

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25 @leastprivilege Custom Requirements public class JobLevelRequirement : IAuthorizationRequirement { public JobLevel Level { get; } public JobLevelRequirement(JobLevel level) { Level = level; } } public static class StatusPolicyBuilderExtensions { public static AuthorizationPolicyBuilder RequireJobLevel( this AuthorizationPolicyBuilder builder, JobLevel level) { builder.AddRequirements(new JobLevelRequirement(level)); return builder; } }

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26 @leastprivilege Handling Requirements public class JobLevelRequirementHandler : AuthorizationHandler { private readonly IOrganizationService _service; public JobLevelRequirementHandler(IOrganizationService service) { _service = service; } protected override void Handle( AuthorizationContext context, JobLevelRequirement requirement) { var currentLevel = _service.GetJobLevel(context.User); if (currentLevel == requirement.Level) { context.Succeed(requirement); } } }

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27 @leastprivilege Resource-based Authorization Subject Object Operation - client ID - subject ID - scopes - more claims + DI - read - write - send via email - ... - ID - owner - more properties + DI

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28 @leastprivilege Example: Document resource public class DocumentAuthorizationHandler : AuthorizationHandler { public override void Handle( AuthorizationContext context, OperationAuthorizationRequirement operation, Document resource) { // authorization logic } } services.AddTransient(); DI

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29 @leastprivilege Invoking the authorization handler public class DocumentController : Controller { private readonly IAuthorizationService _authz; public DocumentController(IAuthorizationService authz) { _authz = authz; } public async Task Update(Document doc) { if (!await _authz.AuthorizeAsync(User, doc, Operations.Update)) { // forbidden return new ChallengeResult(); } // do stuff } }

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30 @leastprivilege …or from a View @{ @using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization @inject IAuthorizationService _authz } @if (await _authz.AuthorizeAsync(User, "SalesOnly")) { }

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31 @leastprivilege Resources • – AspNetCoreSecuritySamples • – home – security – announcements •

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32 @leastprivilege thank you!