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Modularising the Monolith PHP Conference Japan 2022 Ryuta Hamasaki ᖛཽ࡚ଠ

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Verification Solutions Service Provider >1M Accredified documents 9 markets 3 industries >9M verifications >500 Active issuers A B O U T A C C R E D I F Y

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Modularising the Monolith

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"HFOEB w ϞϊϦεͱϚΠΫϩαʔϏεͷϝϦοτɾσϝϦοτ w ϞδϡϥʔϞϊϦεͱ͸ w -BSBWFMΞϓϦέʔγϣϯͷϞδϡʔϧԽ w Ϟδϡʔϧؒͷίϛϡχέʔγϣϯ w ϞδϡϥʔϞϊϦεͳΞϓϦέʔγϣϯͷςετ w ੩తίʔυղੳͰυϝΠϯڥքΛڧ੍

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4)*15)&130%6$5 505)&."3,&5'*345

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ϞϊϦεͷϝϦοτ w ͭͷϦϙδτϦ w ͭͷ$*$%ύΠϓϥΠϯ w ηοτͷΠϯϑϥ w %#τϥϯβΫγϣϯ͕γϯϓϧ

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w ػೳؒͷີ݁߹ w υϝΠϯڥք͕ͳ͍ w ͢΂ͯͷίʔυΛͲ͔͜ΒͰ΋ݺͼग़ͤΔ w ϦϙδτϦશମͷίʔυΛཧղ͢Δඞཁ͕͋Δ #JH#BMMPG.VE

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ϚΠΫϩαʔϏεͷϝϦοτ w υϝΠϯؒͷڥք͕໌֬ w ֤αʔϏεΛݸผʹσϓϩΠͰ͖Δ w αʔϏε͝ͱʹεέʔϧΞ΢τͰ͖Δ w αʔϏε͝ͱʹҟͳΔٕज़ελοΫΛ࢖͑Δ

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ϚΠΫϩαʔϏεͷ՝୊ w ෳ਺ϦϙδτϦͷ؅ཧ w ෳ਺ͷ$*$%ύΠϓϥΠϯ w αʔϏεؒ௨৴ͷωοτϫʔΫΦʔόʔϔου w αʔϏεΛ·͍ͨͩτϥϯβΫγϣϯ

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.PEVMBS.POPMJUI Contracts Implementation Tests Contracts Implementation Tests Contracts Implementation Tests Inventory module Order module Payment module

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Contracts Implementation Tests Contracts Implementation Tests Contracts Implementation Tests Inventory module Order module Payment module .PEVMBS.POPMJUI

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Contracts Implementation Tests Contracts Implementation Tests Contracts Implementation Tests Inventory service Order module Payment module ஈ֊తͳϚΠΫϩαʔϏεԽ

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ϚΠΫϩαʔϏε͸มߋίετ͕ߴ͍ HTTP HTTP HTTP

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ϞδϡϥʔϞϊϦε͸มߋίετ͕௿͍ Contracts Implementation Tests Contracts Implementation Tests Contracts Implementation Tests Inventory module Order module Payment module

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ϞδϡʔϧͱνʔϜߏ੒ Order Module Payment Module Shipping Module Campaign Module Auth Module Inventory Module

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ϞδϡϥʔϞϊϦε͸ େن໛։ൃʹ΋༗ޮʁ

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ϞδϡϥʔϞϊϦεʹదͨ͠ΞϓϦέʔγϣϯ w ෳ਺ͷϏδωευϝΠϯΛ΋ͭϞϊϦε w νʔϜͷ෼ׂΛݕ౼͍ͯ͠Δ w ϚΠΫϩαʔϏεͷલஈ֊ͱͯ͠

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ϞδϡϥʔϞϊϦεͷσϝϦοτ w ςετͷ࣮ߦ͕࣌ؒ௕͘ͳΔ w (JUSFCBTFͷස౓͕ߴ͘ͳΔ w Ϟδϡʔϧ͝ͱʹεέʔϧΞ΢τͰ͖ͳ͍

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middleware(['api', 'auth:sanctum']) ->group(function () { Route::apiResource('orders', OrderController::class); }); // src/Order/routes.php

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namespace Phpcon\Order\Providers; class OrderServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { public function boot() { $this->loadRoutesFrom(__DIR__.'/../routes.php'); $this->loadMigrationsFrom(__DIR__.'/../Infrastructure/Database/Migrations'); $this->loadTranslationsFrom(__DIR__.'/../Resources/lang', 'order'); $this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__.'/../Resources/views', 'order'); } public function register() { $this->mergeConfigFrom(__DIR__.'/../config/order.php', 'order'); $this->commands([DoSomething::class]); $this->app->register(AuthServiceProvider::class); $this->app->register(EventServiceProvider::class); $this->app->register(RouteServiceProvider::class); } }

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namespace Phpcon\Order\Providers; class OrderServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { public function boot() { $this->loadRoutesFrom(__DIR__.'/../routes.php'); $this->loadMigrationsFrom(__DIR__.'/../Infrastructure/Database/Migrations'); $this->loadTranslationsFrom(__DIR__.'/../Resources/lang', 'order'); $this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__.'/../Resources/views', 'order'); } public function register() { $this->mergeConfigFrom(__DIR__.'/../config/order.php', 'order'); $this->commands([DoSomething::class]); $this->app->register(AuthServiceProvider::class); $this->app->register(EventServiceProvider::class); $this->app->register(RouteServiceProvider::class); } }

