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Gareth Rushgrove How people actually write Puppet Analyzing 7.5 million lines of Puppet code

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What if we were to analyze all of the code written in the Puppet language?

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- But why? - GitHub and BigQuery - and the Forge - Caveats and limitations

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WARNING This presentation contains far too many SQL queries with embedded regex

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But why? Why analyzing code is useful

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Making design decisions

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What features could/should be removed?

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Identify common problems which can be addressed with additional tooling

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See how and where new features are adopted by users

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Identify contributors for more qualitative research

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GitHub and BigQuery Our main source of data

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Open source code on GitHub available in BigQuery

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BigQuery provides a SQL interface to all of the code on GitHub, along with the associated metadata

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Repository contains all the queries used in this this talk

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How many bytes of Puppet code?

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How many lines of Puppet code?

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In how many files?

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From how many contributors?

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So we have lots of code from lots of people. What questions might we ask?

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How do people license their Puppet code?

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How do people license their Puppet code? mit(7345) apache-2.0 (6368) gpl-3.0 (1537) gpl-2.0 (1512) bsd-3-clause (805) bsd-2-clause (373) mpl-2.0 (287) agpl-3.0 (160) isc (121) unlicense (105)

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Mainly permissive licenses, but nearly 15% is GPL

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What do people name their classes? apache(153) mysql (131) php (129) base (118) main (118) nginx (110) git (84) python (82) mysql::params (69) ssh (64) mysql::server (59) apt (59) puppet::params (56) mysql::config (55) nodejs (53) apt_get_update (52)

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What do people name defined types? add_dotdeb (75) mysql_db (68) mysql_nginx_default_conf (57) mongodb_db(52) nginx_vhost (49) postgresql_db (40) mariadb_db (39) mariabdb_nginx_default_conf (38) safepackage(31) iptables_port (26)

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What packages do people manage with Puppet? git (552) curl (386) wget (239) nginx(246) apache2 (244) vim (243) unzip (238) build-essential (197) python-pip (185) mysql (184) ntp (176) openssh-server (156) nodejs (152) httpd (138)

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What services do people manage with Puppet? apache2 (314) nginx (280) mysql (239) httpd (165) puppet (125) iptables (119) ssh (105) postgresql (93) php5-fpm (88) neutron-server (81) ntp (76) postfix (74) ntpd (71) sshd (70) mysqld (69)

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These give a good indication of the most common stacks managed with Puppet

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- Apache and Nginx - PHP, Python and Node.js - MySQL and PostgreSQL

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It would be interesting to look at this over time too

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Who committed most of this code?

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Popular file names containing Puppet code

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Simple Puppet Module Structure in 2009

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Evidence that install, config, service pattern became the defacto way of organising code

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What types are used the most?

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Which resource types are most used? file (30298) package (22162) exec (16825) service (11112) user (3951) host (2361) group (2181) notify (2151) yumrepo (1229) cron (1122) stage (429) resources (380) mount (373) ssh_authorized_key (271)

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Which resource types are least used? interface (260) zone (207) selboolean (108) router (103) tidy (76) sshkey (66) schedule (42) filebucket (42) mailalias (40) vlan (31) selmodule (25) zfs (11) mcx (6) scheduled_task (5) zpool (3) k5login (3) computer (2) maillist (1)

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More than 50% of resources are file and package

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exec accounts for ~18% of resources

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A very long tail. maillist was used once in 7.5 million lines

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How popular are the nagios types? service (160) command (56) host (49) servicedependency (35) contact (18) servicegroup (10) hostextinfo (8) timeperiod (5) hostdependency (3) serviceescalation (2) hostescalation (1)

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Which new features are used?

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Which data type are being used? String (603) Boolean (411) Integer (174) Hash (132) Array (82) Default (14) Float (5) Numeric (3) Undef (1)

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Which abstract data types are in use? Optional(611) Enum (277) Data (162) Type (145) Variant (134) All (127) Patter (73) Tuple (13) Collection (11) Struct (11) Scaler (2)

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How many repositories container Gemfiles?

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What gems are popular in Puppet projects?

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What gems are popular in Puppet projects? puppet (1285) puppetlabs_spec_helper (1268) rake (1215) puppet-lint (837) metadata-json-lint (726) beaker-rspec (694) rspec-puppet (676) puppet-blacksmith (518) beaker (509) serverspec (444)

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Which puppet-lint plugins are most used? unquoted_string (366) leading_zero (344) absolute_classname (318) trailing_comma (310) version_comparison (248) variable_contains_uppercase (222) beginning_with_digits (191) emtyp_string (156) undef_in_function (147) spaceship_operatorwithout_tag (135)

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Other sources of data, the Forge API and more

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Different systems often have different views on the same object

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Puppet Forge API

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Puppet version dependencies

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Long tail of specific Puppet version requirements

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What licenses are popular for Forge modules?

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Interesting to note that while most Puppet repositories are MIT, most published modules are Apache licensed

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Caveats Limitations of the data

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Obviously this is a subset of all Puppet code

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Software has bugs. Including this software.

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How does private Puppet code vary from this dataset?

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Conclusions If all you remember is...

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The ability to ask questions of a large data set is a useful design tool

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For example, we could use this approach to see how people adopt the new Puppet Tasks

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- Analyzing hieradata - Parsing all of the Puppet code - Seeing changes over time So many more questions:

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- Make it easy to run against your own code - Some way of submitting aggregates - Publish public bigquery tables Lots of ideas too:

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Any questions? And thanks for listening