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Recap! CF Summit Shanghai 2015 Sergiu Bodiu, Pivotal

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Agenda •  About Me •  What ? When ? Where ? #cfsummit •  Advice from Cloud Gurus •  Lessons Learned •  CF Foundation Roadmap

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About Me @dreamsergiu

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Where do I work ?

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What ? When ? Where ?! #cfsummit

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Advices from Cloud Guru’s

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Quotes from CF Summit •  “Pair cloud native applications with continuous delivery of business value.” —Sam Ramji, CF Foundation •  “The few people who recognize the advantage should use it and be the software disrupters.” —Jason Jackson, Pivotal •  “Microservices is the right way to build cloud- native applications.” —Dr. Hewei Liu, Huawei

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Quotes from CF Summit (cont.) •  “The four Ps of digital transformation: portfolio, processes, people (young leaders who can make this transformation), and platform.” — Manoj Mone, KPIT •  “An open-source PaaS solution is the right way to build an MSA platform.” —Dr. Hewei Liu, Huawei •  “If you discover gunpowder, you have to stop building crossbows.” —Jason Jackson, Pivotal

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Lessons Learned •  Cloud, Continuous Delivery, Microservices, DevOps •  There’s something happening here… •  What it is, ain’t exactly clear…

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Technology Changes •  2009 - APT-GET INSTALL •  2011 - VAGRANT UP •  2013 - DOCKER RUN ENTERPRISES have customers! Ask them for feedback & you can compete with STARTUP SYS ADMIN dissaJsfied tools for deploying and conJnuously changing SYSTEMS

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2015 - BOSH DEPLOY! Cloud Foundry bosh provides lifecycle orchestration of systems homogenous across clouds “Cloud is about HOW computing is done, NOT Where” “Manage SERVICES NOT Servers” hMp://

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Diego Benefits for PCF •  Deploy and scale thousands of applications •  Crashed application instances resurrect in sec •  SSH access to Linux containers •  New workloads: –  .NET on Windows –  Docker on Linux •  Multiple HTTP and TCP Ports per app •  Async run-once application processes •  More Scale hMps://

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Monkeys & Lemurs and Locusts Oh My - Anti-Fragile Platforms - Sean Keery, Why System are Fragile •  Web Scale –  Distributed components –  Added complexity •  Design Theories –  CAP –  ACID –  BASE •  The Black Swan –  Unknown unknown

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The King is dead. Long leave the new King!

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The Future of Local Cloud Foundry Development - Keaty Gross and Colin Humphreys!

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The Cloud Native Application - Josh Long

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CF Foundation Roadmap! ! State of Application Development Jon Roese & Sam Ramji

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John Roese, CF Foundation! •  “In 2016, we will focus on bringing consumers of Cloud Foundry into CF Foundation complementing producers already there.” •  “We’re making a platform for the people. If you use Cloud Foundry, you are part of the Cloud Foundry Community.” •  “Without discipline in consistency of the core, you run into problems.” hMp://

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Sam Ramji, CF Foundation! •  “We’re building support for specific industry clusters in Financial Services, Industrial IoT, and Telecommunications.” •  “We’re rebalancing the system towards user- driven roadmaps and control of the upstream project.” •  “We’re focusing on certification to guarantee portability of apps across clouds. Make it lasting and durable. Build the ecosystem of opportunity.” hMp://

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