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namespace Phpcon\Order\Providers; class OrderServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { public function boot() { $this->loadRoutesFrom(__DIR__.'/../routes.php'); $this->loadMigrationsFrom(__DIR__.'/../Infrastructure/Database/Migrations'); $this->loadTranslationsFrom(__DIR__.'/../Resources/lang', 'order'); $this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__.'/../Resources/views', 'order'); } public function register() { $this->mergeConfigFrom(__DIR__.'/../config/order.php', 'order'); $this->commands([DoSomething::class]); $this->app->register(AuthServiceProvider::class); $this->app->register(EventServiceProvider::class); $this->app->register(RouteServiceProvider::class); } }

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namespace Phpcon\Order\Providers; class OrderServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { public function boot() { $this->loadRoutesFrom(__DIR__.'/../routes.php'); $this->loadMigrationsFrom(__DIR__.'/../Infrastructure/Database/Migrations'); $this->loadTranslationsFrom(__DIR__.'/../Resources/lang', 'order'); $this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__.'/../Resources/views', 'order'); } public function register() { $this->mergeConfigFrom(__DIR__.'/../config/order.php', 'order'); $this->commands([DoSomething::class]); $this->app->register(AuthServiceProvider::class); $this->app->register(EventServiceProvider::class); $this->app->register(RouteServiceProvider::class); } }

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namespace Phpcon\Order\Providers; class OrderServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { public function boot() { $this->loadRoutesFrom(__DIR__.'/../routes.php'); $this->loadMigrationsFrom(__DIR__.'/../Infrastructure/Database/Migrations'); $this->loadTranslationsFrom(__DIR__.'/../Resources/lang', 'order'); $this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__.'/../Resources/views', 'order'); } public function register() { $this->mergeConfigFrom(__DIR__.'/../config/order.php', 'order'); $this->commands([DoSomething::class]); $this->app->register(AuthServiceProvider::class); $this->app->register(EventServiceProvider::class); $this->app->register(RouteServiceProvider::class); } }

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namespace Phpcon\Order\Providers; class OrderServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { public function boot() { $this->loadRoutesFrom(__DIR__.'/../routes.php'); $this->loadMigrationsFrom(__DIR__.'/../Infrastructure/Database/Migrations'); $this->loadTranslationsFrom(__DIR__.'/../Resources/lang', 'order'); $this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__.'/../Resources/views', 'order'); } public function register() { $this->mergeConfigFrom(__DIR__.'/../config/order.php', 'order'); $this->commands([DoSomething::class]); $this->app->register(AuthServiceProvider::class); $this->app->register(EventServiceProvider::class); $this->app->register(RouteServiceProvider::class); } }

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namespace Phpcon\Order\Providers; class OrderServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { public function boot() { $this->loadRoutesFrom(__DIR__.'/../routes.php'); $this->loadMigrationsFrom(__DIR__.'/../Infrastructure/Database/Migrations'); $this->loadTranslationsFrom(__DIR__.'/../Resources/lang', 'order'); $this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__.'/../Resources/views', 'order'); } public function register() { $this->mergeConfigFrom(__DIR__.'/../config/order.php', 'order'); $this->commands([DoSomething::class]); $this->app->register(AuthServiceProvider::class); $this->app->register(EventServiceProvider::class); $this->app->register(RouteServiceProvider::class); } }

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namespace Phpcon\Order\Providers; class OrderServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { public function boot() { $this->loadRoutesFrom(__DIR__.'/../routes.php'); $this->loadMigrationsFrom(__DIR__.'/../Infrastructure/Database/Migrations'); $this->loadTranslationsFrom(__DIR__.'/../Resources/lang', 'order'); $this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__.'/../Resources/views', 'order'); } public function register() { $this->mergeConfigFrom(__DIR__.'/../config/order.php', 'order'); $this->commands([DoSomething::class]); $this->app->register(AuthServiceProvider::class); $this->app->register(EventServiceProvider::class); $this->app->register(RouteServiceProvider::class); } }

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namespace Phpcon\Order\Providers; use Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers\AuthServiceProvider as ServiceProvider; use Laracon\Order\Application\Policies\OrderPolicy; use Laracon\Order\Domain\Models\Order; class AuthServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { protected $policies = [ Order::class => OrderPolicy::class, ]; public function boot() { $this->registerPolicies(); } }

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namespace Phpcon\Order\Providers; use Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers\EventServiceProvider as ServiceProvider; use Laracon\Order\Domain\Listeners\HandleOrderShipment; use Laracon\Shipping\Contracts\Events\ParcelShipped; class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { /** * The event listener mappings for the application. * * @var array */ protected $listen = [ ParcelShipped::class => [ HandleOrderShipment::class, ], ]; }

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namespace Phpcon\Order\Providers; use Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers\RouteServiceProvider as ServiceProvider; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route; use Phpcon\Order\Application\Http\Middleware\SomeMiddleware; use Phpcon\Order\Domain\Models\Order; class RouteServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { public function boot() { Route::bind('order', function ($value) { return Order::with('orderLines')->findOrFail($value); }); $this->app[‘router']->aliasMiddleware('do-something', SomeMiddleware::class); } }

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'providers' => [ // ... \Phpcon\Inventory\Providers\InventoryServiceProvider::class, \Phpcon\Order\Providers\OrderServiceProvider::class, \Phpcon\Payment\Providers\PaymentServiceProvider::class, \Phpcon\Shipping\Providers\ShippingServiceProvider::class, ], // config/app.php

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{ "autoload": { "psr-4": { "App\\": "app/", "Phpcon\\": "src/", "Database\\Factories\\": "database/factories/", "Database\\Seeders\\": "database/seeders/" } } } // composer.json

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{ "autoload": { "psr-4": { "App\\": "app/", "Phpcon\\": "src/", "Database\\Factories\\": "database/factories/", "Database\\Seeders\\": "database/seeders/" } } } // composer.json

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ίϯτϥΫτʹΑΔίϛϡχέʔγϣϯ Module A Module B Contract Implementation Downstream Upstream

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Module A Module B ίϯτϥΫτແ͠ͷίϛϡχέʔγϣϯ Downstream Upstream Implementation

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Order Inventory Payment Shipping Payment Provider Warehouse System Cart Cart Item Order Order Line

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Order Inventory Payment Shipping Payment Provider Warehouse System Cart Cart Item Order Order Line 1. Checkout

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Order Inventory Payment Shipping Payment Provider Warehouse System Cart Cart Item Order Order Line 2. Update inventory 1. Checkout

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Order Inventory Payment Shipping Payment Provider Warehouse System Cart Cart Item Order Order Line 2. Update inventory 3. Process payment 1. Checkout

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Order Inventory Payment Shipping Payment Provider Warehouse System Cart Cart Item Order Order Line 2. Update inventory 3. Process payment 4. Save order 1. Checkout

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Order Inventory Payment Shipping Payment Provider Warehouse System Cart Cart Item Order Order Line 2. Update inventory 3. Process payment 5. Notify warehouse 4. Save order 1. Checkout

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class OrderController extends Controller { public function store(StoreOrderRequest $request) { $cart = Cart::with('cartItems')->findOrFail($request->cart_id); $order = new Order(['user_id' => $request->user()->id]); try { DB::transaction(function () use ($order, $cart) { $cart->cartItems->each(function (CartItem $cartItem) use ($order) { $cartItem->product->decrement('stock', $cartItem->quantity); $order->addOrderLine($cartItem->product, $cartItem->quantity); }); $order->checkout(); $stripe = new StripePayment(config(‘services.stripe.key')); $stripe->charge($order->id, $order->total_amount); }); } catch (\Exception $e) { abort(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, trans('order::errors.failed')); } return new OrderResource($order); } }

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class OrderController extends Controller { public function store(StoreOrderRequest $request) { $cart = Cart::with('cartItems')->findOrFail($request->cart_id); $order = new Order(['user_id' => $request->user()->id]); try { DB::transaction(function () use ($order, $cart) { $cart->cartItems->each(function (CartItem $cartItem) use ($order) { $cartItem->product->decrement('stock', $cartItem->quantity); $order->addOrderLine($cartItem->product, $cartItem->quantity); }); $order->checkout(); $stripe = new StripePayment(config(‘services.stripe.key')); $stripe->charge($order->id, $order->total_amount); }); } catch (\Exception $e) { abort(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, trans('order::errors.failed')); } return new OrderResource($order); } }

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class OrderController extends Controller { public function store(StoreOrderRequest $request) { $cart = Cart::with('cartItems')->findOrFail($request->cart_id); $order = new Order(['user_id' => $request->user()->id]); try { DB::transaction(function () use ($order, $cart) { $cart->cartItems->each(function (CartItem $cartItem) use ($order) { $cartItem->product->decrement('stock', $cartItem->quantity); $order->addOrderLine($cartItem->product, $cartItem->quantity); }); $order->checkout(); $stripe = new StripePayment(config(‘services.stripe.key')); $stripe->charge($order->id, $order->total_amount); }); } catch (\Exception $e) { abort(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, trans('order::errors.failed')); } return new OrderResource($order); } }

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class OrderController extends Controller { public function store(StoreOrderRequest $request) { $cart = Cart::with('cartItems')->findOrFail($request->cart_id); $order = new Order(['user_id' => $request->user()->id]); try { DB::transaction(function () use ($order, $cart) { $cart->cartItems->each(function (CartItem $cartItem) use ($order) { $cartItem->product->decrement('stock', $cartItem->quantity); $order->addOrderLine($cartItem->product, $cartItem->quantity); }); $order->checkout(); $stripe = new StripePayment(config(‘services.stripe.key')); $stripe->charge($order->id, $order->total_amount); }); } catch (\Exception $e) { abort(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, trans('order::errors.failed')); } return new OrderResource($order); } }

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class OrderController extends Controller { public function store(StoreOrderRequest $request) { $cart = Cart::with('cartItems')->findOrFail($request->cart_id); $order = new Order(['user_id' => $request->user()->id]); try { DB::transaction(function () use ($order, $cart) { $cart->cartItems->each(function (CartItem $cartItem) use ($order) { $cartItem->product->decrement('stock', $cartItem->quantity); $order->addOrderLine($cartItem->product, $cartItem->quantity); }); $order->checkout(); $stripe = new StripePayment(config(‘services.stripe.key')); $stripe->charge($order->id, $order->total_amount); }); } catch (\Exception $e) { abort(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, trans('order::errors.failed')); } return new OrderResource($order); } }

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class OrderController extends Controller { public function store(StoreOrderRequest $request) { $cart = Cart::with('cartItems')->findOrFail($request->cart_id); $order = new Order(['user_id' => $request->user()->id]); try { DB::transaction(function () use ($order, $cart) { $cart->cartItems->each(function (CartItem $cartItem) use ($order) { $cartItem->product->decrement('stock', $cartItem->quantity); $order->addOrderLine($cartItem->product, $cartItem->quantity); }); $order->checkout(); $stripe = new StripePayment(config(‘services.stripe.key')); $stripe->charge($order->id, $order->total_amount); }); } catch (\Exception $e) { abort(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, trans('order::errors.failed')); } return new OrderResource($order); } }

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class OrderController extends Controller { public function store(StoreOrderRequest $request) { $cart = Cart::with('cartItems')->findOrFail($request->cart_id); $order = new Order(['user_id' => $request->user()->id]); try { DB::transaction(function () use ($order, $cart) { $cart->cartItems->each(function (CartItem $cartItem) use ($order) { $cartItem->product->decrement('stock', $cartItem->quantity); $order->addOrderLine($cartItem->product, $cartItem->quantity); }); $order->checkout(); $stripe = new StripePayment(config(‘services.stripe.key')); $stripe->charge($order->id, $order->total_amount); }); } catch (\Exception $e) { abort(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, trans('order::errors.failed')); } return new OrderResource($order); } }

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class OrderController extends Controller { public function store(StoreOrderRequest $request) { $cart = Cart::with('cartItems')->findOrFail($request->cart_id); $order = new Order(['user_id' => $request->user()->id]); try { DB::transaction(function () use ($order, $cart) { $cart->cartItems->each(function (CartItem $cartItem) use ($order) { $cartItem->product->decrement('stock', $cartItem->quantity); $order->addOrderLine($cartItem->product, $cartItem->quantity); }); $order->checkout(); $stripe = new StripePayment(config(‘services.stripe.key')); $stripe->charge($order->id, $order->total_amount); }); } catch (\Exception $e) { abort(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, trans('order::errors.failed')); } return new OrderResource($order); } }

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namespace Laracon\Order\Domain\Models; class CartItem extends Model { // ... public function cart(): BelongsTo { return $this->belongsTo(Cart::class); } public function product(): BelongsTo { return $this->belongsTo(Product::class); } }

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namespace Laracon\Order\Domain\Models; class CartItem extends Model { // ... public function cart(): BelongsTo { return $this->belongsTo(Cart::class); } public function product(): BelongsTo { return $this->belongsTo(Product::class); } }

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// src/Inventory/Contracts/ProductService.php namespace Laracon\Inventory\Contracts; interface ProductService { /** * Decrement product stock. */ public function decrementStock(int $productId, int $quantity): void; }

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namespace Laracon\Inventory\Infrastructure\Services; use Laracon\Inventory\Contracts\ProductService as ProductServiceContract; class ProductService implements ProductServiceContract { public function decrementStock(int $productId, int $quantity): void { $product = Product::find($productId); if (!$product) { throw new ProductNotFoundException($productId); } if ($product->stock < $quantity) { throw new OutOfStockException($productId); } if (!$product->is_active) { throw new InactiveProductException($productId); } $product->decrement('stock', $quantity); } }

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namespace Laracon\Inventory\Infrastructure\Services; use Laracon\Inventory\Contracts\ProductService as ProductServiceContract; class ProductService implements ProductServiceContract { public function decrementStock(int $productId, int $quantity): void { $product = Product::find($productId); if (!$product) { throw new ProductNotFoundException($productId); } if ($product->stock < $quantity) { throw new OutOfStockException($productId); } if (!$product->is_active) { throw new InactiveProductException($productId); } $product->decrement('stock', $quantity); } }

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namespace Laracon\Inventory\Providers; use Laracon\Inventory\Contracts\ProductService as ProductServiceContract; use Laracon\Inventory\Infrastructure\Services\ProductService; class InventoryServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { public $bindings = [ ProductServiceContract::class => ProductService::class, ]; // ... }

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use Laracon\Inventory\Contracts\ProductService; class OrderController extends Controller { public function __construct(private ProductService $productService) {} public function store(StoreOrderRequest $request) { $cart = Cart::with('cartItems')->findOrFail($request->cart_id); $order = new Order(['user_id' => $request->user()->id]); try { DB::transaction(function () use ($order, $cart) { $cart->cartItems->each(function (CartItem $cartItem) use ($order) { $cartItem->product->decrement('stock', $cartItem->quantity); $order->addOrderLine($cartItem->product, $cartItem->quantity); }); // ... }); } catch (\Exception $e) { abort(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, trans('order::errors.failed')); } return new OrderResource($order); } }

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use Laracon\Inventory\Contracts\ProductService; class OrderController extends Controller { public function __construct(private ProductService $productService) {} public function store(StoreOrderRequest $request) { $cart = Cart::with('cartItems')->findOrFail($request->cart_id); $order = new Order(['user_id' => $request->user()->id]); try { DB::transaction(function () use ($order, $cart) { $cart->cartItems->each(function (CartItem $cartItem) use ($order) { $cartItem->product->decrement('stock', $cartItem->quantity); $order->addOrderLine($cartItem->product, $cartItem->quantity); }); // ... }); } catch (\Exception $e) { abort(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, trans('order::errors.failed')); } return new OrderResource($order); } }

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use Laracon\Inventory\Contracts\ProductService; class OrderController extends Controller { public function __construct(private ProductService $productService) {} public function store(StoreOrderRequest $request) { $cart = Cart::with('cartItems')->findOrFail($request->cart_id); $order = new Order(['user_id' => $request->user()->id]); try { DB::transaction(function () use ($order, $cart) { $cart->cartItems->each(function (CartItem $cartItem) use ($order) { $this->productService->decrementStock($cartItem->product_id, $cartItem->quantity); $order->addOrderLine($cartItem->product, $cartItem->quantity); }); // ... }); } catch (\Exception $e) { abort(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, trans('order::errors.failed')); } return new OrderResource($order); } }

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use Laracon\Inventory\Contracts\ProductService; class OrderController extends Controller { public function __construct(private ProductService $productService) {} public function store(StoreOrderRequest $request) { $cart = Cart::with('cartItems')->findOrFail($request->cart_id); $order = new Order(['user_id' => $request->user()->id]); try { DB::transaction(function () use ($order, $cart) { $cart->cartItems->each(function (CartItem $cartItem) use ($order) { $this->productService->decrementStock($cartItem->product_id, $cartItem->quantity); $order->addOrderLine($cartItem->product, $cartItem->quantity); }); // ... }); } catch (\Exception $e) { abort(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, trans('order::errors.failed')); } return new OrderResource($order); } }

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namespace Laracon\Order\Domain\Models; use Laracon\Inventory\Domain\Models\Product; class Order extends Model { // ... protected $orderLines = []; public function orderLines(): HasMany { return $this->hasMany(OrderLine::class); } public function addOrderLine(Product $product, int $quantity): void { $orderLine = new OrderLine([ 'product_id' => $product->id, 'product_name' => $product->name, 'price' => $product->price, 'quantity' => $quantity, ]); $this->orderLines[] = $orderLine; } }

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namespace Laracon\Order\Domain\Models; use Laracon\Inventory\Domain\Models\Product; class Order extends Model { // ... protected $orderLines = []; public function orderLines(): HasMany { return $this->hasMany(OrderLine::class); } public function addOrderLine(Product $product, int $quantity): void { $orderLine = new OrderLine([ 'product_id' => $product->id, 'product_name' => $product->name, 'price' => $product->price, 'quantity' => $quantity, ]); $this->orderLines[] = $orderLine; } }

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%50%BUB5SBOTGFS0CKFDU w γϯϓϧͳσʔλίϯςφΫϥε w ଞͷϞδϡʔϧʹσʔλΛఏڙ w Կͷڍಈ΋࣋ͨͳ͍ w 1010 1MBJO0ME1)10CKFDU

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namespace Laracon\Inventory\Contracts\DataTransferObjects; class ProductDto { public function __construct( public readonly int $id, public readonly string $name, public readonly int $price, ) {} }

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namespace Laracon\Inventory\Contracts; use Laracon\Inventory\Contracts\DataTransferObjects\ProductDto; interface ProductService { /** * Get product by product id. */ public function getProductById(int $productId): ProductDto; }

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namespace Laracon\Inventory\Infrastructure\Services; use Laracon\Inventory\Contracts\DataTransferObjects\ProductDto; use Laracon\Inventory\Contracts\ProductService as ProductServiceContract; use Laracon\Inventory\Domain\Models\Product; class ProductService implements ProductServiceContract { public function getProductById(int $productId): ProductDto { $product = Product::find($productId); if (!$product) { throw new ProductNotFoundException($productId); } return new ProductDto( $product->id, $product->name, $product->price, ); } }

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use Laracon\Inventory\Contracts\ProductService; class OrderController extends Controller { public function __construct(private ProductService $productService) {} public function store(StoreOrderRequest $request) { $cart = Cart::with('cartItems')->findOrFail($request->cart_id); $order = new Order(['user_id' => $request->user()->id]); try { DB::transaction(function () use ($order, $cart) { $cart->cartItems->each(function (CartItem $cartItem) use ($order) { $this->productService->decrementStock($cartItem->product_id, $cartItem->quantity); $order->addOrderLine($cartItem->product, $cartItem->quantity); }); // ... }); } catch (\Exception $e) { abort(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, trans('order::errors.failed')); } return new OrderResource($order); } }

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use Laracon\Inventory\Contracts\ProductService; class OrderController extends Controller { public function __construct(private ProductService $productService) {} public function store(StoreOrderRequest $request) { $cart = Cart::with('cartItems')->findOrFail($request->cart_id); $order = new Order(['user_id' => $request->user()->id]); try { DB::transaction(function () use ($order, $cart) { $cart->cartItems->each(function (CartItem $cartItem) use ($order) { $this->productService->decrementStock($cartItem->product_id, $cartItem->quantity); $product = $this->productService->getProductById($cartItem->product_id); $order->addOrderLine($cartItem->product, $cartItem->quantity); }); // ... }); } catch (\Exception $e) { abort(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, trans('order::errors.failed')); } return new OrderResource($order); } }

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use Laracon\Inventory\Contracts\ProductService; class OrderController extends Controller { public function __construct(private ProductService $productService) {} public function store(StoreOrderRequest $request) { $cart = Cart::with('cartItems')->findOrFail($request->cart_id); $order = new Order(['user_id' => $request->user()->id]); try { DB::transaction(function () use ($order, $cart) { $cart->cartItems->each(function (CartItem $cartItem) use ($order) { $this->productService->decrementStock($cartItem->product_id, $cartItem->quantity); $product = $this->productService->getProductById($cartItem->product_id); $order->addOrderLine($product, $cartItem->quantity); }); // ... }); } catch (\Exception $e) { abort(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, trans('order::errors.failed')); } return new OrderResource($order); } }

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namespace Laracon\Order\Domain\Models; use Laracon\Inventory\Domain\Models\Product; class Order extends Model { // ... protected $orderLines = []; public function addOrderLine(Product $product, int $quantity): void { $orderLine = new OrderLine([ 'product_id' => $product->id, 'product_name' => $product->name, 'price' => $product->price, 'quantity' => $quantity, ]); $this->orderLines[] = $orderLine; } }

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namespace Laracon\Order\Domain\Models; use Laracon\Inventory\Domain\Models\Product; class Order extends Model { // ... protected $orderLines = []; public function addOrderLine(Product $product, int $quantity): void { $orderLine = new OrderLine([ 'product_id' => $product->id, 'product_name' => $product->name, 'price' => $product->price, 'quantity' => $quantity, ]); $this->orderLines[] = $orderLine; } }

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namespace Laracon\Order\Domain\Models; use Laracon\Inventory\Contracts\DataTransferObjects\ProductDto; class Order extends Model { // ... protected $orderLines = []; public function addOrderLine(ProductDto $product, int $quantity): void { $orderLine = new OrderLine([ 'product_id' => $product->id, 'product_name' => $product->name, 'price' => $product->price, 'quantity' => $quantity, ]); $this->orderLines[] = $orderLine; } }

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namespace Laracon\Order\Domain\Models; use Laracon\Inventory\Contracts\DataTransferObjects\ProductDto; class Order extends Model { // ... protected $orderLines = []; public function addOrderLine(ProductDto $product, int $quantity): void { $orderLine = new OrderLine([ 'product_id' => $product->id, 'product_name' => $product->name, 'price' => $product->price, 'quantity' => $quantity, ]); $this->orderLines[] = $orderLine; } }

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use Laracon\Inventory\Contracts\ProductService; class OrderController extends Controller { public function __construct(private ProductService $productService) {} public function store(StoreOrderRequest $request) { $cart = Cart::with('cartItems')->findOrFail($request->cart_id); $order = new Order(['user_id' => $request->user()->id]); try { DB::transaction(function () use ($order, $cart) { // ... $order->checkout(); $stripe = new StripePayment(config(‘services.stripe.key')); $stripe->charge($order->id, $order->total_amount); }); } catch (\Exception $e) { abort(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, trans('order::errors.failed')); } return new OrderResource($order); } }

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use Laracon\Inventory\Contracts\ProductService; class OrderController extends Controller { public function __construct(private ProductService $productService) {} public function store(StoreOrderRequest $request) { $cart = Cart::with('cartItems')->findOrFail($request->cart_id); $order = new Order(['user_id' => $request->user()->id]); try { DB::transaction(function () use ($order, $cart) { // ... $order->checkout(); $stripe = new StripePayment(config(‘services.stripe.key')); $stripe->charge($order->id, $order->total_amount); }); } catch (\Exception $e) { abort(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, trans('order::errors.failed')); } return new OrderResource($order); } }

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namespace Laracon\Payment\Contracts; interface PaymentService { /** * Process payment for the given amount. */ public function charge(int $orderId, int $amount): void; }

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namespace Laracon\Payment\Infrastructure\Services; use Stripe\StripeClient; use Laracon\Payment\Contracts\PaymentService as PaymentServiceContract; class StripePayment implements PaymentServiceContract { private StripeClient $stripe; public function __construct(string $stripeKey) { $this->stripe = new StripeClient($stripeKey); } public function charge(int $orderId, int $amount): void { $this->stripe->charges->create([ 'amount' => $amount, 'currency' => 'usd', ]); // ... } }

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namespace Laracon\Payment\Providers; use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider; use Laracon\Payment\Contracts\PaymentService as PaymentServiceContract; use Laracon\Payment\Infrastructure\Services\StripePayment; class PaymentServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { public function register() { $this->app->bind(PaymentServiceContract::class, function ($app) { return new StripePayment(config(‘services.stripe.key')); }); } }

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use Laracon\Inventory\Contracts\ProductService; class OrderController extends Controller { public function __construct( private ProductService $productService, ) {} public function store(StoreOrderRequest $request) { // ... try { DB::transaction(function () use ($order, $cart) { // ... $stripe = new StripePayment(config('service.stripe.key')); $stripe->charge($order->id, $order->total_amount); }); } catch (\Exception $e) { abort(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, trans('order::errors.failed')); } return new OrderResource($order); } }

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use Laracon\Inventory\Contracts\ProductService; use Laracon\Payment\Contracts\PaymentService; class OrderController extends Controller { public function __construct( private ProductService $productService, private PaymentService $paymentService, ) {} public function store(StoreOrderRequest $request) { // ... try { DB::transaction(function () use ($order, $cart) { // ... $stripe = new StripePayment(config('service.stripe.key')); $stripe->charge($order->id, $order->total_amount); }); } catch (\Exception $e) { abort(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, trans('order::errors.failed')); } return new OrderResource($order); } }

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use Laracon\Inventory\Contracts\ProductService; use Laracon\Payment\Contracts\PaymentService; class OrderController extends Controller { public function __construct( private ProductService $productService, private PaymentService $paymentService, ) {} public function store(StoreOrderRequest $request) { // ... try { DB::transaction(function () use ($order, $cart) { // ... $stripe = new StripePayment(config('service.stripe.key')); $stripe->charge($order->id, $order->total_amount); }); } catch (\Exception $e) { abort(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, trans('order::errors.failed')); } return new OrderResource($order); } }

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use Laracon\Inventory\Contracts\ProductService; use Laracon\Payment\Contracts\PaymentService; class OrderController extends Controller { public function __construct( private ProductService $productService, private PaymentService $paymentService, ) {} public function store(StoreOrderRequest $request) { // ... try { DB::transaction(function () use ($order, $cart) { // ... $stripe->charge($order->id, $order->total_amount); }); } catch (\Exception $e) { abort(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, trans('order::errors.failed')); } return new OrderResource($order); } }

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use Laracon\Inventory\Contracts\ProductService; use Laracon\Payment\Contracts\PaymentService; class OrderController extends Controller { public function __construct( private ProductService $productService, private PaymentService $paymentService, ) {} public function store(StoreOrderRequest $request) { // ... try { DB::transaction(function () use ($order, $cart) { // ... $this->paymentService->charge($order->id, $order->total_amount); }); } catch (\Exception $e) { abort(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, trans('order::errors.failed')); } return new OrderResource($order); } }

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namespace Laracon\Payment\Providers; use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider; use Laracon\Payment\Contracts\PaymentService as PaymentServiceContract; use Laracon\Payment\Infrastructure\Services\StripePayment; class PaymentServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { public function register() { $this->app->bind(PaymentServiceContract::class, function ($app) { return new StripePayment(config(‘services.stripe.key')); }); } }

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namespace Laracon\Payment\Providers; use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider; use Laracon\Payment\Contracts\PaymentService as PaymentServiceContract; use Laracon\Payment\Infrastructure\Services\PaddlePayment; class PaymentServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { public function register() { $this->app->bind(PaymentServiceContract::class, function ($app) { return new PaddlePayment(config(‘services.paddle.key’)); }); } }

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Order Inventory Payment Shipping Payment Provider Warehouse System Cart Cart Item Order Order Line 2. Update inventory 3. Process payment 5. Notify warehouse 4. Save order 1. Checkout

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Order Inventory Payment Shipping Payment Provider Warehouse System Cart Cart Item Order Order Line OrderFul fi lled Publish Subscribe 2. Update inventory 3. Process payment 4. Save order 1. Checkout

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class OrderController extends Controller { // ... public function store(StoreOrderRequest $request) { // ... try { DB::transaction(function () use ($order, $cart) { // ... $this->paymentService->charge($order->id, $order->total_amount); }); } catch (\Exception $e) { abort(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, trans('order::errors.failed')); } return new OrderResource($order); } }

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class OrderController extends Controller { // ... public function store(StoreOrderRequest $request) { // ... try { DB::transaction(function () use ($order, $cart) { // ... $this->paymentService->charge($order->id, $order->total_amount); }); } catch (\Exception $e) { abort(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, trans('order::errors.failed')); } OrderFulfilled::dispatch($order->id); return new OrderResource($order); } }

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class OrderController extends Controller { // ... public function store(StoreOrderRequest $request) { // ... try { DB::transaction(function () use ($order, $cart) { // ... $this->paymentService->charge($order->id, $order->total_amount); }); } catch (\Exception $e) { abort(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, trans('order::errors.failed')); } OrderFulfilled::dispatch($order->id); return new OrderResource($order); } }

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namespace Laracon\Shipping\Providers; use Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers\EventServiceProvider as ServiceProvider; use Laracon\Order\Contracts\Events\OrderFulfilled; use Laracon\Shipping\Domain\Listeners\NotifyWarehouse; class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { protected $listen = [ OrderFulfilled::class => [ NotifyWarehouse::class, ] ]; }

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namespace Laracon\Shipping\Domain\Listeners; use Laracon\Order\Contracts\Events\OrderFulfilled; class NotifyWarehouse { public function handle(OrderFulfilled $event) { // Notify warehouse system } }

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./src/**/Tests/Unit ./src/**/Tests/Feature ./src ./src/**/Tests/*

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./src/**/Tests/Unit ./src/**/Tests/Feature ./src ./src/**/Tests/*

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./src/**/Tests/Unit ./src/**/Tests/Feature ./src ./src/**/Tests/*

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it('creates a new order', function () { Event::fake(); $user = User::factory()->create(); $cart = Cart::factory()->create(['user_id' => $user->id]); // create some other test data... mock(ProductService::class, function ($mock) use ($product) { $mock->shouldReceive('decrementStock') ->with($product->id, 1) ->once(); $mock->shouldReceive('getProductById') ->with($product->id) ->once() ->andReturn($product); }); mock(PaymentService::class) ->shouldReceive('charge') ->once(); // ...

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it('creates a new order', function () { Event::fake(); $user = User::factory()->create(); $cart = Cart::factory()->create(['user_id' => $user->id]); // create some other test data... mock(ProductService::class, function ($mock) use ($product) { $mock->shouldReceive('decrementStock') ->with($product->id, 1) ->once(); $mock->shouldReceive('getProductById') ->with($product->id) ->once() ->andReturn($product); }); mock(PaymentService::class) ->shouldReceive('charge') ->once(); // ...

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it('creates a new order', function () { Event::fake(); $user = User::factory()->create(); $cart = Cart::factory()->create(['user_id' => $user->id]); // create some other test data... mock(ProductService::class, function ($mock) use ($product) { $mock->shouldReceive('decrementStock') ->with($product->id, 1) ->once(); $mock->shouldReceive('getProductById') ->with($product->id) ->once() ->andReturn($product); }); mock(PaymentService::class) ->shouldReceive('charge') ->once(); // ...

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Ϟδϡʔϧؒͷ֎෦Ωʔ੍໿͸ີ݁߹ʹͭͳ͕Δ Order module Inventory module Cart Items Products product_id id

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it('creates a new order', function () { Event::fake(); $user = User::factory()->create(); $cart = Cart::factory()->create(['user_id' => $user->id]); // create some other test data... mock(ProductService::class, function ($mock) use ($product) { $mock->shouldReceive('decrementStock') ->with($product->id, 1) ->once(); $mock->shouldReceive('getProductById') ->with($product->id) ->once() ->andReturn($product); }); mock(PaymentService::class) ->shouldReceive('charge') ->once(); // ...

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// ... $order = postJson('/order-module/orders', ['cart_id' => $cart->id]) ->assertCreated() ->json('data'); assertDatabaseHas('orders', [ 'id' => $order['id'], ]); Event::assertDispatched(OrderFulfilled::class, $order['id']);

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%FQUSBDΛ࢖ͬͨ੩తίʔυղੳ w ϨΠϠʔΛఆٛ w ϨΠϠʔؒΞΫηεͷϧʔϧΛఆٛ w ϧʔϧʹҧ൓͍ͯ͠ΔίʔυΛݕ஌ w ґଘؔ܎ΛՄࢹԽ

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composer require qossmic/deptrac-shim --dev sudo apt-get install graphviz // for visualising dependency graph

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parameters: paths: - ./src - ./app layers: - name: Common collectors: - type: directory regex: ./app/.* - name: Contracts collectors: - type: directory regex: .*/Contracts/.* - name: Vendor collectors: - type: bool must_not: - type: directory regex: ./(src|app)/.* - name: Inventory collectors: - type: bool must: - type: directory regex: ./src/Inventory/.* must_not: - type: directory regex: ./src/Inventory/Contracts/.* // deptrac.yaml

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parameters: paths: - ./src - ./app layers: - name: Common collectors: - type: directory regex: ./app/.* - name: Contracts collectors: - type: directory regex: .*/Contracts/.* - name: Vendor collectors: - type: bool must_not: - type: directory regex: ./(src|app)/.* - name: Inventory collectors: - type: bool must: - type: directory regex: ./src/Inventory/.* must_not: - type: directory regex: ./src/Inventory/Contracts/.* // deptrac.yaml

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parameters: paths: - ./src - ./app layers: - name: Common collectors: - type: directory regex: ./app/.* - name: Contracts collectors: - type: directory regex: .*/Contracts/.* - name: Vendor collectors: - type: bool must_not: - type: directory regex: ./(src|app)/.* - name: Inventory collectors: - type: bool must: - type: directory regex: ./src/Inventory/.* must_not: - type: directory regex: ./src/Inventory/Contracts/.* // deptrac.yaml

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parameters: paths: - ./src - ./app layers: - name: Common collectors: - type: directory regex: ./app/.* - name: Contracts collectors: - type: directory regex: .*/Contracts/.* - name: Vendor collectors: - type: bool must_not: - type: directory regex: ./(src|app)/.* - name: Inventory collectors: - type: bool must: - type: directory regex: ./src/Inventory/.* must_not: - type: directory regex: ./src/Inventory/Contracts/.* // deptrac.yaml

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parameters: paths: - ./src - ./app layers: - name: Common collectors: - type: directory regex: ./app/.* - name: Contracts collectors: - type: directory regex: .*/Contracts/.* - name: Vendor collectors: - type: bool must_not: - type: directory regex: ./(src|app)/.* - name: Inventory collectors: - type: bool must: - type: directory regex: ./src/Inventory/.* must_not: - type: directory regex: ./src/Inventory/Contracts/.* // deptrac.yaml

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parameters: paths: - ./src - ./app layers: - name: Common collectors: - type: directory regex: ./app/.* - name: Contracts collectors: - type: directory regex: .*/Contracts/.* - name: Vendor collectors: - type: bool must_not: - type: directory regex: ./(src|app)/.* - name: Inventory collectors: - type: bool must: - type: directory regex: ./src/Inventory/.* must_not: - type: directory regex: ./src/Inventory/Contracts/.* // deptrac.yaml

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parameters: paths: - ./src - ./app layers: - name: Common collectors: - type: directory regex: ./app/.* - name: Contracts collectors: - type: directory regex: .*/Contracts/.* - name: Vendor collectors: - type: bool must_not: - type: directory regex: ./(src|app)/.* - name: Inventory collectors: - type: bool must: - type: directory regex: ./src/Inventory/.* must_not: - type: directory regex: ./src/Inventory/Contracts/.* // deptrac.yaml

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parameters: paths: - ./src - ./app layers: - name: Common collectors: - type: directory regex: ./app/.* - name: Contracts collectors: - type: directory regex: .*/Contracts/.* - name: Vendor collectors: - type: bool must_not: - type: directory regex: ./(src|app)/.* - name: Inventory collectors: - type: bool must: - type: directory regex: ./src/Inventory/.* must_not: - type: directory regex: ./src/Inventory/Contracts/.* // deptrac.yaml

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parameters: paths: - ./src - ./app layers: # ... ruleset: Common: - Vendor Contracts: - Vendor - Common Inventory: - Contracts - Vendor - Common Order: - Contracts - Vendor - Common Payment: - Contracts - Vendor - Common Shipping: - Contracts - Vendor - Common // deptrac.yaml

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parameters: paths: - ./src - ./app layers: # ... ruleset: Common: - Vendor Contracts: - Vendor - Common Inventory: - Contracts - Vendor - Common Order: - Contracts - Vendor - Common Payment: - Contracts - Vendor - Common Shipping: - Contracts - Vendor - Common // deptrac.yaml

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parameters: paths: - ./src - ./app layers: # ... ruleset: Common: - Vendor Contracts: - Vendor - Common Inventory: - Contracts - Vendor - Common Order: - Contracts - Vendor - Common Payment: - Contracts - Vendor - Common Shipping: - Contracts - Vendor - Common // deptrac.yaml

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parameters: paths: - ./src - ./app layers: # ... ruleset: Common: - Vendor Contracts: - Vendor - Common Inventory: - Contracts - Vendor - Common Order: - Contracts - Vendor - Common Payment: - Contracts - Vendor - Common Shipping: - Contracts - Vendor - Common // deptrac.yaml

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parameters: paths: - ./src - ./app layers: # ... ruleset: Common: - Vendor Contracts: - Vendor - Common Inventory: - Contracts - Vendor - Common Order: - Contracts - Vendor - Common Payment: - Contracts - Vendor - Common Shipping: - Contracts - Vendor - Common // deptrac.yaml

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No content

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DB::table('products') ->where('id', $orderLine->product_id) ->decrement(‘stock', $orderLine->quantity); // src/Order/Domain/Models/Order.php

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·ͱΊ w ϚΠΫϩαʔϏεͷલஈ֊ͱͯ͠ͷϞδϡϥʔϞϊϦε w ϞδϡʔϧԽ͢ΔͨΊͷσΟϨΫτϦߏ଄ w ίϯτϥΫτΛ௨ͨ͠Ϟδϡʔϧؒ௨৴ w ϞδϡʔϧͷςετͰ͸ɺίϯτϥΫτΛϞοΫ w %FQUSBDΛ࢖ͬͯυϝΠϯͷڥքΛڧ੍

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ϦϯΫू • •Modularising the Monolith - Laracon Online 2022 •Deconstructing the Monolith: Designing Software that Maximizes Developer Productivity •Under Deconstruction: The State of Shopify’s Monolith •Long live the Monolith! Monolithic Architecture != Big Ball of Mud •Strategic Monoliths and Microservices •Domain-Driven Laravel

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THANK YOU @avosalmon